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Cupping Therapy near me in League City, TX (2)

  • Aura Beauty Spa/only Woman

    17.8 mi 3227 Worthington Dr, Pearland, 77584

    Cupping Therapy & Massage

    60 MINUTES
    + 1 more options

    Sport massage

    60 MINUTES
    + 1 more options

    Swedish Massage

    60 MINUTES
    + 1 more options
  • Houston Aztec Massage

    15.3 mi 817 E Southmore Ave, Ste 305, Pasadena, 77502

    Bamboo Cupping

    If you decide you only want this service then it will be at $60. If you like to add on as a MIX you can do so with a fire cupping just for $5 more. Helps relieve chronic pain. If you have any questions you send me a message.

    Fire Cupping

    Fire cupping is good to take out (aire) trapped air or trapped energy so that you can have a better Qi Flow. In other words getting rid of stagnant energy that can be causing stiffness and pain that you can never find where exactly the problem is. Great for carpal tunnel, knee problems, cuello torcido, sprained ankles and other areas that might be giving you discomfort. This is recommended when you get MRIs and still can not find anything wrong medically. This session includes deep tissue massage, Crystal's, herbal oils, and natural adjustments if needed. This can also leave marks and Welches for up to 2 weeks. Recommended not to shower for the next 24hrs and to drink hot teas and stay warm after session. This is a Grandmothers Tradition that was passed down to me.

    Stretching Meditation in Person
