Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
1905 Rice Rd ext Suite 101, Matthews, 28105
163 reviews

Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute

1905 Rice Rd ext Suite 101, Matthews, 28105


    Popular Services

    • Botox

    • Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy

      HydraFacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. HydraFacial super serums are made with nourishing ingredients that create an instantly gratifying glow. We begin with a deep cleanse, light chemical peel, and extractions, then finish the treatment with a customized booster serum and antioxidant infused moisturizer. *This is our most popular facial, additional serums and masks can be added.
      1h 20min
    • Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink

      Please come without mascara. Pestaña pelo a pelo. por favor venir sin mascara.
      1h 40min

  • Other Services

    • Consulta

      Initial consultation to know the appropriate treatments according to your skin type and requirements. You will be able to know our facilities and clarify your doubts before scheduling a service. Consulta inicial para conocer los tratamientos adecuados según tu tipo de piel y requerimientos. Podrás conocer nuestras instalaciones y aclarar tus dudas antes de agendar un servicio.

  • Skincare

    27 services
    • Microdermabrasion

    • Deluxe Hydrafacial

      1h 30min
    • Hydrafacial

      1h 10min
    • Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy

      HydraFacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. HydraFacial super serums are made with nourishing ingredients that create an instantly gratifying glow. We begin with a deep cleanse, light chemical peel, and extractions, then finish the treatment with a customized booster serum and antioxidant infused moisturizer. *This is our most popular facial, additional serums and masks can be added.
      1h 20min
    • Plasma Fibroblast

      1h 30min
    • Dark Spot Treatment ( Tratamiento para Manchas)

      This is a professional depigmentation treatment, compatible with all skin types, designed to dramatically reduce dark spot of melanic origin on skin, while unifying the skin tone and enhancing skin luminosity. The formula contains an exclusive combination of active ingredients with proven efficacy, which act on all stages of the hyperpigmentation process to completely eliminate existing hyperpigmentation, preventing both their reappearance and the appearance of new dark spots. Conditions that can be successfully treated with Cosmelan: 1. Hyperpigmentation 2. Melasma 3. Freckles 4. Acne Scars. 5. Lentigo 6. Sun Damage Este es un tratamiento despigmentante profesional, compatible con todo tipo de pieles, diseñado para reducir drásticamente las manchas oscuras de origen melánico. sobre la piel, unificando el tono de la piel y realzando la luminosidad de la piel. La fórmula contiene una combinación exclusiva de principios activos de probada eficacia, que actúan en todas las etapas de la hiperpigmentación. proceso para eliminar por completo la hiperpigmentación existente, evitando tanto su reaparición como la aparición de nuevas manchas oscuras. Condiciones que pueden tratarse con éxito con Cosmelan: 1. Hiperpigmentación 2. Melasma 3. Pecas 4. Cicatrices de acné. 5. Lentigo 6. Daño solar
    • Blanqueamiento de zona íntima

      Blanqueamiento de axilas Codos Zonas íntimas Cuello

      Peeling corrector de imperfecciones para acne activo y secuelas Tratamiento de 4 semanas
    • Exosomas

      1h 30min
    • Venus Legacy Facial

    • Facial de Espalda/ Back Facial

    • Lips Gloss (hidratacion de labios

    • Radiofrecuencia Fraccional

      Radiofrecuencia Fraccional es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo para ayudar a suavizar, tensar y rejuvenecer la piel.
      1h 30min
    • Labios💋 hidratación ( Lips 👄)

    • Hands rejuvenation ( Rejuvenecimiento de las Manos

      Nuestras manos dicen mucho de nosotros. Con el proceso de envejecimiento en las manos empiezan a aparecer cambios como manchas en el dorso de las mismas, mayor visibilidad de las venas y los tendones y la aparición de una piel atrófica y sin luz. Usamos las mejores técnicas para rejuvenecer sus manos
    • PLASMA RICO EN PLAQUETAS (PRP) with Microneedle

      Recognized as one of the most powerful devices on the market, Microneedling reduces the appearance of facial acne scars as well as wrinkles, skin laxity, and texture. Each safe and effective treatment session is completed in less than an hour with little to no recovery time. *If you have active acne you are not a good candidate for this service.
      1h 20min

      Beneficios del peeling químico. Elimina las células dañadas y muertas. Mejora la textura de la piel trabajada. Estimula el rejuvenecimiento facial y corporal en muy poco tiempo. .Reduce las arrugas finas y los poros dilatados. . Facilita la reducción o eliminación de manchas. .Mejora el aspecto de pequeñas cicatrices provocadas por enfermedades como el acné. .Hidrata profundamente el tejido y . Permite la regeneración celular reactiva el colágeno. • Rejuvenece la epidermis Aumenta la elasticidad y el tono facial.
    • HYDRA LIFTING (The revolutionary facial treatment)

