
Mole Removal near me in Chicago, IL (1)

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Chicago Mole Removal

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the warm weather outdoors. In Chicago, residents can attend music festivals, visit the zoo, or go for a swim to beat the heat. However, too much time in the sun can damage the skin. It is important to be vigilant to changes, and to have any concerns checked out by a doctor. Moles in particular should be examined, and may end up being removed either for health or cosmetic reasons. What is Mole Removal? A mole is a black or brown growth on the skin. They are common and often benign, but it is still important to have them examined by a doctor. Even if there are no health concerns, you can choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. Mole removal is a simple outpatient procedure. During mole removal, the doctor will cleanse your skin to sterilize the area before applying an anesthetic. The doctor will use a scalpel or a laser to remove the mole. Stitches may or may not be required, depending on the size and depth of the mole, and how much skin is removed around the border. The incision will be bandaged and the doctor will review aftercare instructions with you. Benefits of Mole Removal It is extremely important to remove moles if they are cancerous Can be done to remove unattractive moles May leave you feeling more comfortable Leaves you with smoother, clearer skin May make shaving easier Helps reduce skin irritation Professional care can lower your risk of infection or complications How Much Does It Cost? Chicago mole removal may be covered by insurance, so be sure to check with your provider. The cost of mole removal varies depending onthe removal method and size of the mole. It can range from $100 - $1500. How to Get a Mole Removed in Chicago If you’d like to schedule an appointment, check out the listings above to book mole removal in the Chicago area, or download the free Booksy app to explore your options on the go.