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Acupuncture Near Me in Maumee, OH | Choose The Best Out Of (1)

  • Tamara TCM Wellness Acupuncture and Herbs

    505 m 120 W Dudley St, Maumee, 43537

    New Patient TCM Treatment

    1st-time patient visit for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Consult (if desired) as well as Nutritional & Lifestyle Coaching, and other Self-Care guidance. *** Does NOT include cost of herbs ***

    Follow-up TCM/Acupuncture

    Herbal Medicine Consult & Acupuncture, as well as Nutritional Counseling & Coaching, Lifestyle Counseling & Coaching, and other Self-Care guidance. *** Does NOT include cost of herbs or add-on services like cupping, electroacupuncture, etc. ***

    VA Self-Pay FollowUp Acupuncture

    A follow-up for an established patient through Veterans Affairs who is currently out of VA coverage. *** If you are a VA patient & need to schedule a VA-covered visit, please call the clinic. ***