      ANTI- AGING , MOISTURIZING, FIRMING EFFECT. This treatment is personalize, Face and Neck ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO, HIDRATANTE Y EFECTO REAFILMANTE. Este tratamiento es personalizado de acuerdo a la necesidad del cliente. Cara y Cuello. El tratamiento Revolucionario del momento para mejorar la apariencia de la piel. This facial gives a boost of hydration with a collagen infusion, using the Face Shaper to penetrate active ingredients and lifts skin for a radiant, youthful appearance.
      1h 40min

      El tratamiento HIFU (Ultrasonidos Focalizados de Alta Intensidad) es una nueva tecnología que se puede usar para realizar una variedad de tratamientos faciales y corporales, particularmente para tratar la flacidez de la piel y el volumen. También es la única técnica que ha sido aprobada en los Estados Unidos por la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) como parte de la cirugía estética de cara, cuello y escote. $500 por zona (cara, cuello o escote )

      IPL is one of our most effective treatments for skin discolouration, reducing brown pigmentation, sun spots, rosacea and unwanted hair. It can also diffuse redness, restoring the skin to a healthier, refreshed appearance. As an added bonus, multiple treatments with IPL also stimulate collagen production – that’s the substance beneath our skin that provides strength and structure – often improving the texture of your skin.
    • Botox


      This method consists of the application of high frequency electromagnetic waves on the skin to treat the different layers of our skin. It is a painless and non-invasive treatment that works our skin from the inside out by increasing the temperature of the tissues. Thanks to this and to the heat that fibroblasts receive, radiofrequency increases collagen production, stimulates circulation, mobilizes and dissolves fat, and facilitates lymphatic drainage. Este método consiste en la aplicación de ondas electromagnéticas de alta frecuencia sobre la piel para tratar las diferentes capas de nuestra piel. Es un tratamiento indoloro y no invasivo que trabaja nuestra piel desde dentro hacia fuera aumentando la temperatura de los tejidos. Gracias a esto y al calor que reciben los fibroblastos, la radiofrecuencia aumenta la producción de colágeno, estimula la circulación, moviliza y disuelve la grasa y facilita el drenaje linfático.

      IPL is one of our most effective treatments for skin discolouration, reducing brown pigmentation, sun spots, rosacea and unwanted hair. It can also diffuse redness, restoring the skin to a healthier, refreshed appearance. As an added bonus, multiple treatments with IPL also stimulate collagen production – that’s the substance beneath our skin that provides strength and structure – often improving the texture of your skin.

      The IPL light can kill the bacteria that causes acne to begin with. We’ve also used photofacials to address such issues as sun spots and rosacea. The IPL treatments have become incredibly popular because they are so gentle while still highly effective in terms of smoothing out the overall skin tone. La luz IPL puede matar las bacterias que causan el acné para empezar. También hemos utilizado fotofaciales para abordar problemas como las manchas solares y la rosácea. Los tratamientos de IPL se han vuelto increíblemente populares porque son muy suaves y, al mismo tiempo, muy eficaces en términos de suavizar el tono general de la piel.
    • Hilos Mágicos (Magic threads)

      EL precio es por zonas
      1h 15min

      The Hollywood Laser Peel is a kinder, gentler version of many other laser treatments. It’s safe for all skin types, can be performed any time of the year, and doesn’t have the long downtime some laser procedures require. It’s designed to help rejuvenate your appearance by diminishing the signs of aging or damaged skin. It also corrects uneven skin pigmentation and improves the appearance of pores, acne and scars. It’s mildly exfoliating, so you’re left with a softer, smoother skin texture, resulting in a glowing, more radiant appearance. Hollywood Laser Peel es una versión más amable y delicada de muchos otros tratamientos con láser. Es seguro para todo tipo de piel, se puede realizar en cualquier época del año y no tiene el tiempo de inactividad prolongado que requieren algunos procedimientos con láser. Está diseñado para ayudar a rejuvenecer su apariencia al disminuir los signos del envejecimiento o la piel dañada. También corrige la pigmentación desigual de la piel y mejora la apariencia de poros, acné y cicatrices. Es ligeramente exfoliante, por lo que queda una piel más suave y tersa, lo que da como resultado una apariencia más luminosa y radiante. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de una exfoliación con láser Hollywood? 🤩Descubrirá que hay muchos beneficios en este popular tratamiento para el cuidado de la piel. Además del beneficio de hacerlo con frecuencia porque es muy suave, en realidad es bueno para tu piel, porque cada vez que lo haces, estimula la producción de más colágeno. Otros beneficios incluyen: * Sin tiempo de inactividad * Seguro para todo tipo de piel * Piel más tersa y suave * Mejora la apariencia de líneas finas * Reduce las cicatrices del acné y la hiperpigmentación. * Unifica el tono de piel * Mejora la textura de la piel. * Procedimiento breve y cómodo * Piel joven, radiante y radiante * Mejora de la autoimagen y la confianza en uno mismo.
    • Plasma Gel

      1h 20min

  • Massage

    16 services
    • liposonix Fat Reduction

      Abdomen - small person / area $ 250 //////////////// Large person area $350 Thighs - small person $250/350 Lower Back $200/300 Upper Arms $150/200
      1h 30min
    • Masaje post-op(Lymphatic drainage)

