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Znajdź pracę dla siebie

👉 Senior Python Developer
👉 Software Engineering Team Leader
👉 Senior Software Developer
👉 Analytics Engineer
👉 Salesforce Technical Lead
👉 Global Information Systems Manager
👉 Intern (Enterprise Technology Team)
👉 Senior Accountant (Spanish market)
👉 Group Reporting Senior Accountant
👉 In-house Lawyer (Product domain)
👉 People & Culture Development Specialist (L&D Specialist)
👉 CRM Specialist
👉 Product Marketing Manager - Payments
👉 Marketing Analyst
👉 Product Marketing Manager - Growth
👉 Product Data Analyst - Intern
👉 Business Analyst
👉 Business Analyst


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Product Engineering

👉 Senior Python Developer

Booksy to polski startup założony w 2015 r., oferujący platformę do rezerwacji wizyt online oraz system do zarządzania biznesem w branży usługowej. Jesteśmy jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się polskich firm i światowym liderem branży beauty. Działamy globalnie i mamy ambitne cele!

Booksy to dynamiczne środowisko pracy i duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego dla osób z różnymi umiejętnościami - od specjalistów IT, przez marketingowców, po handlowców i specjalistów ds. obsługi klienta. Niezależnie od tego na jakim stanowisku pracujesz w Booksy, każdego dnia masz realny wpływ na produkt, który oferujemy naszym klientom!

Aktualnie do jednego z naszych zespołów technicznych, odpowiedzialnych za rozwój naszych produktów oraz za wsparcie biznesu poszukujemy doświadczonego Senior Python Developer. Jeśli cenisz sobie świetną atmosferę w pracy i szukasz miejsca, w którym będziesz mieć realny wpływ na rozwój oprogramowania, zgłoś się do nas!

Jako Senior Python Developer dołączysz do zespołu Provider Engagement odpowiedzialnego za tworzenie nowych rozwiązań w obszarze promowania płatności w aplikacji.


Twój zakres obowiązków:

  • Tworzenie i dostarczanie oprogramowania, utrzymanie i rozwój aplikacji.
  • Udział w produktowo-scrum’owym procesie projektowania - od analizy problemów produktowych, projektowania i definiowania rozwiązań w oparciu o cele biznesowe, prowadzenia przeglądów projektów, aż do monitorowania produkcyjnych rozwiązań.
  • Udział w pracach zespołu programistów przy rozwoju platformy, w tym testowaniu aplikacji, wykonywaniu Code Review i wspieraniu mniej doświadczonych deweloperów.
  • Odpowiedzialność za jakość i stabilność dostarczanego produktu oraz decyzje architektoniczne produktu.
  • Wynoszenie modułów z monolitu
  • Wykonywanie prac wdrożeniowych.

Technologie, których używamy: 

Python, Django, Elasticsearch, Django Rest Framework, Celery, SQL (Postgres), REST API.


Nasze wymagania:

  • Masz min. 4 lat komercyjnego doświadczenia pracy jako backend engineer.
  • Masz kilkuletnie doświadczenie w programowaniu aplikacji webowych oraz doświadczenie w projektowaniu architektury aplikacji/mikroserwisów.
  • Znasz dobre praktyki tworzenia oprogramowania, nie boisz się ich sugerować i wdrażać.
  • Podczas pracy szukasz optymalnych rozwiązań zarówno jeśli chodzi o wydajność kodu jak i czas jego przygotowania i uruchomienia na produkcji.
  • Lubisz pracę produktową i chcesz angażować się w projekty od ich fazy koncepcyjnej.
  • Masz doświadczenie w wynoszeniu modułów z monolitu.
  • Masz doświadczenie w optymalizacji zapytań.
  • Bardzo dobrze znasz i masz doświadczenie w pracy z PostgreSQL lub innymi relacyjnymi bazami danych.
  • Znasz rozwiązania cloud’owe (GCP lub inne).
  • Znasz Python’owy framework Django oraz projektujesz REST API.
  • Chętnie pomagasz mniej doświadczonym developerom.
  • Doświadczenie w pracy z Go i Elasticsearchem jest dodatkowym plusem.
  • Znasz język angielski na poziomie min. B2.

Co oferujemy:

  • Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do Twojego doświadczenia oraz zaangażowania.
  • Rodzaj umowy dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb oraz elastyczne godziny pracy.
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej lub w jednym z naszych dog-friendly biur (Warszawa, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Przyjazne i wspierające środowisko pracy (🥳sprawdź i dowiedz się o nas więcej!).
  • Pracę w zgranym zespole, zawsze gotowym do pomocy.
  • Realny wpływ na kształt aplikacji używanych przez kilka milionów użytkowników.
  • Możliwość rozwoju w międzynarodowym środowisku - mamy zespoły w 8 krajach, w tym w USA, Brazylii oraz UK!
  • Benefity: prywatną opiekę medyczną, dofinansowanie karty multisport, PetHelp dla Twojego zwierzaka, bezpłatne zajęcia online z języka angielskiego, platformę kafeteryjną i wiele, wiele innych :)

Brzmi interesująco? Aplikuj wypełniając formularz rekrutacyjny :) Czekamy na Ciebie!


~ Zespół Booksy

👉 Software Engineering Team Leader

Booksy to polski startup założony w 2015 r., oferujący platformę do rezerwacji wizyt online oraz system do zarządzania biznesem w branży usługowej. Jesteśmy jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się polskich firm i światowym liderem branży beauty. Działamy globalnie i mamy ambitne cele!

