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Facial Rejuvenation near me in Fountain, CO (4)

  • Kal's Esthetician Clinic

    13.3 mi 1287 Lake Plaza Dr, Suite 130 room 3, Colorado Springs, 80906
    Booksy Recommended

    Nano infusion

    1h 20min

    Cavitation consult


    Cavitation Package 6x Sessions

    1h 30min
  • Mobile service

    Belleza Holistica

    10.2 mi 4214 Astrozon Blvd, Colorado Springs, 80916

    Rejuvenecimiento Facial


    Masaje Reductor Brasileño

    1h 20min

    Aumento De Gluteos

  • Aesthetics by Design LLC

    15.7 mi Unsure of the location for your next appt - Please Call, 3220 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, 80917

    Kybella ~

    "Reduce The Fullness Under Your Chin".. Whether your double chin is caused by the natural process of aging, genetics, or weight gain, Kybella may be a great option. An FDA-approved, non-surgical, injectable procedure that can reduce excess fat below your chin, and even reduce the size of jowls. Kybella injectable treatment will improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells permanently in as little as 3-5 office visits. For the double-chin areas, we suggest receiving three to four treatments spaced eight to twelve weeks apart. A customized treatment plan will be discussed that involves multiple procedures to achieve your desired results over time.

    Skin Tightening

    SkinTyte as one of the safest, most optimized, most cost-effective ways to give patients younger-looking skin. This impressive treatment utilizes pulses of light energy to gently heat the skin’s surface. This process induces the body’s natural healing process for improved elastin and collagen production—leaving you luminously glowing with continued improvement over time! As an integral part of many patients’ long-term skin maintenance plan, the powerful results of SkinTyte can be used to improve the appearance of severe wrinkles and mild-to-moderate sagging; restore a youthful contour of the face or body; and even help delay or eliminate the need for surgical procedures. As people age, the skin ages too, losing its natural collagen and elasticity. Until recently, surgical procedures were the only option for truly relieving this concern. However, Sciton’s advanced technology allows for a new way to address sagging skin without the need for significant downtime associated with surgery. It’s called SkinTyte, and it can be used anywhere on the face, neck, or body! *** For desired results consecutive treatments are needed.


    Dysport (abobotulinumtoxin A) a prescription injection used as a noninvasive procedure to temporarily decrease muscle movement in the target areas to soften the appearance of facial wrinkles. This is a no down time treatment, you can go right back to work. Dysport is a prescription injection proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face.