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Wedding Hair Stylist near me in South Lyon, MI (2)

  • Mobile service

    Vibes Studio

    17.9 mi 32600 Cherry Hill Rd, Garden City, 48135

    House call

    Full service, travel to you

    King’s Full Service

    1h 15min


  • MI Hollibeauty Salon Studio

    9.3 mi 43227 Crescent Blvd, Suite 37 inside Salons by JC, Novi, MI, 48375

    Bridal Hair Trial

    Bridal Trials are highly encouraged simply so I can get to know your personal style & hair. Please come with clean, dry hair. If you plan on using clip-in extensions or accessories bring them!
    1h 30min

    Balayage & Haircut

    Certified in the technique of balayage "hair painting" which varies with each individual and their desired hair goals. This service includes a consultation, custom balayage, gloss, haircut, and blowout.
    2h 45min

    Hairline Highlight/Balayage & Haircut

    This is an in between balayage/highlight appointments service or a great add on to a base retouch! This is meant to brighten up your hairline and trim those ends to keep your hair looking fresh! Blowout & Gloss included!
    1h 45min