Booksy to dynamiczne środowisko pracy i duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego dla osób z różnymi umiejętnościami - od specjalistów IT, przez marketingowców, po handlowców i specjalistów ds. obsługi klienta. Niezależnie od tego na jakim stanowisku pracujesz w Booksy, każdego dnia masz realny wpływ na produkt, który oferujemy naszym klientom!

Aktualnie do jednego z naszych zespołów technicznych, odpowiedzialnych za rozwój naszych produktów oraz za wsparcie biznesu poszukujemy doświadczonego Software Engineering Team Leadera. Jeśli cenisz sobie świetną atmosferę w pracy i szukasz miejsca, w którym będziesz mieć realny wpływ na rozwój oprogramowania, zgłoś się do nas.

Szukamy Team Leadera do zespołu Provider/Onboarding zajmującego się:

  • procesem logowania/rejestracji salonów do Booksy; 
  • onboardowaniem klientów, procesem poznawania i wdrażania się do produktu;
  • zakupem subskrypcji.

Zespół jest bardzo zgrany, operuje na danych, posiada kompetencje techniczne i produktowe do dostarczania nowych rozwiązań od hipotezy aż po funkcjonalności działające na produkcji na każdej z platform które wspiera Booksy.


Twój zakres obowiązków:

  • Bieżąca praca w zwinnym zespole developerskim - praca z architekturą i kodem w ramach odpowiedzialności zespołu.
  • Jako właściciel technologiczny - poznajesz i dbasz o technologię zespołu, jesteś świadomy długu technologicznego i masz plan na rozwój.
  • Jako lider - dbasz o organizację pracy w zespole, szukasz usprawnień, dbasz o atmosferę i pracujesz z zaangażowaniem. Wymieniasz doświadczenia z pozostałymi liderami.
  • Jako przełożony - rozwijasz, oceniasz i udzielasz feedback. Odpowiadasz za ścieżkę rozwoju i wynagrodzenie swoich ludzi.
  • Jako partner techniczny - wspierasz produkt w wybraniu właściwej ścieżki technicznej.
  • Jako współpracownik - realizujesz ustalony z managerem kontrakt, konsultujesz działania i ustalasz ścieżkę rozwoju.


Nasze wymagania:

  • Minimum 2 lata pracy jako Team Leader/Engineering Manager - kierowanie zespołem technologicznym oraz zarządzanie personelem.
  • Co najmniej 6 lat doświadczenia na stanowisku inżyniera w jednej z wiodących technologii backendowych, priorytetowo Python.
  • Praktyczne doświadczenie w kreowaniu i utrzymywaniu architektury mikroserwisowej.
  • Umiejętność tworzenia i wspierania elastycznych zespołów odpowiedzialnych za określony obszar technologiczny, zarówno pod kątem rozwoju funkcjonalności, jak i dbałości o jakość i inwestycje technologiczne.
  • Zdolność do nadzorowania SLA, rozwiązywania problemów produkcyjnych oraz analizy metryk technologicznych.
  • Umiejętność nawiązywania relacji i wspierania rozwoju członków zespołu.
  • Doświadczenie w wspieraniu celów produktowych i udzielaniu wsparcia Product Managerom w ustalaniu właściwych ścieżek technologicznych.
  • Znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie co najmniej B2.
  • Umiejętność zarządzania zmianą w dynamicznym i rozwijającym się środowisku.



  • Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do Twojego doświadczenia oraz zaangażowania.
  • Rodzaj umowy dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb oraz elastyczne godziny pracy.
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej lub w jednym z naszych dog-friendly biur (Warszawa, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Przyjazne i wspierające środowisko pracy (🥳sprawdź i dowiedz się o nas więcej!).
  • Pracę w zgranym zespole, zawsze gotowym do pomocy.
  • Realny wpływ na kształt aplikacji używanych przez kilka milionów użytkowników.
  • Możliwość rozwoju w międzynarodowym środowisku - mamy zespoły w 8 krajach, w tym w USA, Brazylii oraz UK!
  • Benefity: prywatną opiekę medyczną, karty Multisport, ubezpieczenie na życie, darmowe zajęcia online z języka angielskiego, platformę kafeteryjną i wiele wiele więcej :)


Brzmi interesująco? Aplikuj wypełniając formularz rekrutacyjny :) Czekamy na Ciebie!


~ Zespół Booksy

👉 Senior Software Developer

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the hair & beauty industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in our field . We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists. Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

Due to our explosive growth and global expansion, we are looking for an experienced Senior Software Developer to join the team!

Your responsibilities:

  • Creating and delivering software, maintaining and developing applications. 
  • Participation in the product-oriented scrum process of design - from analysis of product issues, designing and defining solutions based on business goals, conducting project reviews, to monitoring production solutions. 
  • Collaboration with the team of programmers in the development of the platform, including application testing, conducting Code Review, and supporting less experienced developers. 
  • Responsibility for the quality and stability of the delivered product and influence on architectural decisions. 
  • Extracting modules from the monolith. 
  • Performing deployment tasks. 
  • Maintenance of the Kiute platform.

Our TechStack: Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Elasticsearch, Java, JS (Angular, node.js).

