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House Cleaning near me in Wills Point, TX (2)
- Mobile service
Thee Healing Goddess
45.2 mi 6780 Abrams Rd, 209, 209, Dallas, 75231House or Business Cleansing
Need a space Cleansing and clearing from any lingering energies? I'll bring my tools including an a complimentary crystal, sage bundle, or sandlewood and not only help you but teach you how to clean your space and banish unwanted spirits. Includes free chakra cleansing for 1 person (+$11 per person)Mobile serviceVaries1h 30minOption 1+ 3 more optionsAn Intro Special for Massage & Healings
First Time Having A professional massage? Not sure what modalities you need? New to Thee Healing Goddesss? Book this introduction rate for your FIRST VISIT!$60.00+30min🌿✨ Intro Healing Reiki Massage ✨🌿 Experience the gentle power of Reiki combined with soothing massage techniques in our Intro H+ 4 more options*MEMBER SPECIAL*
$77.0030minMonthly Membership w/ Free 30 Min Session of your choice!+ 4 more options - Mobile service
Vero’s cleaning service
28.7 mi 6759 King St, Greenville, 75402Vero’s cleaning service
Mobile service$180.00+30min
Most popular treatments
- House Cleaning
- House Cleaning in Wills Point, TX