Tips And Tricks On How To Make Your Hair Less Greasy

How To Make Your Hair Less Greasy

The hair type you have depends on many factors. While those factors are mainly genetic, that’s not always the case. For example, a properly balanced diet, a healthy body, and proper care can help adjust your hair type and greatly impact the problem of greasy hair.

Are you tired of slick, oily hair? Let’s talk about what you can change to improve the appearance and health of your hair. Get ready to say goodbye to greasy hair!

What is greasy hair?

First things first, what are we talking about when we mention greasy hair?

What many may not know is that it’s actually not the hair that’s greasy, it’s the scalp. So, while the common term focuses on all of your hair, what you need to zero in on are the roots. This is because hair grows from your roots, so if your scalp is oily, there’s a good chance your strands follow suit. 

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If you’re unsure about the state of your scalp, give your roots a look and think about your skin type!

People with oily or combination skin often struggle with extra oil in the scalp as well. So if your know your skin type is oily, pay attention to how your hair behaves on a daily basis. You may have a greasy scalp without knowing it.

But there’s more to slick hair locks than just skin type. Let’s talk about why and how hair gets greasy.

example of a healthy scalp

Why is my hair greasy?

Sebum is a natural substance produced by the body, which moisturizes and protects the skin. (Those of us with oily or combination skin know exactly what it looks and feels like). Sebum is produced closely to hair follicles, (the home of hair growth). 

When the body produces sebum in a healthy amount, it makes skin soft and adds protection. However, on the other hand, when excess amounts are being produced, this causes sebum to settle on the tip of the hair, making it oily, sticky, and without volume.

An excess of sebum can be a common genetic thing that unfortunately, can’t be completely changed. There are other factors that can contribute to your scalp’s oiliness, though. Let’s take a look.

What causes an oily scalp?

There are many reasons for the oil on the scalp to be excessively produced. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Adolescence and hormonal disorders–These factors can stem from genetics or thyroid gland and adrenal gland issues.
  • Improper nutrition–Eating too much processed foods, preservatives, without maintaining a proper nutrient intake can affect your hair.
  • Vitamin deficiency–This can be caused by changes in the body that happen when you’re a teenager, or by having a bad diet. 
  • Medication–An oily scalp can be a side effect.
  • Bad hair or skin care–Using the wrong products or having an improper routine can negatively impact your hair health.

Maybe you’re unsure about how to correctly maintain an oily scalp. If that’s the case, the next section is for you.

A woman confused about products for oily hair.

Incorrect hair care

Let’s clarify hair care mistakes that lead to greasy hair. The first (and biggest) is washing your hair too often.

Yup, you read that right: Washing your hair too often is a big don’t.

By shampooing every day, we deprive hair of natural oil production. This makes the oil glands work harder. So, by trying to rid your hair of grease, you’re actually supporting excess oil.

Additionally, applying products too often, and in large amounts, dries out the scalp and weakens the hair roots. Effect? Weak and still greasy hair.

Another common mistake is using conditioners and masks at the roots of the hair. This can cause blockage of the hair follicles. Plus, applying products at the very root simply weighs it down and encourages product buildup. 

Finally, overusing your hair dryer or straightener is also a big no-no. An overly high temperature stimulates the oil glands, damages the hair, and leaves the scalp dry. Try to go about 10 days without applying heat to your hair. 

How to prevent greasy hair

Now comes the most important part: What you can do to combat greasy hair. Before we get started, there’s a couple of things to remember.

First, oily hair can be due to factors you can’t control, like genetics or medication. Because of that, your hair will never be perfect! Second, try out these tips carefully, not all at the same time. Give yourself enough of a buffer in between techniques to know what works and what doesn’t. 

  1. Choose a proper shampoo–Use mild shampoos, not necessarily the ones intended for oily hair. They might dry out your scalp. 
  2. Carefully use conditioners–It’s important to nourish the hair, but when you have strong sebum, conditioner should be applied 30 minutes before washing to avoid weighing down your hair. 
  3. Dry shampoo–To reduce the daily washing of your hair, add dry shampoo to your routine. It will absorb excess oil. However, don’t use it too often because it can dry hair.
  4. A good haircut–A hairstyle can actually keep your hair fresh for longer. Bangs or loose hair that you adjust with dirty hands during the day is the first step to greasy hair.
  5. Hairspray–The use of hairspray can help refresh your hair even after brushing it out. Containing alcohol, hairspray dries the scalp and blocks the work of oil glands.
A woman practicing her hair washing routine.

What were you surprised to learn about oily hair? For instance, did you know greasy hair can be connected to your skin type? Be sure to let us know. And remember, if you’re looking for a professional to restore your hair, start your search on Booksy!

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