Our requirements: 

  • Min. 6 years of commercial work experience as a backend/frontend engineer (Python, Java, JS). 
  • Several years of experience in programming web applications and experience in designing application/microservices architecture.
  • Knowledge of the best software development practices. 
  • Willingness to seek optimal solutions both in terms of code performance and the time it takes to prepare and deploy it in production. 
  • Experience in extracting modules from a monolith. 
  • Experience in query optimization. 
  • Very good knowledge and experience in working with PostgreSQL or other relational databases.
  • Familiarity with Google App Engine
  • Familiarity with cloud solutions (GCP or others). 
  • Knowledge of the Python Django framework and the ability to design REST APIs
  • Fluency in English (B2/C1)

What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help 
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)

Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team

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Enterprise Technology

👉 Analytics Engineer

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the service industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in the beauty industry. We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers to salespeople and customer service specialists.
Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

In anticipation of increasing scale and complexity of the business we’re now looking for an Analytics Engineer. If you're passionate about harnessing data for strategic decision-making and adept at constructing resilient analytical systems in our rapidly expanding cloud environment, this role is tailor-made for you!

As an Analytics Engineer at Booksy, you'll collaborate closely with stakeholders and data producers to deliver dependable, observable, and scalable analytical solutions that empower our analytics teams.

Don't miss this opportunity to shape the future of our analytics capabilities and drive innovation. Join us and harness the transformative power of data to revolutionize our platform.


Your responsibilities:

  • Collaboration with Stakeholders: Working closely with business analysts, data analysts, data producers, data scientists, and other stakeholders to understand their data needs, provide support, and create data solutions that align with business goals.
  • Data Modeling: Developing and implementing data models that organize and structure data for efficient storage and retrieval. This involves understanding business requirements and designing schemas, tables, and relationships.
  • Troubleshooting and Optimization: Identifying and resolving data-related issues, optimizing queries, and improving the performance of the data warehouse to ensure efficient data retrieval and reporting.
  • Data Governance: Ensuring that the data in the Data Warehouse has clear ownership and that the owners maintain high quality of data.


Our requirements:

Must have:

  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or similar analytical position.
  • Extensive knowledge of SQL and OLAP data modeling.
  • Good knowledge with Data Warehouse design patterns.
  • Good interpersonal skills. Ability to explain the needs to stakeholders and persuade them to deliver required input in a timely manner.

Nice to have:

  • Good knowledge of Data Governance concepts and tools.
  • Experience in BigQuery, Airflow, Git, Looker Studio, Python.


What we offer:

  • Contract type tailored to your needs & flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work fully remotely or from one of our dog-friendly offices.
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Values-driven culture, friendly and supportive team.
  • Unique experience and opportunity to develop in a multicultural environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK!
  • Competitive benefits package and a wide range of perks :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team

👉 Salesforce Technical Lead

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the hair & beauty industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in our field . We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists.

Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

As our Salesforce Technical Lead, you will be at the forefront of driving innovation and excellence in our Salesforce platform.


Your responsibilities:

  • Designing and leading the technical implementation of new features and bug fixes in Salesforce, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to gather requirements and architect scalable solutions for upcoming projects, aligning them with business objectives.
  • Configuring and customizing Salesforce to meet the unique needs of our organization, while providing necessary architectural oversight and guidance.
  • Supporting cross-functional teams in integrating their tools with Salesforce, fostering seamless collaboration and data flow.
  • Keeping abreast of the latest Salesforce features and best practices, and mentoring team members to ensure continuous learning and improvement.
  • Taking ownership of tasks and responsibilities, prioritizing effectively and communicating transparently with both internal teams and external stakeholders.


Our requirements:

  • Proficiency in Salesforce data model, automation tools, and user profile management, with experience in Sales and Service Clouds.
  • Ability to interpret and analyze APEX and Visualforce/LWC code, and familiarity with basic architectural concepts.
  • Advanced English proficiency for effective communication with international stakeholders.
  • Knowledge of DevOps processes and tools to streamline development and deployment workflows.
  • Preferably, certifications such as Salesforce Admin, Platform App Builder, and Salesforce Advanced Administrator.
  • A strategic mindset to align Salesforce configurations with long-term business objectives, coupled with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Clear and effective communication abilities, enabling smooth collaboration with both technical and non-technical teams.
  • Excellent collaboration skills, with a demonstrated ability to work effectively in cross-functional teams.


What we offer:

  • Contract type tailored to your needs & flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work fully remotely or from one of our dog-friendly offices.
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Values-driven culture, friendly and supportive team.
  • Unique experience and opportunity to develop in a multicultural environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK!
  • Competitive benefits package and a wide range of perks :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team

👉 Global Information Systems Manager

Want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world? You’re in the right place. Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 28+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year.

Currently we have offices in Poland, Spain, France, the US, and the UK. And we’re only getting started.  

We are currently seeking a Global Information Systems Manager who will provide support to our country teams (Customer Service, Sales, Operations) by overseeing the delivery, implementation, and maintenance of IT solutions in their daily operations.


Your responsibilities:

  • Definition and execution of strategy around IT systems supporting key business functions (CS, Sales) at Booksy
  • Delivering and maintaining IT solutions, with a focus on our CRM system, to provide essential support to our country teams, including Customer Success, Sales, and Operations, in their daily activities.
  • Taking the lead on a global harmonization project (technology area), where you will identify opportunities for standardization, optimization, and automation within our Customer Success, Sales, and Operations areas.
  • Collaborating closely with country teams to ensure the seamless implementation of IT systems and initiatives, all driven by business needs and available data.
  • Employing your expertise to identify, produce, gather, and meticulously analyze available data, providing insights into the efficiency of the processes we support.
  • Leading and guiding a dedicated team responsible for system maintenance and development.


