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Manual Therapy near me in Ponca City, OK (1)

  • Healing Hands

    3.9 mi 217 N 5th, Ponca City, 74601

    Isolated Therapy

    If you have an isolated problem; neck, shoulder, or lower back, we can work on just that area for relief. Recommended for established clients only. Please do not schedule if you are a first-time client.

    Laser Therapy

    every light has a frequency and every frequency has a different level of healing, every light assists in the healing process of nerves muscles bones even teeth hair and nails. Come check it out

    Deluxe Therapeutic Massage/ 75

    Are your shoulders exceptionally sore? How about your neck? Perhaps your hips? The extra 15 minutes gives me time to work on the trouble areas. This is the first package recommended for first time clients. See add 15 minutes
    1h 15min

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