Veneers in Tampa
Have you been feeling a little self-conscious about smiling back when the waitress at Al’s wishes you a good day or when you’re chatting with your friends at one of Tampa’s other favorite food spots? If your teeth are crooked, discolored, or simply not as good as you’d like them to be, perhaps it’s time to head to your local Tampa dentist for some veneers.
What are Veneers?
Veneers are super thin wafers made of porcelain that are glued, permanently, to your teeth. They can cover either the whole tooth or just part of the tooth. Veneers are customized to each individual client and are used in cases of:
crooked teeth (especially if you’ve already tried braces)
discolored teeth
chipped teeth
gaps in between teeth
or if you just don’t feel like your smile fits!
Whatever your reason for wanting them, it’s important to remember that because they are permanent fixtures in your mouth, you should absolutely go to someone highly qualified, experienced, and well reviewed to have them done.
Lucky for you, that’s where we come in!
How Long Do Veneers Take?
The whole process from start to finish will take multiple visits to your dentist.
First, you have a consult to discuss what you want. Your dentist will take measurements, photos, molds, etc of your mouth so as to ensure the best customization for you. After that there will be follow-up visits, one of which will include some temporary veneers that you’ll take for a spin (or a grin). Adjustments will be made as needed and eventually you’ll be ready to be bonded for life.
The actual procedure is a medical one, so it may take a few to more than a few hours, depending on how many teeth you’re covering. It will include a local anesthesia and the healing process will depend on a few factors, but generally within a month you’ll be feeling like your veneers have been part of you all along.
How Long Do Veneers Last?
Veneers last about 10-20 years, depending on how well you take care of them. Then they will need to be replaced.
How Much Do Veneers Cost in Tampa?
The cost of your veneers will depend on your teeth, your needs, and what type of veneer you choose. However, generally veneers in your area cost about $900 to $2500 per tooth.
Many dentists offer payment plans, so be sure to ask when you go in for a consult!
Where to Get Veneers in Tampa
Veneers are an investment, but when it comes to your smile, it may well be worth it! If you need to find the best, most highly reviewed veneer experts near you, let us help you!
Simply return to the listings above or download the Booksy app to book your consultation today!