Our requirements:

  • A robust track record in driving multinational IT initiatives, with a preference for experience within the dynamic e-commerce sector.
  • In-depth knowledge of sales and customer success processes, coupled with the ability to translate business requirements into precise system design specifications.
  • Strong analytical skills and a resolute 'data-driven mindset' to fully grasp and effectively communicate the business impact of the changes you introduce.
  • Proven service management experience in procuring, building, maintaining, and enhancing the IT systems that underpin our Customer Success and Sales processes.
  • English proficiency (C1 level - speaking, listening & writing)
  • Exceptional stakeholder management skills to skillfully navigate tactical business needs while upholding the strategic objectives of the team.
  • Proficiency in people management, enabling you to lead, inspire, and cultivate the skills and potential of your team members.


  • Experience with the Salesforce ecosystem is considered a valuable asset.
  • Familiarity with Data Warehouse technologies and SQL would be advantageous.


What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)

Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :) We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team


👉 Intern (Enterprise Technology Team)

Want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world? You’re in the right place. Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 28+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year. 

We're seeking an Intern to join our OPS Automation team, assisting in the administration and enhancement of external customer contact tools. In this role, you'll play a vital part in daily operations, including reaching out to local markets, resolving technical issues, and managing access privileges. Additionally, you'll collaborate with external tool providers, supporting the implementation of new solutions and overseeing smaller projects alongside local operations teams.

Your responsibilities

  • Assistance in handling operational enquiries from local markets (Poland, US, Western Europe, Brazil)
  • Resolving technical issues reported by local markets and cooperation with external companies providing tools in order to solve them.
  • Providing support of projects within the global operations area.
  • Management of access to systems and tools (Contact Center, Device Management), including granting and revoking access as part of daily operations and onboarding/offboarding processes..
  • Contribution to the development of customer contact tools, such as telephone and chat systems. 
  • Assistance in implementing new solutions, enhancements, and global processes. 
  • Aid in the maintenance of customer contact tools, including telephony and chatbot development, and coordinate activities across local markets.

Our requirements

  • Strong sense of responsibility and a proactive approach.
  • High energy, drive, and exceptional communication skills. 
  • Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data and reason effectively. 
  • Attention to detail and accuracy in work. 
  • Proficiency in written and verbal English. 
  • Familiarity with Google Workspace (Sheets, Slides, Docs) preferred. 
  • Knowledge of Salesforce is advantageous. 
  • Experience in systems/tools administration would be beneficial.

What we offer

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
    Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help.
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :) We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team


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👉 Senior Accountant (Spanish market)

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the service industry. We are one of the fastest-growing Polish companies and an international leader in the beauty industry. We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

We are looking for a motivated and experienced Senior Accountant, who will support our Spanish team!

As a Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for all accounting processes in our Spanish subsidiary. Your role will be to provide reliable financial information and meet statutory requirements. The perfect candidate will demonstrate a willingness to work in a rapidly changing environment and an ability to shape new processes as well as improve old ones.


Your responsibilities:

  • Full responsibility for the accounting processes of our Spanish subsidiary.
  • Managing all accounting transactions.
  • Revenue reconciliation.
  • Bank statement reconciliation;
  • Reconcile accounts payable and receivable.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Evaluating, developing and improving accounting policies and procedures.
  • Consolidation package preparation.
  • IC transactions confirmation.
  • Managing external offices and tax consultants.
  • Participating in strategic projects with regard to financial processes.
  • Participating in ERP development.


Our requirements:

  • Min. 5 years of field experience with min. 2 years as an independent accountant in an international company.
  • Intricate knowledge and experience from working with Polish GAAP and US GAAP.
  • Experience with Business Central ( Navision).
  • Fluent English (B2+)
  • Hands-on attitude.


Nice to have:

  • Fluent Spanish.
  • Experience working with accounting for SaaS technology companies.
  • Experience working with a shared service center.
  • Experience with ERP / accounting platform implementation and development.
  • Experience mapping and improving accounting processes.
  • Experience with implementation of internal controls.


What we offer:

  • contract type tailored to your needs & flexible working hours,
  • competitive salary,
  • remote work opportunities & dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała),
  • unique opportunity to become a Booksy Rocketship member :)
  • interesting and challenging goals,
  • work in a well-supportive team which is always ready to help (🥳click here and learn more about us!),
  • values-driven culture, friendly and supportive Team,
  • unique experience and opportunity to develop in a multicultural environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, France and UK!
  • perks: Private Medical Care, Multisport cards, Life Insurance, PetHelp, free online English lessons, cafeteria platform & many many more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

👉 Group Reporting Senior Accountant

Booksy, the largest and fastest-growing booking platform for appointment-based businesses, aims to connect beauty service providers to their ideal customers and give them the tools they need to thrive.". Founded in 2015 in Poland,Booky’s platform’s connects 120K+ business owners to 28+ million customers worldwide.


Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists. Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!


We are looking for a motivated and experienced Group Reporting Accountant, who will support our Accounting team.


As a Group Reporting Senior Accountant, you will be responsible for statutory reporting processes and consolidation for Booksy Group. The ideal candidate loves to work  in a rapidly changing environment and takes ownership of developing  new processes and improving existing ones.  .


