Jasmine Sophia Aesthetics
5 White Lion Walk, OX16 5UD, Banbury
393 reviews

Jasmine Sophia Aesthetics

5 White Lion Walk, OX16 5UD, Banbury


    Popular Services

    • Botox top up

    • Nikki Hybrid Infill

      Nikki Hybrid 1 hour infill
      1h 30min
      Nikki Hybrid 1 hour 30 min infill
    • Aesthetics Consultation



    6 services
    • 1ml face filler

    • 1ml Lips + 2 areas anti wrinkle

    • 1m lips + non surgical rhinoplasty

    • JOWL LIFT - 4ml filler

    • Micro needling 2 sessions

    • Non surgical rhinoplasty


  • Consultation

    1 service
    • Aesthetics Consultation


  • Filler

    18 services
    • 3D Russian Lips

    • 0.5ml Lip Enhancement

      Revolax 0.5ml
      Stylage M filler
      Juvederm 0.5ml
    • 0.7ml Lip Enhancement

      Stylage M filler
      Revolax 0.7ml
    • 1ml Lip Enhancement

      Juvederm 1ml
      Revolax 1ml
      Stylage M filler
    • 1.5ml Lip Enhancement

    • Lip Lines - Smokers lines around mouth

    • Nose to mouth lines (Nasolabial Folds)1ml

      For the nose to mouth lines on the face where filler is placed to soften these lines/depressions.
    • 1ml Chin/Cheek/Jaw

      Regenovue Sub Q Plus
      Juvederm Voluma
    • 1.5ml Filler Package

      1h 5min
    • 2.2ml Face Filler - Tweakment Package

    • 3.3ml Face Filler - Effective Package

    • 4.4ml Face Filler - Structure Package

      1h 30min
    • 5.5ml Face Filler - Flawless Package

      1h 30min
    • 6.6ml Face Filler - Ultimate Package

      1h 30min
    • 7.7ml Face Filler - Ultimate Package

      1h 30min
    • Smokers line - botox and filler

      Lip Lines - Smokers lines around mouth
      Botox Smoker lines - lines above top lip
    • Filler dissolve only - no refill

      You can only have a Hyalase dissolve if you do not have any allergies to bee/wasp stings. A patch test is carried out at your appointment.
    • Lip Rehab - Dissolve & 1ml refill

      This need to be completed over two appointments. First appointment is the dissolve. At least 14 days after your dissolve can the lips be refilled. You can’t have hyalase if you are allergic to bee/wasp stings. You would need to choose saline dissolve.

  • Nose Filler

    3 services
    • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty - 1st Appointment

      Great for clients who want to correct an imperfection in their nose and side profile. This treatment allows us to correct lumps, bumps on the nose as well as lifting a drooping tip - this is known as the pixie tip lift. Consultation time is factored into each appointment. After treatment it is expected that you will see an improvement immediately however the final result takes some weeks longer to become visible due to the amount of time needed for the procedure to settle. The full result may be judged at around 4-6 weeks. You may need to attend a review appointment at 6 weeks where the success of the treatment may be assessed and adjustments to your result made, if necessary. Included in the initial cost if booked within 6 weeks. Small red spots on the skin usually disappear in a few hours. Transient stinging of the skin is normal after injection (10-15 minutes). If bruising is to occur, it is usually is apparent at day 2-3 and will typically resolve over 5-10 days. It is normal to have a degree of swelling and oedema after your treatment. This usually takes around a week to resolve, however it can take longer than this and it is not unusual to have residual swelling for up to a month. Swelling will usually reach its peak at around 2-3 days post procedure. You may experience some tenderness at the treatment site, that can last for a few hours or up to a week especially at the tip, this is normal, any pain or redness getting worse please call the clinic.
    • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Top-Up

      Due 4-6 weeks after initial treatment .After treatment it is expected that you will see an improvement immediately however the final result takes some weeks longer to become visible due to the amount of time needed for the procedure to settle. The full result may be judged at around 4-6 weeks. You may need to attend a review appointment at 6 weeks where the success of the treatment may be assessed and adjustments to your result made, if necessary. Small red spots on the skin usually disappear in a few hours. Transient stinging of the skin is normal after injection (10-15 minutes). If bruising is to occur, it is usually is apparent at day 2-3 and will typically resolve over 5-10 days. It is normal to have a degree of swelling and oedema after your treatment. This usually takes around a week to resolve, however it can take longer than this and it is not unusual to have residual swelling for up to a month. Swelling will usually reach its peak at around 2-3 days post procedure. You may experience some tenderness at the treatment site, that can last for a few hours or up to a week especially at the tip, this is normal, any pain or redness getting worse please call the clinic.
    • Pixie tip lift


