Skin Care Consultation near me in Lowell, MA (2)

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  • Marjory Studios

    1.3 mi 80 Mammoth Rd, Lowell, 01854

    Skin Cleasing


    Male Groin + Anus

    1h 30min

    Male Groin


    18.8 mi 452 Pleasant st, 1st floor, Malden, 02148
    Booksy Recommended

    Skin analysis/ Avaliacao

    Skin analysis is important because it determines what type of skin the client has, the condition of the skin, and what type of treatment the client's skin needs. A avaliação da pele é um dos momentos mais importantes do tratamento estético. É hora de conhecer o cliente, perguntar sobre histórico de doenças, hábitos e descobrir qual o problema a ser melhorado.

    Spray tanning 4 sessions/ 4 sessões bronze


    Spray tanning (bronzeamento a Jato )

    If you want a flawless tan without exposing yourself to UV rays or laying for hours in the sun, get a sun-kissed tan with our Norvell sunless Tanning System. It’s the perfect spray tan solution to transform and enhance your individual skin tone for an amazing sunless look.