Your responsibilities:

  • Prepare monthly consolidated Booksy results  and supports accurate internal financial reporting in compliance with Polish GAAP and US GAAP.
  • Ensure timely preparation of year- end statutory consolidated financial statements with all complementary notes in compliance with Polish GAAP and US GAAP.
  • Assist timely preparation of year- end statutory financial statements for all Booksy entities in compliance with local GAAP.
  • Assist in the audit and review of reporting data & early warning processes.
  • IC transactions reconciliation and confirmation.
  • Liaise with accounting staff across the Group and company’s auditors and advisors.
  • Resolve and advises on issues related to proper accounting treatment;
  • Ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Identify areas and issues that need to be followed with up-dates of Group Accounting Policy, proposes guidelines and supports consistency, quality and timelines of financial reporting.
  • Participate in strategic projects with regard to financial processes such as: implementation of new/ changed accounting standards, accounting of new acquisitions, coordination of integration process of newly acquired entities, liquidation of entities etc.
  • Implement internal control system in the accounting area.
  • Participation in ERP development.

Your qualifications :

  • Min. 5 years of hands-on experience with min. 3 years as a consolidation specialist  in an international Group of companies.
  • University degree in accounting / controlling / finance, or Polish Accountants Association certificate (min. 2nd degree)
  • Deep knowledge and experience with Polish GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS.
  • Proficiency in Excel.
  • Expertise in accounting processes and multi- currency consolidation.
  • Fluency in English (B2+).
  • Involvement in mapping and improving accounting processes.
  • Familiarity with implementing and refining consolidation processes.
  • Experience with the implementation of internal controls.
  • Experience working in a fast-growth technology company.
  • Detail-oriented, independent and systematic working style.
  • Team player with flexibility, and willingness to take over responsibility.

Nice to have:

  • Familiarity with Business Central (Navision).
  • Involvement in ERP/accounting platform implementation and development.

What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help. 
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)

Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team


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People & Culture

👉 People & Culture Development Specialist (L&D Specialist)

Want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world? You’re in the right place. Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 28+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year.

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers to salespeople and customer service specialists.
Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

In anticipation of increasing scale and complexity of the business we’re now looking for a People & Culture Development Specialist (L&D Specialist).

Your responsibilities:

  • Identifying skills & knowledge gaps within teams and delivering appropriate developmental solutions
  • Providing front line advice and support on P&C related matters to managers and colleagues
  • Assisting with onsite communication activities and initiatives
  • Management of P&C tools such as Officevibe etc.
  • Leading diverse initiatives to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction through surveys, focus groups and action planning
  • Managing and delivering trainings to Booksy employees
  • Utilizing data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of training programs, employee development initiatives and overall talent management strategies
  • Developing and maintaining training materials and content
  • Participating in P&C project for local and international needs
  • Coach, challenge and support managers on various people-related matters

Our requirements:

  • 2+ years of experience in Learning & Development area, ideally in an international environment
  • Experience in working with IT Teams
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work across various functions and countries
  • Proactive and pragmatic approach with ability to work independently and focus on getting things done
  • Ability to adapt to rapidly changing business circumstances
  • Passion for Business and People
  • Knowledge of Polish labour law will be a plus
  • Fluency in English (B2+)

What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help  (🥳 check and learn more about us!).
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)

Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :) We're waiting for you!

~ Booksy Team


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Obsługa Klienta

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👉 CRM Specialist

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the hair & beauty industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in our field . We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists.

Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

Currently we’re looking for a CRM Specialist to help us take our communication strategies to new heights. If you have experience managing omni-channel campaigns, testing new ideas, and just can’t keep yourself away from the data, keep reading.


What you’ll do:

  • Bring expertise and fresh perspective to help us establish result-based communication strategies at Booksy through our email, push, in-app and SMS channels. 
  • Manage the tactical execution of Booksy’s omni-channel communication campaigns including content review, template creation, sendout, and analysis. 
  • Develop an agile framework for testing new strategies to improve the results of Booksy’s e-mail campaigns - both for blast campaigns, as well as trigger based journeys.
  • Work with regional marketing teams to execute on campaigns that support their local go-to-market strategies.
  • Monitor campaign performance against key KPIs and leverage results to establish best practices for Booksy’s e-mail, SMS, and push marketing programs.
  • Support regional teams in achieving their current acquisition targets.
  • Support the product marketing team in optimizing conversion rates through all stages of the funnel.
  • Stay on top of industry trends to ensure Booksy’s communication strategies remain relevant and effective.
  • Work across teams to ensure that campaigns are executed efficiently, produce valuable insights, and are delivering meaningful impact. 
  • Contribute to quarterly planning of eCRM marketing activity roadmap.

Desired skills and experience:

  • Experience in email marketing.
  • Experience with direct response marketing and a proven ability to drive towards results.
  • Proven track record of demonstrating the impact of your campaigns on conversion, retention, and revenue metrics.
  • Hands-on experience with state of art email marketing tools including the use of automated audience segmentation interfaces.
  • Data-driven professional with a good feel for numbers and the ability to act based on insights.
  • Ability to adopt new technologies and programs quickly. 
  • Fluent English speaker with strong communication skills. 
  • Some creative experience either in the form of copywriting or graphic design.
  • Team player with excellent organizational and process management skills.
  • Fast learner with natural curiosity and drive to deliver business impact.

What we offer:

  • Contract type tailored to your needs & flexible working hours.
  • Fully remote or on-site work opportunities & dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Values-driven culture, friendly and supportive Team.
  • Opportunity to learn and work on best in class eCRM tools.
  • Unique experience and opportunity to develop in a multicultural environment - we have teams in 5+ countries, including the USA, Spain, and UK.
  • Perks: Private Medical Care, Multisport cards, Life Insurance, free online English lessons, cafeteria platform & many many more :)

Interested? Submit the recruiting form and tell us why you want to join us on this adventure.