  • Botox - Anti Wrinkle Injections

    15 services
    • Botox One Area

      Botox one area - man
      Botox one area - woman
    • Botox Two Areas

      Botox two areas - man
      Botox two areas - woman
    • Botox Three Areas

      Botox three areas - woman
      Botox three areas - man
    • Botox Four Areas

      Botox four areas - woman
      Botox four areas - man
    • Botox Five Areas

    • Lip Flip Botox

      The injection temporarily relaxes the muscles around your lip. This causes the part of your upper lip that’s inside your mouth to “flip” upward and outward, giving your lip a fuller appearance. Who’s a good candidate for the procedure? People who opt for the lip flip procedure include those who: are hoping to achieve fuller lips without a dermal filler think their upper lip “disappears” when they smile want their smile to appear less gummy, which is when your smile shows more of your gums than you’d like Lip flips and dermal fillers both result in fuller-looking lips. But the procedures differ. While lip flips only appear to make lips plumper, dermal fillers actually do make lips fuller. In this procedure, dermal filler is injected in your lips with a substance made mostly of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps give your skin structure and a hydrated appearance. Lip flips, on the other hand, use a small amount of Botox to relax the muscles around your upper lip so it turns upward. This makes your lip look fuller, but its actual volume doesn’t increase; it just gets rearranged.
    • Gummy smile Botox

      The term “gummy smile” also referred to as excessive gingival display, refers to when someone smiles and there is too much gum tissue showing above the top teeth. This can take the focus from our lips and even teeth – making them appear to be smaller than normal. Botox acts as a muscle relaxant. So, when injected it weakens the muscles response to not be so hyperactive. A small Botox injection at both sides of the nostril and nose to mouth lines helps to weaken the muscles response. This minimally invasive procedure begins to show the results within the next 5-7 days. You will discover a new elevated smile, showing less gum making you more confident in smiling freely. This treatment is the first choice for many to treat that gummy smile, thanks to the quick treatment time, how fast it works, satisfaction with the results and how long the results last.
    • Botox Smoker lines - lines above top lip

    • Masseter Botox

      The masseter is one of the muscles that helps you chew. It’s located on the side of your face and connects your cheekbone to your lower jawbone. When Botox is injected into the masseter, it’s called a masseter Botox. It’s sometimes called jaw Botox. Botox in the masseter is typically used for: managing teeth grinding reducing jaw tension, pain, and clenching relieving headaches contouring a square jaw creating a balanced face shape
    • Liquid brow lift

    • Pebble chin Botox

      Dimpling and wrinkling in your chin can be part of the natural aging process of our face. While there’s no medical cause for concern if you have a dimply orange peel texture on your chin, you might feel self-conscious or it makes you look older than you are. Botox, a toxin that temporarily limits the movement of muscles underneath the layers of your skin, can be used to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles on the lower part of your jaw.
    • Hyperhidrosis

    • Bunny lines - on the nose

    • Nose tip lift - Botox

    • Botox top up


  • Lash Extensions

    17 services
    • Lash Lift

      Our lash lift is the revolutionary lash treatment that creates masses of length, volume and lift with your own natural lashes. No mascara. No extensions. No maintenance. It’s a great alternative to lash extensions and the perfect way to enhance what you already have, whether your lashes are long, short, thick or stubborn. This treatment will create the look of longer, fuller lashes that make your eyes appear more open and youthful as well as saving time in your morning routine. So, if you’re looking for a long-lasting, low maintenance, natural looking eyelash enhancement then a lash lift is for you. If you are a new client booking in for this treatment please ensure you book a patch test for at least 24 hour prior to your appointment to check for allergic reaction to the products used.
    • Patch Test for lash lift

      You will need a patch test to check your suitability for lash lift at least 24 hours before your appointment.
    • Nikki Classic Full Set

      Classic Lash Extensions - full set. A natural extension to length and curl
    • Nikki Classic Lash Infill

    • Nikki Hybrid Full Set

      2h 30min
    • Nikki Hybrid Infill

      Nikki Hybrid 1 hour infill
      1h 30min
      Nikki Hybrid 1 hour 30 min infill
    • Kyra Classic Fullset

      2h 30min
    • Kyra Classic Infill

      1h 30min
    • Nikki Russian Volume Full

      2h 30min
    • Nikki Russian infill

      Nikki Russian 1 hour infill
      1h 30min
      Nikki Russian 1 hour 30 min infill
      1h 45min
      Nikki Russian 1 hour 45 min infill
      Nikki Russian 2 hour infill
    • Samantha Classic Full Set

    • Samantha Classic Infill

      1h 15min
    • Samantha Hybrid Full Set

      2h 30min
    • Samantha Russian Volume Full Set

      2h 30min
    • Samantha Hybrid/Russian Infill

      1h 15min
      1 hour 15 min infill
      1h 30min
      1 hour 30 min infill Russian/Hybrid
      1h 45min
      1 hour 45 min infill Russian/hybrid
    • Lash Bath

      luxury lash bath prior to your infill, great for boosting retention
    • Lash Removal