      This massage is for one part of the body. We use Radiofrequency, Pressotherapy, cavitation, vacuum, Lipolaser,lymphatic drainage.
      1h 15min
    • Reducing massage

      1h 15min
    • Massage for stretch marks and cellulite

      1h 20min
    • Masajes reductores 10 Secciones

      1h 20min
    • Levantamiento de Glúteos con EMS

      This helps with cellulite, flaccidity, tone, and enlarge the muscle of the buttocks. Esto ayuda con las celulitis, flacidez ,tonificar y agrandar el músculo de las nalgas.
      1h 15min
    • Masaje de Relajación ( Relaxing Massage)

    • EMSculp Massage

      Masaje para formar músculo y tonificar
    • Masaje de relajación ( Relaxing Massage)

    • Divine Body Detox Massage

      1h 20min
    • Venus Legacy 10 sesiones corporal

      1h 30min
    • Venus Legacy individual área corporal

      1h 30min
    • Buttock up /Levantamiento de pompis)

    • Masaje Post.op.(Drenaje linfático 10 sec.)

      1h 15min
    • Sauna Slimming Detox Therapy

    • Reducing massage (10 sessions)

      1h 20min

  • Uñas (Nails services)

    15 services
    • Bio builder Gel

      Si no te gusta el acrílico está es una opción para tus uñas
    • Manicura Xpress

    • SNS( Deep Power )

    • Pedicura en seco ( Dry)

      limpieza regular, esmalte regular
    • Nails acrylic ( Uñas acrílicas )

      Solo acrílicas sin diseño, diseño $ costo adicionales
      2h 30min

  • Hair services

    27 services
    • Hair cut ( Corte)

    • Rollo set short hair

      1h 15min
    • Rollo set medium hair

      1h 20min
    • Rollo set long hair

      1h 45min
    • Blow Dry short hair

      1h 30min
    • Blow-dry medium hair

      1h 45min
    • Blow-dry long hair

    • Deep repairing treatment

    • hairstyle( Peinado

      1h 30min
    • Men cut ( corte de hombres )

    • Hair extension

    • Permanent Hair Straightening

      1h 30min
    • Braids( trenzas )

    • Hair color ( Color )

      Color all hair, we apply the desired color to all hair ( does not include blow out) Color no incluye secado
      1h 20min
    • Color retouch

      Color touch-up applies only to hair growth (does not include blow out)
    • Keratin treatment short hair or cirugía capilar

      Keratin treatment, is a treatment to permanently straighten hair, the straightener las 6 months or more depending on the texture of the hair.
      1h 15min
    • Keratin treatment medium hair or cirugía capilar

      Keratin treatment is a treatment to permanently straighten hair, the straightener las 6 months, or more depending on the texture of the hair.
      1h 30min
    • Keratin treatment long hair. Or cirugía capilar

    • Botox treatment short hair

      The Botox treatment is a treatment that helps to eliminate frizz in the hair and helps smooth curls temporarily, hydrate and conditions the hair strand, leaving hair shiny
      1h 15min
    • Botox treatment medium hair

      The Botox treatment is a treatment that helps to eliminate frizz in the hair and helps smooth curls temporarily, hydrate and conditions the hair strand, leaving hair shiny
      1h 30min
    • Botox treatment long hair

      El tratamiento Botox es un tratamiento que ayuda a eliminar el encrespamiento del cabello y ayuda a suavizar temporalmente los rizos, hidratar y acondicionar la hebra del cabello, dejando el cabello brillante.
      1h 45min
    • Highlights full without a blowout

      3h 30min
    • Parcial highlights without blowout

      3h 30min
    • Balayage short hair without blow-dry

      Balayage short hair, apply the desired balayage technique, then apply the toner of the desired color. (the blow out is extra)
      2h 15min
    • Balayage medium hair without blow-dry

      Apply the desired balayage technique, then apply the toner of the desired color. (the blow out is extra)
      2h 30min
    • Balayage long hair without blow-dry

      Apply the desired balayage technique, then apply the toner of the desired color. (the blow out is extra)
      2h 35min
    • Relaxer

      2h 30min

  • Luxury Services

    13 services
    • Hair Restoration PRP

      PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a great treatment option for thinning or recent hair loss. PRP, also known as “Liquid Gold,” stimulates cell growth within the body and helps restore hair loss. 3-4 treatments are recommended spaced 1 month apart. *This treatment requires a blood draw, so please stay well hydrated at least 24 hours before your treatment.
    • Rinomodelacion

      Duration 6-12 months
    • Teeth 🦷 Whitening 😁

      1h 15min
    • Tratamiento para ojeras y bolsas 👁 (Eye treatment

      Eye pro contour, reduces eye bags, dark circles. & expression wrinkles Reduce bolas ojeras y linea de expresión
    • Kissable lip 💋 color semi-permanent

    • Warts and Mole Removal (Verrugas)

    • Jowl treatment( papada )

