January & June
14 Topaz Ave, Kloofendal, 1709, Roodepoort
17 reviews
January & June
14 Topaz Ave, Kloofendal, 1709, Roodepoort
Rubber Gel Overlay - With Color & Basic Art
R380,001hRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)
R470,0015minDetailed Art Add On with Full Set Nails
R100,0030minHair consultation
1 serviceHair Consultation In-salon
Cut, blow and style
5 servicesCut and Blow dry Medium Length
R380,001hCut and Blow dry Short Hair
R370,001hCut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)
R440,001hCut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
R420,001hCut and Blow dry Long Hair
Curls/ waves
4 servicesCurls/waves Medium
R300,0045minCurls/waves Long
R310,0045minCurls/waves XL (Mid-back)
R340,001hCurl/wave XXL (Lower Back)
Blow dry
5 servicesBlow dry Short
R220,0045minBlow dry Medium
R240,0045minBlow dry Long
R260,0045minBlow dry XL (Mid-back)
R300,0045minBlow Dry XXL (Lower Back)
Colour service
8 servicesHairline Tint (2weeks)
R340,0015minHairline Tint - (3 Weeks)
R400,0015minRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)
R470,0015minFull Tint (Solid Colour) Short
R520,0020minFull Tint (Solid Colour) Medium
R620,0020minFull Tint (Solid Colour) Long
R730,0030minFull Tint XL/ Thick Hair (Solid Colour)
R870,0030minFull Tint XXL / Thick Hair (Solid Colour)
R1 000,0030min
Lightening / Foils
6 services1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)
R820,0030min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)
R990,0030min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)
R1 020,0045min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)
R1 120,0045minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)
R1 120,001hFull Head Foils (6weeks +)
R1 390,001h
Tip Out Ends ( lightens / brighten ends of hair)
4 servicesTip Out Ends - Medium
R280,0015minTip Out Ends - Long
R360,0015minTip Out Ends - XL
R440,0015minTip Out Ends - XXL
Bleach - Global Application
2 servicesBleach Global Application- Roots ( Within 6weeks)
R750,0030minBleach Global Application Short
R1 000,0030min
Brazilian Blowout
5 servicesBrazilian Blowout Very Short Hair
R470,001h 15minBrazilian Blowout Short
R790,002hBrazilian Blowout Medium Length
R1 080,003hBrazilian Blowout Long Hair
R1 530,003hBrazilian Blowout XL &/ Very Thick Hair
R2 180,003h 30min
Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre
6 servicesBalayage Full Head Medium Length Hair
R1 780,001hBalayage Full Head Long
R1 960,001hBalayage Full Head XL
R2 380,001h1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre -Medium
R1 250,001h1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre - Long
R1 350,001h1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre - XL
R1 450,001h
Colour correction
4 servicesLevel 1 - Minor Adjustment
R1 000,00+1hLevel 2: Moderate Correction
R1 500,00+1hLevel 3: Significant Colour Correction
R2 600,00+1h 30minLevel 4: Extreme Correction
R3 000,00+2h
5 servicesToner ( Short)
R370,0010minToner (Medium)
R390,0010minToner (Long)
R410,0010minToner (XL/ Thick)
R520,0010minToner (XXL/Thick)
Silver paste
5 servicesSilver Paste (Short)
R90,0020minSilver Paste (Medium)
R100,0020minSilver paste (Long)
R110,0020minSilver Paste XL
R120,0020minSilver Paste XXL
Root Tint & Blow Wave / Straighten Combo's
4 servicesRoot Tint(Within4-6Weeks )Blow/Straighten-Short
R690,001h 45minRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Blow dry ShortRoot Tint(Within4-6Weeks )Blow/Straighten-Medium
R710,001h 45minRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Blow dry MediumRoot Tint(Within4-6Weeks )Blow/Straighten-Long
R730,001h 45minRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Blow dry LongRoot Tint(Within4-6Weeks )Blow/Straighten-XL
R770,001h 45minRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Root Tint, Cut & Blow/ Style Combo's
3 servicesRoot Tint , Cut & Blow/Style-Medium
R850,002hRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Cut and Blow dry Medium LengthRoot Tint , Cut & Blow/Style-Short
R840,002hRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Cut and Blow dry Short HairRoot Tint Cut & Blow/ Style-Long
R870,002hRoot Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair
Full Tint & Blow Wave / Straighten Combo's
4 servicesFull Tint, Blow/Style - Short
R890,002h 5minFull Tint (Solid Colour) ShortCut and Blow dry Short HairFull Tint, Blow/Style - Medium
R860,001h 50minFull Tint (Solid Colour) MediumBlow dry MediumFull Tint, Blow/Style - Long
R1 130,002h 15minFull Tint (Solid Colour) LongCut and Blow dry Long HairFull Tint, Blow/Style - XL/ Thick
R1 170,002hFull Tint XL/ Thick Hair (Solid Colour)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Full Tint, Cut & Blow/ Style Combo's
5 servicesFull Tint, Cut & Blow/Style - Short
R890,002h 20minFull Tint (Solid Colour) ShortCut and Blow dry Short HairFull Tint , Cut & Blow/Style - Medium
R1 000,002h 35minFull Tint (Solid Colour) MediumCut and Blow dry Medium LengthFull Tint , Cut & Blow / Style - Long