👉 Product Marketing Manager - Payments

Want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world? You’re in the right place. Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 25+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year.

Currently we have offices in Poland, Spain, France, the US, and the UK. And we’re only getting started. Our marketing organization is a friendly, collaborative team that values community {let’s do it together}, independence {be yourself}, and the unique journey of each individual {let us take you where you want to go}. Perks include remote work, dog friendly office spaces, bosses that “get it”, and career development opportunities bound only by your own determination.

As a member of the B2B Product Marketing Team, you’ll be directly responsible for helping to empower our providers around the globe with Booksy Payments Solutions.


What you’ll do

  • Support Payments product teams in delivering against their aggressive 2024 targets to increase Booksy payment volumes across the globe.
  • Work alongside other B2B product marketers to position Booksy as a leading player in the payments space for appointment based providers. 
  • Invest time to deeply understand customer pain points and how Booksy’s Payments roadmap will work to resolve them. 
  • Develop an intimate understanding of Booksy Payment solutions so that you can serve as an expert internally and also properly communicate the value of our product to providers and their customers.
  • Develop audience segmentation, product positioning, and messaging frameworks to serve as a base and create consistency in all product related materials.
  • Own go-to-market strategies for Booksy Payment solutions that can be replicated on a global scale. Oversee content production, channel execution, and launch timelines.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders in field marketing teams to establish go-to-market plans in the region with consideration for local nuances and product market fit. 
  • Support product teams in compiling competitive intel and benchmarking Booksy Payment solutions.
  • Work with our CRM team to understand and improve key experiences throughout the Booksy Payments lifecycle. 
  • Collaborate with Payments team and UX research to facilitate market research.
  • Analyze product adoption, usage, and transaction volumes to inform success of product marketing programs/initiatives.
  • Work to improve product/marketing processes in a growing organization that operates across multiple time zones.
  • Collaborate with sales, support, and other internal teams to understand key onboarding, retention, and upsell processes related to payments and work cross-functionally to reduce friction throughout the funnel.
  • Create centralized processes, documentation, and training materials related to Booksy Payments solutions to improve operational excellence.

Desired skills and experience

  • 5+ years of experience in product marketing, preferably in a tech, start-up environment. Comparable experience will be considered.
  • Previous experience working with Payments solutions or a strong interest in learning more about and working within this space. 
  • Global experience and understanding of working across international markets.
  • Proven ability to drive collaboration across multiple stakeholders. 
  • A keen analytical mind to help inform product roadmap decisions and all associated risks.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and an ability to communicate effectively at all levels of an organization, including executive reporting.
  • A self-starter, able to identify required action and execute with minimal supervision.
  • Experience managing several simultaneously executing projects while keeping project management, scheduling and communication cleanly operational.
  • Excel at rapid decision-making, consensus building and conflict resolution, all within the context of hard deadlines and the need to demonstrate results.

What we offer

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

👉 Marketing Analyst


Do you want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world?

You’re in the right place!


Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 28+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year.

Currently we have offices in Poland, Spain, France, the US, and the UK. And we’re only getting started.  Our marketing organization is a friendly, collaborative team that values community {let’s do it together}, independence {be yourself}, and the unique journey of each individual {let us take you where you want to go}. Perks include remote work, dog friendly office spaces, bosses that “get it”, and career development opportunities bound only by your own determination.

We’re looking for a Marketing Analyst to help us take our marketing strategies to new heights. If you have experience managing analytics, testing new ideas, and just can’t keep yourself away from the data, keep reading.

As a Marketing Analyst at Booksy, you will join the Marketing Operations team responsible for:

  • Traffic and results analysis based on web&app data.
  • Creating automation and optimization of global marketing processes using technology.
  • Integration of new analytical and marketing tools.
  • You will have a real impact on the results achieved by Booksy

Your responsibilities:

  • Preparing marketing data analysis to assess campaign effectiveness, identify trends and draw conclusions (using Appsflyer, Google Analytics and other similar tools).
  • Creating reports and analyzes using SQL and PowerBI based on data from various sources.
  • Creating recommendations to improve the effectiveness of marketing activities, including technological improvements.
  • Collaboration in creating requirements and implementing IT solutions.
  • Support in the development of analytical and marketing tools.
  • Participation in larger projects.
  • Taking care of data quality.

Our expectations:

  • min. 2-3 years of experience in a similar position.
  • Advanced knowledge of Excel.
  • Experience in working with SQL (including query optimization) and BigQuery (familiarity with relational databases).
  • Knowledge of Power BI (including DAX) or a similar tool.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English (B2+).
  • Well-developed analytical skills and experience in delivering data-driven solutions.
  • Willingness to develop in the area of marketing technologies.
  • Marketing knowledge (Paid and Organic).

Nice to have:

  • Knowledge of Google Analytics/Appsflyer data model.
  • Knowledge of data measurement techniques.
  • A degree - preferred fields: science, technology, IT, quantitative methods.

What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help 
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)

Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

👉 Product Marketing Manager - Growth

Want to join one of the fastest growing marketplaces in the world? You’re in the right place. Headquartered in Poland, Booksy connects over 100K beauty pros to 25+M customers around the globe. Our mission is simple. We want to connect beauty pros to the tools that they need to manage and grow their businesses, while simplifying the booking process for customers. This results in over 150 million appointments powered by Booksy every single year.