      Tratamiento para la papada Goodbye double chin and hello refined jawline! Kybella is injected under the chin to permanently destroy fat cells and get rid of your double chin. Typically, 2-4 treatments are needed and results are visible in 30-90 days. Great news: those results are permanent! *Please plan for several weeks of submental swelling and avoid blood thinning products 2 weeks prior (if possible) such as: Advil, Ibuprofen, and fish oil. Arnica Montana can be taken to decrease bruising.
    • Vaginal Rejuvenation

      Rejuvenecimiento vaginal con la tecnología HIFU para mujeres con Incontinencia, Resequedad Vaginal, Falta de deseo sexual. Reduce las infecciones recurrentes. Hifu Vaginal Tightening, Stress Incontinence, Improved sensitivity, Improved laxity, reduces recurring vaginal infections
    • Tattoo Removal

    • Stretch Mark Camouflage( Camuflaje de Estrias)

    • Nue Conceal Camouflage Tattoo( Camuflaje de Estria

      1h 30min
    • Diseño y tintado de cejas

    • Scar Treatment

      1h 30min

  • Wax Services

    13 services
    • Waxing Chin , upper lip or Eyebrows

    • Waxing Underarms

    • Brazilian front to back

    • Waxing Bikini

    • Waxing Brazilian

    • Waxing half leg 🦵

    • Waxing full leg 🦵

    • Láser hair removal bikini area

    • Laser hair removal Small area

    • Laser hair removal íntima & All Face area

    • Laser Hair Removal Medium area

      Areas. Bikini, under the arm, arms
    • Laser hair removal Large area ( half legs

      Areas= Brazilian Half legs 🦵
    • Laser hair removal large area full legs/full Chest


  • Professional Makeup

    13 services
    • Wedding Makeup

    • Basic Makeup

    • Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink

      Please come without mascara. Pestaña pelo a pelo. por favor venir sin mascara.
      1h 40min
    • Eyelash Mega Volume

      Please come without mascara Por favor venga sin maquillaje
    • Eyelashes Hybrid

      Please come without mascara Por favor venir sin mascara
      2h 15min
    • Eyelash Fill in ( 40% Or More lashes)

      2 week fill in. must have 40 % or more on Both lashes to be accepted as fill-in The price dependes of the lash do you have (Classic,Hybrid , Volume or Mega V Please be advised,You may be subject to pay for full set if rules not followed. Please be prepared if full set is needed El retoque es después de 2 semanas, debe tener 40% o mas en ambas pestañas, para ser aceptado como relleno Tenga en cuenta que debe estar sujeto a pagar por el set completo sino se sigue la regla . El precio depende del tipo de pestaña que tengas ( Classic ,Hybrid ,Volumen o Mega volumen
      1h 15min
    • Formal Makeup

    • Lash lifting/ Rizado dePestañas

      1h 20min
    • Sombreado de cejas ( Magic sharing)

      3h 30min
    • Retoque de sombreado de Cejas

    • Eyelashes express

    • Curso Maquillaje profesional

    • Lifting de pestañas

      1h 10min

  • Cursos /Entrenamientos

    11 services

      Descripción Curso de Hydrafacial (aplicación / uso) Con este curso lo que se pretende logar es que el/los estudiantes dominen la técnica de uso de la tecnología Hydrafacial en las versiones 6 en 1 y 7 en 1 Nuestro curso de Hydrafacial está dirigido para tod@s l@s alumn@s que deseen y/o necesiten conocer este nuevo sistema no invasivo para proporcionar a sus clientes una piel sana y brillante. Por medio de una plataforma tecnológica que facilita: .-. Hidratar la piel .-. Inocular principios activos (vitaminas, …etc) .-. Realizar peeling .-. Purificar la piel .-. Limpiar la piel (puntos negros, impurezas) .-. Eliminar exceso de sebo Un proceso seguro y prácticamente indoloro (en la mayoría de los casos) si se aplica la técnica correctamente. Esta Formación Incluye : Los 15 pasos para hacer una Limpieza facial profunda. Asistencia / Asesoría Protocolos de Uso Recomendaciones de aplicación de principios activos Tiempos necesarios para cada cabezal / manipulo aplicador Precios estimados de cada tratamiento Tips Generales VENDEMOS LA MAQUINAS DE HYDRAFACIAL Diploma del curso.

      CURSO CON MICROAGUJAS ( INCLUYE EL DISPOSITIVO) ¿Qué es una «mesoterapia? Todas las regulaciones y acciones de microaguja en los Estados Unidos - Agujas y diferencias - Contraidicaciones - Cuidados previos y posteriores EFECTOS • Estimula los fibroblastos y la producción de colágeno. • Activa los mecanismos de reparación de la piel • Reduce las líneas de expresión y el tamaño del poro • Disminuye la apariencia de las cicatrices y las estrías • Mejora la firmeza de la piel • Estimula el folículo piloso (cuero cabelludo) TRATAMIENTOS 1. Tratamiento para las manchas 2. Tratamiento para los ojos 3. Tratamiento para cicatrices y estrías 4. Tratamiento anti-edad 5. Mesoterapia Capilar 6. Rejuvenecimiento de los labios con acido hialuronico (ácido hialuronico) 7. Protocolos Secuelas de Acné El curso incluye ingredientes activos usados para tratamientos del rostro y el cuerpo, que puede realizar para sus clientes. Este curso es ideal para comenzar a realizar microagujas o avanzar en tecnicas nuevas. NCLUYE: 1 KIT Certificado

