Braids & Locs near me in Wayne, MI (162)
Beautiful Braids
12.3 mi Ferguson St, 14844, Detroit, 48227FAUX LOCS
Box braids
14.5 mi 17600 w.8mile, Southfield,Michigan, 48235Feed in braids starting @$35-n-up
2 braids starting at $35..rhetoric more braids the price goes up.INDIVIDUALS Ages13+
Individuals Braids (small braids,singles )This Is A 2Person Style & Is $150 Hair Included.Or You Can Provide The Hair And The Cost Would be $125.Block Braids Ages13+
Block Braids (BiggerBraids,Singles ).This Is A 2Person Style & Is $150 Hair Included.Or You Can Provide The Hair And The Cost Would be $125.
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