Currently we have offices in Poland, Spain, France, the US, and the UK. And we’re only getting started. Our marketing organization is a friendly, collaborative team that values community {let’s do it together}, independence {be yourself}, and the unique journey of each individual {let us take you where you want to go}. Perks include remote work, dog friendly office spaces, bosses that “get it”, and career development opportunities bound only by your own determination.

As a member of the B2B Product Marketing Team, you’ll be directly responsible for managing growth projects including managing the global launch of new revenue streams, unlocking new verticals, and overseeing migrations. 


What you’ll do

  • Work alongside our Chief Innovation Officer and other Senior Leaders to incubate and scale growth projects at Booksy, including: new core product lines, new verticals, and M&A strategies. 
  • Work with teams to develop realistic targets and growth trajectories for Booksy growth initiatives.
  • Drive strategic relationships with Booksy partners to drive co-branding initiatives and growth projects.
  • Establish marketing KPIs to define success of Booksy’s growth initiatives and monitor these metrics regularly to guide strategic decisions and keep the broader team informed on progress against goals. 
  • Support country teams in delivering against their growth targets as they related to your key projects.
  • Work alongside other B2B product marketers to position Booksy as a leading player in the SMB software space, particularly for appointment based Providers.
  • Invest time to deeply understand customer pain points and how Booksy’s growth roadmap will work to resolve them. 
  • Develop an intimate understanding of Booksy growth initiatives so that you can serve as an expert internally and also properly communicate the value of our product to providers and their customers.
  • Develop audience segmentation, product positioning, and messaging frameworks related to growth projects to ensure consistency across the globe. 
  • Own go-to-market strategies for Booksy’s growth initiatives that can be replicated on a global scale.
  • Oversee content production, channel execution, and launch timelines.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders in field marketing teams to establish go-to-market plans in the region with consideration for local nuances and product market fit. 
  • Support product teams in compiling competitive intel and benchmarking Booksy against alternative solutions in each of our core markets
  • Work with our CRM team to develop automation programs that will support migrations and onboarding to new growth products for key segments.
  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to facilitate market research.
  • Work to improve product/marketing processes in a growing organization that operates across multiple time zones.
  • Collaborate with sales, support, and other internal teams to understand key onboarding and activation moments related to growth projects and work cross-functionally to reduce friction throughout the funnel.
  • Create centralized processes, documentation, and training materials related to Booksy growth initiatives to improve operational excellence.

Desired skills and experience

  • 5+ years of experience in product marketing, preferably in a tech, start-up environment. Comparable experience will be considered.
  • Previous experience working with Payments solutions or a strong interest in learning more about and working within this space. 
  • Global experience and understanding of working across international markets.
  • Proven ability to drive collaboration across multiple stakeholders. 
  • A keen analytical mind to help inform product roadmap decisions and all associated risks.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and an ability to communicate effectively at all levels of an organization, including executive reporting.
  • A self-starter, able to identify required action and execute with minimal supervision.
  • Experience managing several simultaneously executing projects while keeping project management, scheduling and communication cleanly operational.
  • Excel at rapid decision-making, consensus building and conflict resolution, all within the context of hard deadlines and the need to demonstrate results.

What we offer

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

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Product Strategy & Analytics

👉 Product Data Analyst - Intern

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the hair & beauty industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in our field . We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists.

Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

In anticipation of increasing scale and complexity of the business we’re now looking for a Product Data Analyst - Intern.

As a Trainee in Product Data Team, you will embark on a journey of learning and development, gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of our products and customer behaviors. You will work closely with experienced professionals, honing your analytical skills and understanding of business metrics.

If you are enthusiastic about embarking on a rewarding journey in the field of data analytics and making a meaningful impact within a thriving organization, we would love to hear from you.


Your responsibilities:

  • Assist in presenting key metrics to measure product success and monitor product adoption across various markets.
  • Contribute to the preparation and adjustment of reports to aid in the decision-making processes of the Product Team.
  • Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to provide data-driven support for product-related decisions and initiatives.
  • Explore opportunities for process automation in data management and reporting.

Our requirements:

  • A passion for data analysis and a desire to learn and grow within the field.
  • Strong numerical and analytical skills with the ability to work with large volumes of data.
  • SQL and familiarity with databases.
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively within a team environment.
  • Dedication to providing data-driven insights and recommendations.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.
  • A higher degree or ongoing studies in statistics, mathematics, or a related technical field is preferred.

What we offer:

  • Type of contract - mandate contract.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

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US Operations

👉 Business Analyst

Booksy is a Polish startup founded in 2015, offering an online platform for booking appointments and a business management system for the hair & beauty industry. We are one of the fastest growing Polish companies and an international leader in our field . We operate globally and have ambitious goals!

Booksy offers a dynamic work environment and great career opportunities for people with a variety of skill sets - from IT professionals to marketers, salespeople and customer service specialists.

Regardless of the position you hold at Booksy, you make a real impact every day on the product we offer our clients!

In anticipation of increasing scale and complexity of the business we’re now looking for a Business Analyst.

As a Business Analyst at Booksy, you will join the US Operations team dealing with:

  • Everyday support and collaboration with Customer Success and Customer Support Teams.
  • Leading US specific data driven projects.
  • Implementing and analyzing new processes and automations.
  • System administrations.
  • Leveraging data-driven insights to recommend process changes on the US market.