      Que puede esperar de este entrenamiento Libro Digital Teoría de extensiones de pestañas. Protocolos de salud y seguridad. Consulta con el cliente. Kit básico. Descripción general de productos y herramientas. Aplicación adecuada de extensiones de pestañas con técnica avanzada. Cómo crear pestañas naturales, voluminosas o dramáticas. Cuidado y mantenimiento adecuados de las pestañas. Prácticas, por 3 días Certificado Kit incluido

      Nuestro curso de capacitación sobre blanqueamiento dental incluye todos los suministros e instrucciones que necesita para completar su capacitación y obtener su certificado. Después de completar nuestro curso de blanqueamiento dental, recibirá un certificado de capacitación oficial que puede utilizar para mostrar a los posibles clientes que es un técnico certificado en blanqueamiento dentalCurso Incluye: Cómo determinar el tipo y color de los dientes, cómo funciona, tecnología Salud y seguridad del blanqueamiento dental Consulta / Información médica Plan de tratamiento y técnicas ¿Quién puede ser tratado? Práctica en modelo Ventas y marketing Comunicaciones previas al tratamiento Puntos clave durante el tratamiento, Puntos clave a observar después del tratamiento Contradicciones
    • PLASMA PEN (FIBROBLAST )( dispositivo incluido)

      INCLUYE DISPOSITIVO DE ÚLTIMA GENERACIÓN INALÁMBRICO. El Plasma es un tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial y corporal para tratar de forma no quirúrgica la flacidez de la piel, arrugas profundas, párpados caídos, cicatrices. Los resultados de los tratamientos son sorprendentes en una sola sesión y pueden durar hasta dos años dependiendo de cada tipo de piel. Durante el curso se aprende la utilización del Plasma Pen y forma correcta de tratar la piel. El curso está dirigido a personal de estética, personal sanitario o cualquier persona que quiera introducirse en el mundo de la belleza. Libro digital Kit CERTIFICADO Master Class: Aprende todo sobre el nuevo procedimiento de rejuvenecimiento no quirúrgico/no invasivo Ideal para levantamiento de párpados, disminución de exceso de piel en el rostro, eliminación de verrugas y manchas solares, tatuajes, reafirmar y levantar la piel, Disminucion de exeso de piel en rostro y cuerpo ¿Cuál es el potencial en ingresos siendo un Especialista en Plasma Fibroblast? No cabe duda de que estamos en una buena época para todos los profesionales de la belleza. Se están lanzando tratamientos innovadores a una velocidad sin precedentes. Los tratamientos que se centran en el aspecto semipermanente de la belleza permiten que los profesionales se vean mejor recompensados por su tiempo de una manera más amplia que la realización de un tratamiento facial por ejemplo Este tratamiento es una innovación asombrosa en el mundo de la belleza y ha afectado positivamente a la industria de la estética de una manera realmente sorprendente. No solo por los beneficios obvios que brinda el tratamiento, sino porque permite a los profesionales aumentar sustancialmente su potencial de ingresos de 200$ - 400$ por hora y hasta 1200$ por áreas La oportunidad de negocio y de tener y manejar tus tiempos es invaluable. ALEXA'S BEAUTY LOUNGE es una empresa pionera en este ramo de la belleza y contamos con los mejores cursos para ti
      4h 30min
    • CURSO HIFU (Vendemos la maquina)

      TEMARIO HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 1- ETIOLOGIA 1.1 Corporal -El tejido adiposo (grasa) -La celulitis y flacidez. 1.2 Facial -Las arrugas. 2- HISTORIA DEL HIFU. 2.1 Que es el sistema HIFU. 2.2 Para qué sirve el sistema HIFU. 3- EL FUNCIONAMIENTO DEL HIFU. 3.1 HIFU facial=lifting - Como se aplica. 3.2 HIFU corporal=reducción de volumen/talla. - Como se aplica. 4- CONCLUSIONES 4.1 Protocolos. 4.2 Contraindicaciones. 5- ANEXOS Rejuvenecimiento Vaginal - Que es y para qué sirve - Como se aplica (protocolos) - Contraindicaciones - Cerrificado