R1 130,002h 30minFull Tint (Solid Colour) LongCut and Blow dry Long HairFull Tint , Cut & Blow / Style - XL/Thick
R1 290,002h 30minFull Tint XL/ Thick Hair (Solid Colour)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Tint , Cut & Blow/Style - XXL / Thick
R1 440,002h 30minFull Tint XXL / Thick Hair (Solid Colour)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)
Foils, Toner, Blow/ Style(within6weeks)Combo's
12 services1/4Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Short
R1 410,002h 35min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Blow dry Short1/2Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Short
R1 610,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Blow dry Short1/4Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Medium
R1 450,002h 35min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Medium)Blow dry Medium1/4Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Long
R1 490,002h 25min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Blow dry Long1/4Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-XL
R1 640,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/2Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Medium
R1 650,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Medium)Blow dry Medium1/2Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Long
R1 690,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Blow dry Long1/2Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-XL
R1 840,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Short
R1 710,003h 5minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Blow dry ShortFull Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Medium
R1 750,003h 10minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Medium)Blow dry MediumFull Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-Long
R1 790,003h 10minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Blow dry LongFull Foils, Toner & Style- Within 6Weeks-XL
R1 940,003h 10minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Foils, Toner,Blow/ Style(6weeks +)Combo's
12 services1/4Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Short
R1 580,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner ( Short)Blow dry Short1/4Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Medium
R1 620,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (Medium)Blow dry Medium1/4Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Long
R1 660,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (Long)Blow dry Long1/4Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) XL
R1 810,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/2Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Short
R1 710,002h 50min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner ( Short)Blow dry Short1/2Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Medium
R1 750,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Medium)Blow dry Medium1/2Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Long
R1 790,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Long)Blow dry Long1/2Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) XL
R1 940,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Short
R1 980,003h 5minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner ( Short)Blow dry ShortFull Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Medium
R2 020,003h 10minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Medium)Blow dry MediumFull Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) Long
R2 060,003h 10minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Long)Blow dry LongFull Foils, Toner & Style( 6Weeks+) XL
R2 210,003h 10minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Foils(Roots within 6weeks)Toner,Cut&Style Combo's
15 services1/4Foils, Toner, Cut & Style- Within 6Weeks-Short
R1 560,003h1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short Hair1/4Foils,Toner,Cut& Style - Medium(within6 Weeks)
R1 760,003h1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium Length1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style - Long (Within 6 Weeks)
R1 630,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks- XL
R1 760,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/4 Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-XXL
R1 890,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-short
R1 760,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short Hair1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks- Medium
R1 790,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium Length1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks- Long
R1 830,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks- XL
R1 960,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks- XXL
R2 090,002h 55min1/2 Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)Full Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-Short
