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Lymphatic Massage near me in Pennsburg, PA (3)

  • Mobile service

    Everything Extraordinary

    38.1 mi Pennsauken, Pennsauken, 08105

    Manual Lymphatic Massage


    Manual Lymphatic Massage Extended

    1h 10min

    Manual Lymphatic Massage Package

    3h 20min
    Manual Lymphatic Massage
    Manual Lymphatic Massage
    Manual Lymphatic Massage
    Manual Lymphatic Massage
  • Sassy Diva’s Beauty Studio

    14.3 mi 1101 Hamilton St, suite 203, Allentown, 18101

    Post op massage


    Post-op massage package 10 sessions


    Body Contouring/ Masaje reductor

  • Webster Therapeutic Massage Center

    12.9 mi 3136 Hamilton Blvd. Suite 103, Allentown, 18103

    60min Manual Lymphatic Drainage

    Lymph drainage uses a gentle stretching movement that is very specific. The skin is stretched in a very specific direction and sequence to help speed to rate at which lymph reach the lymph node groups for filtration and decongestion of the tissue.

    30min Manual Lymphatic Drainage

    Lymph drainage uses a gentle stretching movement that is very specific. The skin is stretched in a very specific way to help with filtration and congestion of the fluid in the body. 30min session will focus on either lower or upper body only

    60 min Massage

    Take your choice of either a lighter more relaxing swedish massage or have knots and tight areas worked out with a firmer deep tissue massage.