      Nos complace presentar un programa académico diferente y muy competitivo, desarrollado y adaptado según la currículo de los tratamientos más importantes de Medicina Estética del mundo. A través de un número reducido de alumnos ofrecemos excelencia en educación médico-estética con procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje totalmente vanguardistas, personalizados e individualizados. Contamos con un plantel docente altamente especializado, con trayectoria y experiencia comprobada. Al finalizar el curso, le brindamos 12 MESES DE APOYO Y ASESORIA a través de interconsultas por vía digital, siendo este uno de los pilares fundamentales para optimizar el manejo de los primeros pacientes, abordaje clínico, tratamiento y resolución de casos complejos que pudieran presentarse durante sus primeros pasos en esta apasionante carrera. Sin lugar a dudas, es el entrenamiento en Medicina Estética que llenará todas sus expectativas y le brindará la seguridad necesaria a la hora de realizar cualquier procedimiento medico-estético. CONTENIDO .INTRODUCCION: Historia y fundamentos de la Médicina Estética, la consulta y evaluación inicial, abordaje del paciente, historia clínica, y consentimiento informado. Antioxidantes, bases de la medicina anti-aging. MEDICINA ESTETICA FACIAL: 1.Anatomía Enfocada a Técnicas de Rejuvenecimiento Facial. Estructura de la Piel y Anexos. 2.Envejecimiento Fisiológico y Patologías Estéticas Frecuentes. 3.Areas Faciales Peligrosas: nervios, arterias y venas importantes. 4.Aplicacion correcta Hyaluron Pen, ACIDO HIALURONICO 5.Peelings Químicos: acido mandélico, glicólico, salicílico, TCA, kójico, ferúlico y enzimáticos. 6.Peelings Mecánicos: diamond peel, hidrodermoabrasión, dermaplaning. 7.Toxina Botulínica Meso-Estetica: aplicación en tercio superior. 8.Rellenos Líquidos, Reabsorvibles:, acido hialurónico, hilos liquidos, surco nasogeniano, línea de marioneta, armonización facial y técnicas combinadas (Mesoplastia) y BIOPLACENTA procesamiento y diferentes técnicas de aplicación facial y capilar. 9..Mesoterapia Facial y Capilar: cóctel mesolift, 10.Terapia de Inducción de Colágeno: Microneedle y BIO-NANO NEEDLE 11.FIBROBLAST / PLASMA PEN 12.Aparatología Facial: Microdermoabrasión, Hydrafacial; radiofrecuencia, bipolar y tripolar. Varios kits incluido (dispositivos y productos)
    • Curso Microblading


      2h 30min
    • CURSO MASAJE (Aparatologia) 2 días

      El Trabajo del Esteticista Anatomía y Fisiología del Cuerpo Humano Composición y Función de la Piel Diversas Técnicas de Masajes Objetivos del Curso Aprender los procedimientos utilizados en la realización de diversos tratamientos de estética corporal, tales como: masajes, drenajes linfáticos, tratamiento para pieles, reafirmantes, entre otros. MÓDULO APARATOLOGÍA Presoterapia EMS Onda Rusa y Onda Drenante Lipo laser Cavitation Maderoterapia Ultrasonido Vacuum Drenaje linfático Tratamiento para Estrías Tratamiento para Flacidez Tratamiento para Celulitis Edematosa Tratamiento para Celulitis Adiposa Tratamiento para Celulitis Blanda Tratamiento para Celulitis Dura

      Description Taller exclusivo para blanqueamiento zonas íntimas! Que podemos Blanquear: Axilas Rodillas y Codos Glúteos Entre Piernas Cuello Lo mejor? Conocerás nuestro producto La diferencia? Te enseñamos a optimizar los resultados Aprendizaje rápido para realizar servicios en tu estética altamente demandados. INCLUYE: Dosier didáctico Hiper pigmentación en áreas íntimas Razones Como mejorarlas Cuidados en cabina y posteriores Química Cosmética eficaz para las zonas íntimas Incluye protocolos KIT: BSK204 INTIM WHITENING PRO KIT incluido. Certificado.

  • Packages (Paquetes)

    8 services
    • Spa Day Comb#1

      2h 30min
      Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy
      Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink
      Nails acrylic ( Uñas acrílicas )
      Pedicure Deluxe
    • Spa Day #2

      Pedicure Deluxe
      Blow-dry medium hair
      Masaje de relajación ( Relaxing Massage)
    • Day Spa comb.#3

      1h 40min
      Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink
      Pedicura en seco ( Dry)
      Manicura Xpress
    • Day Spa Comb.#4

      1h 30min
      Masaje de Relajación ( Relaxing Massage)
      Pedicura Spa
    • Laser hair removal (10 sections Smal area)

      small area is chin or mustache Area pequeña es barbilla o bigote
    • Laser hair removal (10 seccions Medium area)

      Medium area is armpits, neck or bikini area. Area mediana es axilas, bikinis o cuello
    • Laser hair removal ( 10 Large area)

      Large area is half leg and braziliam area area media pierna o el Brazilian
    • Laser hair removal (10 Extra large area)


