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Physiotherapy near me in Hopkins, MN (1)

  • LifeForce Chiropractic

    6.1 mi 3706 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, 55409

    45-min Muscle Therapy Session

    Techniques utilized include: trigger point, myofascial release, passive and PNF stretching, percussive massage. Session can include total body or focused work. Cashed based services for people looking for a massage alternative.

    30-Min Muscle Therapy Session

    Techniques utilized include: trigger point, myofascial release, passive and PNF stretching, percussive massage. Session are total body or can be focused to neck, hips, shoulders. Workout/comfortable clothing preferred.

    New Patient Appointment- 60 min

    This 45-60 min appt includes history, exam and adjustment. Please arrive 10 min early to complete paperwork or find & complete the paperwork on our website ahead of time. Please enter your insurance company & ID # in the "memo" field when booking.