R1 860,003h 10minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short HairFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-Medium
R1 860,003h 30minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short HairFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-Long
R1 930,003h 10minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long HairFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6 Weeks-XL
R2 060,003h 30minFull Head Foils (within 6weeks)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Foil,Toner,Cut&Style-within 6Weeks- XXL/Thick
R2 460,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)
4 servicesLadies Cut
R300,0045minGents Cut
R220,0030minKids Cut ( Babies & Toddlers )
R190,0030minFringe Trim / Shave
Foils( 6weeks plus) Toner,Cut & Blow/Style
15 services1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Short
R1 730,002h 55min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short Hair1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Medium
R1 760,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium Length1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Long
R1 800,002h 40min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XL
R1 930,002h 55min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/4Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XXL
R2 060,002h 55min1/4 Head Foils (6 Weeks +)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Short
R1 860,003h 10min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short Hair1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Medium
R1 890,003h 10min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium Length1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Long
R1 930,003h 10min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XL
R2 060,003h 10min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)1/2Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XXL
R2 190,003h 10min1/2 Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)Full Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Short
R2 130,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner ( Short)Cut and Blow dry Short HairFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Medium
R2 160,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium LengthFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ Long
R2 200,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long HairFull Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XL
R2 330,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Foils,Toner,Cut&Style-6 Weeks+ XXL
R2 460,003h 25minFull Head Foils (6weeks +)Toner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)
Balayage, Toner, Cut & Style Combo's
7 servicesFull Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - Medium
R2 550,003h 30minBalayage Full Head Medium Length HairToner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium LengthFull Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - Long
R2 770,003h 30minBalayage Full Head LongToner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long HairFull Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - XL
R3 320,003h 30minBalayage Full Head XLToner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)Full Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - XXL
R3 450,003h 30minBalayage Full Head XLToner (XXL/Thick)Cut and Blow XXL (Lower Back)1/2 Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - Medium
R2 020,003h 30min1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre -MediumToner (Medium)Cut and Blow dry Medium Length1/2 Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - Long
R2 160,003h 30min1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre - LongToner (Long)Cut and Blow dry Long Hair1/2 Balayage , Toner, Cut & Style - XL
R2 390,003h 30min1/2 Head Balayage / Foilyage / Sombre - XLToner (XL/ Thick)Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Upstyles / wedding packages
3 servicesUpstyle Trial
R470,001h 30minUpstyle
R620,001hWedding Upstyle
R820,001h 30min
3 servicesMakeup Trial ( Includes Strip Lashes )
R600,001hMakeup Including Lashes
R750,001hMakeup Excluding Strip Lashes
Tape-in extensions
2 servicesExtensions maintenance 6-8 weeks
R1 200,00+1hOption 1R1 900,00+1h 30minOption 2Extensions Remove
In-salon treatment
1 serviceIn-salon Hair treatment
Manicure & Pedicure
6 servicesMini Manicure
R200,0030minClassic Manicure
R250,0040minChemical Hand Peel Manicure
R350,0040minClassic Pedicure
R300,001hHydrating Jelly Pedicure
R350,001hAdd On Gel Polish
Acrylic Nails
13 servicesTips & Acrylic Overlay - Natural
R400,001h 30minAcrylic Overlay - Natural
R340,001hAcrylic Fill 3 - 4 Weeks - Natural
R340,001hAcrylic Fill 4 Week Plus Incl. New Color & Art
R400,001hAcrylic Overlay - With Color
R360,001hAcrylic Overlay - Natural with Basic Art
R380,001hAcrylic Overlay - With Color & Basic Art
R400,001h 30minTips & Acrylic Overlay Incl. Color & Basic Art
R450,001h 30minAcrylic Sculpture - Natural
