Braids & Locs near me in Warren, MI (124)
Hair By Kayy
6.3 mi Longview St, 14281, Detroit, 48213Faux locs
Box braids
WeEatN Hair Co.
7.6 mi 3 Mile Dr, 5091, Detroit, 48224Color
Jumbo Box braids
Meduim box braids
Beauty By Envy
8.0 mi 15403 Mack, Detroit, 48224Soak Off
Short Square Full Set
Long Square Set
10.3 mi 17600 w.8mile, Southfield,Michigan, 48235Feed in braids starting @$35-n-up
2 braids starting at $35..rhetoric more braids the price goes up.INDIVIDUALS Ages13+
Individuals Braids (small braids,singles )This Is A 2Person Style & Is $150 Hair Included.Or You Can Provide The Hair And The Cost Would be $125.Block Braids Ages13+
Block Braids (BiggerBraids,Singles ).This Is A 2Person Style & Is $150 Hair Included.Or You Can Provide The Hair And The Cost Would be $125.
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