TruChampions LLC
20054 Vreeland Street, Woodhaven, 48183

TruChampions LLC

20054 Vreeland Street, Woodhaven, 48183


    • Job Resume

      We will write your job resume.

  • Athletic

    3 services
    • Athletic profile

      We will market your athletic profile on our website page and advertise you to coaches across the country
    • Athletic highlight tape

      We will come to two of your sporting events and provide you with a three minute highlight tape. Depending on what you were looking for the price will vary.
    • 10 collegiate coaching contacts

      We will provide you with all the necessary information you need to contact any coach you want in the country

  • Academics

    2 services
    • Filling out 5 college application

      Walk you through step-by-step and filling out the college application with the most appropriate appearance for colleges
    • Essay for college applications

      We will interview you about your high school experience and help you write your essay to explain your character to a college or university

  • Training

    2 services
    • Ballhandling and guard play training

      You'll work to improve your ballhandling skills so that you could play at the highest level. Running through a numerous amount of drills so that you feel more than enough comfortable and competing with local kids in the area. You must buy a minimum of 10 sessions
    • Post player training

See Our Work