R450,002hAcrylic Fill 2 Week - Natural
R320,0045minAcrylic Fill 2 - 3 Week Incl. New Color & Art
R360,001hSoak Off & Natural Acrylic Overlay
R440,001h 30minSoak Off / Buff Off ProductAcrylic Overlay - NaturalSoak & New Set - Acrylic Overlay Incl. Color & Art
R500,002hSoak Off / Buff Off ProductAcrylic Overlay - With Color & Basic Art
Gel Nails
8 servicesRubber Gel Overlay - With Color
R340,0045minRubber Gel Overlay - With Color & Basic Art
R380,001hFull Cover Rubber Base Gel Tips - Natural Or Color
R400,001hRubber Gel Fill 2 Week - Natural Or Color
R320,0045minFull Cover Rubber Base Gel Tips - With Color & Art
R450,001h 30minRubber Gel Fill 2 - 3 Week Incl. New Color & Art
R360,001hRubber Gel Fill 4 Weeks Plus Incl. New Color & Art
R380,001hRubber Gel Fill 4 Weeks Plus - Natural
Acrylic & Gel Nail Add-on's
5 servicesNail Repair - Add Tip Or Sculpture To Full Set
R50,0015minJust Gel Toes
R270,0030minSoak Off / Buff Off Product
R100,0030minSoak Off Incl. Clear Gel Overlay
R300,001hAcrylic Nail / New Build
1 serviceDetailed Art Add On with Full Set Nails
15 servicesLip / Chin / Brows Wax Each
R370,0030minNose & Cheek Wax
R100,0015minUnderarm Wax
R150,0020minHalf Arm Wax
R160,0020minFull Arm Wax
R200,0030minFull Face Wax
R200,0030minBack Or Chest & Stomach Wax
R250,0030minHalf Leg Wax
R220,0030minThree Quarter Leg Wax
R250,0030minFull Leg Wax
R320,0045minBikini Wax - Female
R250,0030minBrazilian Wax - Female
R320,0045minHollywood Wax - Female
R350,0045minSmall Areas Wax Add On
Brows & Lashes
7 servicesBrow Tint
R120,0015minBrow Tint, Shape & Wax
R170,0020minLash Tint
R120,0020minLash & Brow Tint Combo
R250,0030minBrow Lamination
R350,0035minLash Lift & Curl (Lamination)
R550,001hBrow & Lash Lamination Combo
R750,001h 15min
13 servicesDermaplaning
R500,0045minMicroneedling Facial Treatment
R650,001hMicroneedling & Chemical Peel Facial Treatment
R850,001hMicroneedling Facial Treatment Package Of 4
R1 950,001hMicroneedling & Chemical Peel Package Of 4
R2 550,001hMicroneedling Facial Treatment Package Of 6
R3 250,001hMicroneedling & Chemical Peel Package Of 6
R4 250,001hChemical Peel Face Treatment
R550,0030minChemical Peel Face & Neck Treatment
R650,0030minChemical Peel - Other Areas Incl. Hands & Back
R250,00+30minChemical Peel Face & Neck Treatment Package Of 4
R2 400,0030minAcne Chemical Peel Face Treatment Package Of 6
R2 750,0030minChemical Peel Face & Neck Treatment Package Of 6
R3 250,0030min
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Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
Based on 17 reviews
- 517
- 40
- 30
- 20
- 10
Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Debbie Jordaan
Very friendly, efficient. Happy with the service. My hair looks great!
Acrylic Overlay - With Color
Virginie Lopes
Wonderful atmosphere and impeccable service
Soak Off / Buff Off Product
Acrylic Overlay - Natural with Basic Art
Virginie Lopes
Everyone was so friendly. Virg did magic on my nails, I absolutely love them! Her attention to detail is perfect, my nails look exactly like what I as...
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Cut and Blow dry XL (Mid-back)
Debbie Jordaan
Baie professioneel.
Dankie, nou lyk my hare weer mooi.
Sal beslis terug wees🤗
Rubber Gel Overlay - With Color & Basic Art
Virginie Lopes
Always impressed with my nails
Acrylic Overlay - Natural with Basic Art
Virginie Lopes
Love going people are all so friendly and excellent service from Virg
Brazilian Blowout Long Hair
Knowledgeable and friendly! Great first visit....see u again soon!
Debbie Jordaan
Quick and easy spray tan. Everything explained nicely and everyone in the salon was friendly and kind. Highly recommend!
Cut and Blow dry Long Hair
Debbie Jordaan
Exceptional service. Great atmosphere and lovely people.
Rubber Gel Fill 4 Weeks Plus Incl. New Color & Art
Virginie Lopes
Amazing service, very friendly staff. Always get what you asked for and always perfectly done.
Gents Cut
Debbie Jordaan
Amazing service, the best and friendliest hairdressers in town!
Microneedling & Chemical Peel Facial Treatment
Virginie Lopes
Very professional service
Hollywood Wax - Female
Brow Tint
Virginie Lopes
Down to earth, fun-loving and passionate bunch of ladies, always willing to help. Great service!
Cut and Blow dry Medium Length
Debbie Jordaan
Excellent service
Brazilian Blowout Medium Length
Cut and Blow dry Medium Length
Amazing experience as always. Left with completely transformed hair ❤️
Root Tint 4-6 Week Maintenance (Solid Colour)
Cut and Blow dry Medium Length
Debbie Jordaan
Love the great vibe of this beautiful place. Happy and friendly space with great services!
Acrylic Overlay - Natural
Virginie Lopes
January & June is more than a salon. It’s a space to dream, heal and grow! The ladies that make up this dream team genuinely care about their crafts. ...
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- Hair salons
- Hair salons in Allen's Nek
- January & June