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Chiropractic near me in Marshall, WI (1)

  • Animal Holistic Care Specialists of Wisconsin

    176.4 mi 1121 State Road 19, Marshall, 53559

    Zoom Session 40-Minutes

    Meet Face-to-face with Dr. Kaufman for 40 minutes to receive JointYoga coaching, or to consult with her for any other reason.

    RETURN Dog/Cat Chiropractic

    RETURN Chiropractic/Spinal Manipulation evaluation and treatment for your dog, cat or exotic animal that has been treated at our clinic within the past 2 years. Please specify pet name and species.

    RETURN LA Chiropractic

    RETURN Chiropractic evaluation and treatment for your horse, cow, or farm animal that has been treated at our clinic within the past 2 years.