See Our Work


  • Parking space

  • Wi-Fi

  • Credit cards accepted

  • Accessible for people with disabilities

  • Loyalty Program

  • Child-friendly


Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
Based on 163 reviews
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Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink
by Jessica
Lovely spa!!! But today i left very unhappy. I was there 3hours getting my lashes done and i truly hate them
Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink
by Jazmín Batista
I went to get a set of wet lashes and Jazmin did a fantastic job! When I first walked in, I was immediately and warmly welcomed by the staff. The plac...e is beautiful, clean and has a relaxing environment. It was my first time getting lashes and she explained each step to me and educated me on the proper care for the lashes. She was focused the whole time and kept very well within a time restriction I had. She is personable and sweet, and she matches your vibe really well. Her room is so comfortable that I actually fell asleep for a little bit during the appointment. Not only am I obsessed with my beautiful lashes, the prices are good too! Thank you so much Jazmin and Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute! I feel like a million bucks! 🩷🩷🩷 Show more
Replied: Oct 27, 2024
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Awww Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.
by Alexa Duverge
Keratin treatment medium hair or cirugía capilar Color retouch
by Alexa Duverge
Very happy with Alexa she’s the best
Replied: Aug 12, 2024
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank you so much ☺️
Hair color ( Color ) Blow-dry long hair
by Vinicio
I returned for a completely different service. I did an all over hair color with Vinicio. First off, as always, this salon is very stylish, and EVERYO...NE is super kind, amazing, and just lifts you up! Vinicio took his time to explain every single detail on the different options he had for my hair and what we could do or how to do it. It was more than I've gotten at other salons. He sounded like he was always ready for whatever we chose, never told me he couldn't or would take too long or anything discouraging. From the beginning to the end, he was very informative, nice, and efficient. I'm definitely returning to do my touch-ups here. They also have great prices! This salon really is a one-stop shop. From hair colors, hair cuts, nails, lash extension, fillers, etc... you name it, they can do it. Definitely recommend Alexas Beauty! Show more
Replied: Jun 17, 2024
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Hi Jennifer! Thank you so very much for your review. We loved having you in our spa and love to have you back soon too. We are so glad that you are happy with your service! Thank you!!
Eyelash Extensions -Classic mink
by Jazmín Batista
This is a great place to be pampered. The staff is So pleasant and nice. The prise is right and i do recommend Alexa’s Beauty Lounge for all your beau...ty need. Show more
Replied: Apr 3, 2024
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Awww 🥰 Thank you so much 😊
Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy
by Paula
Amazing job !
Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy Parcial highlights without blowout All Color Hair cut Rollo set medium hair
by Carina Ron Vinicio Villamil
Excelente persona y con un muy buen nivel profesional en cuanto a los faciales y limpieza de la piel. La recomiendo al 100x1…
Replied: Dec 15, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Muchas gracias ☺️
Hair cut Pedicure Deluxe Highlights full without a blowout Blow-dry long hair
by Deycy Rodrigo Tatiana Rivera
Editing to add to the owner’s response: I sent an email and a letter to the business, both went unanswered. The photos I posted are from the DAY AFTER... MY SERVICE! I asked for a highlight touch up/partial highlight, not a full highlight. Of course I will leave reviews a month later when you refuse to respond to both my letter and my emails? I didn’t call because I need everything in writing from this point forward. 📸I made sure to add my photos with the SCREENSHOT OF MY TIMESTAMP SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THAT THEY AREN’T PHOTOS OF MY HAIR GROWN OUT A MONTH LATER, and that they’re actually from the day after your so called stylist did my hair! —- I had an absolutely miserable time at Alexa’s Beauty Lounge. I had been a period customer and had gotten 3 pedicures here before. For my appointment, I booked a whole day worth of spa services: premium gel pedicure, Brazilian wax, hair cut and root touch up/partial highlight. The time estimate given was 9AM and finish around 4PM, the cost estimate for all services was $415. I walked in at 9AM, and nobody seemed to have any idea why I was there. I waited until 9:40 to be seated for the pedicure. My pedicure was perfect - no complaints - they always do a good job with nails. Got done with my pedicure at 10:25 and was asked to wait for the hairdresser to become available. I waited until 11:30 for the hairdresser to come out. The girl who came out was not the same one that I had been booked with (Deycy), but another woman. Beginning at 11:45am or so, the stylist got to work on my hair. She started in on a full foil, not a partial on my roots. When I asked about this, she smiled and motioned to my roots and said “yes”. my hair was foiled, washed, refoiled, washed again, painted, and I sat for over an hour with it drying. After the toner/color was added, pieces of my colored blonde hair were coming out - obviously due to it being over processed. They have NO SALON DRYER for colorant so anyone why comes through here should expect to sit for a minimum of 3 hours for color. My initial appointment for haircut included blow dry. I told them because it was not almost 5PM, I hadn’t been waxed, and I was tired/hungry/had places to be that evening, to not worry about the blow dry. Looking at my hair, my roots were STILL NOT COLORED, this was the one thing I wanted to get done while there? I got to the register and the girl was on the phone was speaking with the owner Alexa, and amongst the conversation I heard her say to “up charge her”. I was charged $440 WITHOUT ANY WAXING, which was