Your responsibilities:

  • Preparing and monitoring reports on new and ongoing projects and initiatives in the US (Power BI, Excel).
  • Implementing and leading data driven projects and initiatives on the US market.
  • Taking care of data quality in our CRM (Salesforce) and systems.
  • Preparing project documentation.
  • Daily cross team cooperation in the US and Poland.
  • Running ad hoc analysis. 
  • Create reports, dashboards and visualizations to help others understand business performance.
  • Analyze business processes and recommend improvements.

Our requirements:

  • 3+ years of experience in a similar position.
  • Excel knowledge at a very good level.
  • Previous experience with SQL and PowerBI - must. 
  • Analytical, data interpretation and reasoning skills.
  • Highly motivated and able to work independently.
  • Fast learner with natural curiosity and high sense of ownership.
  • Ability to set priorities and communicate them across your team and stakeholders.
  • Ability to manage time effectively and efficiently.
  • Fluent English speaker (at least B2 level).

What we offer:

  • Type of contract tailored to your needs and flexible working hours.
  • Opportunity to work remotely or in one of our dog-friendly offices (Warsaw, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Work in a welcoming team which is always ready to help (🥳check and learn more about us!).
  • Opportunity to develop in an international environment - we have teams in 6 countries, including USA, Brazil and UK
  • Benefits: private medical care, multisport card co-financing, PetHelp, insurance plan, free online English classes, a cafeteria platform and much, much more :)


Sounds interesting? Apply by completing the recruitment form :)  We're waiting for you!


~ Booksy Team

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Business Analytics

👉 Business Analyst

Booksy to polski startup założony w 2015 r., oferujący platformę do rezerwacji wizyt online oraz system do zarządzania biznesem w branży usługowej. Jesteśmy jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się polskich firm i światowym liderem branży beauty. Działamy globalnie i mamy ambitne cele!

Booksy to dynamiczne środowisko pracy i duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego dla osób z różnymi umiejętnościami - od specjalistów IT, przez marketingowców, po handlowców i specjalistów ds. obsługi klienta. Niezależnie od tego na jakim stanowisku pracujesz w Booksy, każdego dnia masz realny wpływ na produkt, który oferujemy naszym klientom!

Aktualnie do jednego z naszych zespołów szukamy osoby na stanowisko Business Analyst.


Twój zakres obowiązków:

Analiza danych:

  • Gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i analiza danych z różnych źródeł, w tym z hurtowni danych Booksy oraz zewnętrznych danych związanych z branżą Beauty.
  • Wykonywanie zapytań SQL oraz pracowanie w narzędziach analitycznych, takich jak Power BI, w celu ekstrakcji i wizualizacji danych.
  • Identyfikacja trendów, wzorców i anomalii w danych poprzez analizę danych historycznych i bieżących.

Raportowanie i prezentacja:

  • Opracowywanie raportów i prezentacji na podstawie zebranych danych, w tym zarówno regularnych raportów okresowych, jak i analiz ad hoc.
  • Prezentowanie wyników analiz i rekomendacji dla zespołu zarządzającego oraz innych interesariuszy. 

Wypracowywanie usprawnień biznesowych:

  • Na podstawie analiz danych, proponowanie i wspieranie implementacji usprawnień biznesowych, które mogą przyczynić się do zwiększenia efektywności działania Booksy oraz zwiększenia satysfakcji klientów.
  • Monitorowanie skuteczności wprowadzonych zmian i dostosowywanie strategii na podstawie analizy wyników.

Nasze wymagania:

  • Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia w pracy z analizą danych.
  • Bardzo dobra znajomość języka SQL oraz umiejętność efektywnego wykorzystania narzędzi analitycznych, w tym Power BI.
  • Zdolność analitycznego myślenia oraz umiejętność logicznego i krytycznego myślenia w kontekście interpretacji danych.
  • Doskonałe umiejętności komunikacyjne, zarówno w piśmie, jak i w mowie, w tym umiejętność przekazywania złożonych koncepcji w sposób zrozumiały dla różnych grup docelowych.
  • Samodzielność w pracy oraz zdolność do efektywnej współpracy w zespole.
  • Gotowość do ciągłego rozwoju zawodowego i nauki nowych umiejętności związanych z analizą danych i biznesem.

Nice to have:

  • Preferowana znajomość branży Beauty lub doświadczenie w pracy z danymi z tej branży.


  • Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do Twojego doświadczenia oraz zaangażowania.
  • Rodzaj umowy dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb oraz elastyczne godziny pracy.
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej lub w jednym z naszych dog-friendly biur (Warszawa, Bielsko-Biała).
  • Przyjazne i wspierające środowisko pracy (🥳sprawdź i dowiedz się o nas więcej!).
  • Pracę w zgranym zespole, zawsze gotowym do pomocy.
  • Realny wpływ na kształt aplikacji używanych przez kilka milionów użytkowników.
  • Możliwość rozwoju w międzynarodowym środowisku - mamy zespoły w 8 krajach, w tym w USA, Brazylii oraz UK!
  • Benefity: prywatną opiekę medyczną, karty Multisport, ubezpieczenie na życie, darmowe zajęcia online z języka angielskiego, platformę kafeteryjną i wiele wiele więcej :)

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Booksy jest zintegrowane z najpopularniejszymi platformami internetowymi:

  • Booksy management software is integrated with Reserve with Google
  • Booksy online booking app is integrated with Facebook
  • Booksy - the best booking App Integrated with Instagram