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Myofascial Release Therapy near me in Rossville, GA (1)

  • Beauty Of Ra Spiritual LLC

    3.0 mi P.O. Box 9565, East Ridge, 37412

    Deluxe Soul Therapy

    •Deluxe Soul Therapy This service is the ultimate spiritual journey, and a favorite to those seeking guidance in their everyday life as well as connections to/guidance from God, Jesus, Ancestors, Astral Plane, Angels, God’s, Goddesses And etc.. .. If you’re feeling lost or beginning a new journey in life, or spiritual belief this may be the perfect option for you. Includes Mediumship With Gods, Goddesses, And Spirit Guides
    1h 30min
    Option 1
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    Cleansing/Crystal Therapy

    Cleansing/Crystal Healing Is A Three Part Series Of Healing That Requires Client To Lie Flat “But Comfortably” for the chosen duration. Cleansing is done “VIRTUALLY AN REQUIRES HEADPHONES“ and 1-2hrs of quiet and alone time. Treats: Various Illnesses, Cursed/Blocked Condition, Night terror, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Depression, Addiction, Mood Disorder, Removes Negative Energy, Hexes, And Unhealthy Attachments. NEGATIVITY AN ILLNESSES ARE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH ABUNDANCE, RADIANT HEALTH, HEALING, AND SPIRITUAL PROTECTION GIVING REBIRTH TO YOUR PHYSICAL AN SPIRITUAL BODY IN THE PROCESS... THIS IS NOT REIKI THIS IS NOT REIKI Treats: Various Illnesses, Cursed/Blocked Condition, Night terror, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Depression, Addiction, Mood Disorder, Removes Negative Energy, Hexes, And Unhealthy Attachments.
    Option 1
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    Past Life Therapy

    •Past Life Therapy Having Recurring Dreams? Unexplained Anxieties? Strange Phobias? Do you have a sense of entitlement that’s leads you to believe you were royalty??? Past life Therapy can reveal the answers... However let’s say you were having unexplained pain, illnesses that no doctors could find, strange emotions, or maybe even fears of marriage “Maybe the answer to your fear are in the past”. Each time our souls enter into a new existence the past life leaves a stain as a reminder of the past. These things can be healed and released through past life therapy.. .. To know thyself is to know thy spirit.