supposed to be $80 alone. $440 for a gel pedicure, highlights, and a haircut is insane, especially when the haircut and color took 5 hours with a girl who had no idea what she was doing. This place is such a joke, stay far away for hair services and only go if you have all day to spend and want to be overcharged for inferior care. I’ll never spend another dime here and will advise nobody else does so either! To sum it up: -Waited long amounts of time to receive services due to poor planning on their end -never received wax services because it took from 9AM-5:15PM for a pedicure, what was supposed to be a partial highlight, and a haircut -hair person was severely inexperienced. Over-processed my hair to where it was falling out and continued to fall out, hair was dry and brittle, highlights are made in blobby sections that do not reach the root, roots are still left dark. My hair wait poorly cut (see photos). -I was somehow changed from a partial highlight with blowout to a full highlight with no blowout (???) and an additional charge for blowout added. I LEFT WITH WET HAIR BECAUSE THEY TOOK SO LONG! -I was charged $440 for all of this WITHOUT any Brazilian wax service. Cash. They said they couldn’t give me a receipt. Total scam. Show more
Replied: Oct 29, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
I'm very sorry to hear this. First of all, a highlighting procedure takes a long time, especially if you have a lot of hair. secondly, instead of after almost a month of coming to us and waiting for your hair to grow and taking photos of it already growing, something you should have asked to speak to or call the Owner, but everything happened that day and you left satisfied. Why did you wait until today since September 30, when your appointment was? If what you want is an apology, we apologize for your bad weather, but remember that anywhere a well-done Highlights service takes time. I think I should remove such an insignificant review. Or you can call or go to staff to talk to the owner, she was not there that day. anyway, thank you.
Deluxe Hydrafacial Hair Restoration PRP
by Wendy Almanzar Alexa Duverge
I had the deluxe facial. Wendy did a phenomenal job. I will most definitely book a facial with her again.
Replied: Oct 22, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank You so much ☺️
Tratamiento efecto Botox
by Alexa Duverge
It was my first time receiving Botox and Alexa made me feel at ease and comfortable. She was very professional and answered all my questions. I am ver...y pleased with my results thus far. Will DEFINITELY be going back and highly recommending her! Show more
Replied: Oct 10, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Gina, Thank you for sharing such stellar feedback with us. You can always trust our team to deliver just that excellent service & experience you deserve at Alexa'd Beauty Lounge.
Rollo set medium hair Deep repairing treatment
by Deycy Rodrigo
Best kept secret in Charlotte! 🫶🏾
Replied: Oct 8, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thanks you 🤗
All Color Blow-dry medium hair Hair cut
by Deycy Rodrigo
I was impressed with Daisy. She was so welcoming, talkative, and friendly. She made my hair exactly like I wanted. I am happy with my hair color and c...ut.She did an excelent job. Thank you Daisy!! 😊 Show more
Replied: Aug 2, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Yary, Thank you for sharing such stellar feedback with us. You can always trust our team to deliver just that excellent service & experience you deserve at Alexa’d Beauty Lounge 🤗
Masaje post-op(Lymphatic drainage)
by Carina Ron
This was my first lymphatic massage. I experienced a difference and was so happy with thier service, especially the professionalism of Carina. As a re...sult of this first experience, I purchased the lymphatic massage package. I would highly recommend them to any and all. Show more
Replied: Jul 27, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
🥰 Thank you 😊 we are pleased to know that.
Tratamiento efecto Botox
by Alexa Duverge
Great service! Nice results!
Replied: Jun 22, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank you 😊
Eyelashes Hybrid
by Jazmín Batista
Such a cute place! Great vibe. And my lashes are beautiful 😍 all for a reasonable price 10/10 highly recommend
Replied: Jun 19, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank you so much We are happy you enjoyed your visit we volume our customers satisfaction 😃🙌
Masaje de Relajación ( Relaxing Massage)
by Carina Ron
OMG. I had already gotten a Facial with Carina. But today I received a relaxation massage and let me tell you she has the hands of an angel. I recomm...end you book with her. She is absolutely amazing and the sweetest. Love getting pampered at Alexa’s ♥️♥️ Show more
Replied: May 24, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Aww 🥰 Thank you so much for your time and let us this nice review 🤗
Hydrafacial & Led light Therapy
by Carina Ron
Carina did a fantastic job. She made me feel very comfortable and took her time with my facial. My skin felt so tight and refreshed afterwards. Today ...my skin is glowing and healthy. I will definitely be back ♥️♥️ Show more
Replied: May 18, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank you so much for taking your time and giving us so nice review 🤗
All Color
by Alexa Duverge
Love this place they do everything good. Really recommend this place…
Replied: May 11, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Thank you 😊
All Color Hair cut Balayage short hair without blow-dry
by Yinet
Walking into Alexa’s Beauty lounge will automatically take your breath away by how clean cut their setup is, I had the pleasure of meeting and collabo...rating with Yinet! Even though there was a slight language barrier she was still able to bring new life to me and my hair. I really enjoyed the wonderful hospitality her and the owner both shared, Yinet made me feel so welcomed and was very kind, if you are looking for a fresh take and perspective on things when it comes to Beauty please at least give Alexa’s a try! 💚🥰 Show more
Replied: May 2, 2023
Alexa’s Beauty Lounge & Institute
Aww 🥰 Thank you so much for taking your time and leaving such a nice review. 🤗
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