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Lymphatic Massage near me in Loveland, OH (2)

  • Joy of Massage

    1.4 mi 11591 Rich Rd, Loveland, 45140

    60 Min Lymph System

    A technique that massages the lymph nodes and lymph system using light rhythmic strokes. The lymph system is designed to remove bacteria and toxins from the body. Massaging the lymph system would improve the flow of the lymph.

    90 Min Lymph System

    A technique that massages the lymph nodes and lymph system using light rhythmic strokes. The lymph system is designed to remove bacteria and toxins from the body. Massaging the lymph system would improve the flow of the lymph.
    1h 30min

    60 Min Sports/Deep Tissue

    This massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.
  • Mobile service

    Relaxation light massage

    15.5 mi 5403 Dixie hway, Fairfield, 45014

    Lymphatic drainage


    Hot Stone Massage

    Mobile service
    1h 15min

    Sports Massage

    Mobile service