  • Skin Boosters & Polynucleotides

    10 services
    • Nucleofil Eyes - Polynucleotide

      Nucleofil Eyes - 1 session
      Nucleofil Eyes - 2 sessions
    • Nucleofill Face - Polynucleotide

      Nucleofil face - 2 sessions
      Nucleofil face - 1 session
    • Profhilo - Skin Booster

      One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue giving a lifted appearance.The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck. 2 sessions completes the treatment - ideally 3 weeks apart. This is great for 35+ although works great for age prevention. (See TKN skin booster for under 35s). Ultra-pure hyaluronic acid is precisely injected into the area being treated. Unlike wrinkle reducing and dermal filler treatments, Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water in the deeper layers of the skin. stimulation of four different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid. The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary 'beneath the skin' hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin. The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. Therefore we cannot say that Profhilo is a skin booster as it also has a significant tightening / lifting effect on the tissue.
      Profhilo - 2 sessions
      Profhilo - 1 session
    • Lumieyes Undereye - Polynucleotide

      Lumi Eyes deminishes dark under eye circles, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles. It will smooth and lift the skin under the eyes. The effect is visible after the first treatment but you will see greater results from 2-3 sessions 14 days apart. Dermaren Lumi Eyes is a tissue stimulator designed for needle mesotherapy treatments around the eyes and the tear valley with a filling effect, but with no side effects in the form of lymphoedema. Lumi Eyes is a high-quality product that repairs damage to the dermis with polynucleotides with a strong tissue regenerating effect . The effect of the treatment is strong hydration and rejuvenation of the tissue, as well as the reduction of symptoms of fatigue and skin blueing.
      LumiEyes three treatments
      LumiEyes two treatments
      LumiEyes one treatment
    • Seventy Hyal - Skin Booster

      Seventy Hyal is a bio-stimulating skin booster that aims to improve hydration levels within the skin. The bio-stimulation of new collagen promotes a glowing, rejuvenated appearance. It offers long term benefits, helping to refresh, rejuvenate and revitalise the appearance. Alternatively, Seventy Hyal can be used prior to an event, providing instant radiance and a subtle enhancement.
      Seventy Hyal - 2 sessions
      Seventy Hyal - 1 session
    • LumiPro Skin Booster - Polynucleotide

      LumiPro - 1 session
      LumiPro - 2 sessions
      Lumipro - 3 sessions
    • Plenhyage Eyes (M) - Polynucleotide

    • Phlenyage XL Face - Polynucleotide

    • Phlenyage Package

      Phlenyage XL Face - Polynucleotide
      Plenhyage Eyes (M) - Polynucleotide
    • Nucelofil package

      Nucleofil Eyes - Polynucleotide
      Nucleofill Face - Polynucleotide

  • Undereye Correction

    2 services
    • Tear Trough (under eyes)

      If you have a hollow/groove/dip under your eye that makes your eyes look 'sunken' this is the treatment for you. Consultation time is factored into each appointment.
    • Tear trough top up


  • Skin

    5 services
    • Dermaplaning

    • One Session microneedling

      Microneedling is a procedure that uses a bunch of tiny needles to puncture the very first layer of skin. This process works to rejuvenate your skin by boosting collagen production, which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and elevates the overall texture of your skin.Microneedling increases the production of collagen and other healing factors by causing trauma to the skin. Collagen is an essential protein that helps keep the skin looking youthful, with a firm, smooth, and stretchy texture. Aging causes the decline of collagen in the skin, contributing to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Skin can also lose collagen due to injuries, such as acne scarring, stretch marks, or other scars.
    • Three Sessions microneedling

    • Six Sessions microneedling

      Sessions over a six month period.
    • Chemical Peel Toskani (light no skin shedding)


  • Fat Dissolving Injections

    6 services
    • Aqualyx Chin fat dissolving single session

      Aqualyx treatment is a fat dissolving injection which works by liquidating fat cells, and destroying them permanently. The broken down cells are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. For stubborn fat under the chin. 1 session dissolves around 3/4 layers of fat. 3 sessions are recommend to completely destroy all the layers of fat. Not suitable for: pregnant/breastfeeding diabetics Autoimmune disorders cancer patients (or who have had cancer in the past 5 years)
    • Aqualyx Large area fat dissolving single session

      For stubborn fat on the stomach, back, flanks, bingo wings, thighs inner and outer. 1 session dissolves around 3/4 layers of fat. 5 sessions are recommend to completely destroy all the layers of fat. Not suitable for: pregnant/breastfeeding diabetics Autoimmune disorders cancer patients (or who have had cancer in the past 5 years)
    • Aqualyx Chin 3 session package

      You receive 3 sessions of a reduced price of fat dissolving injections. or stubborn fat under the chin. 1 session dissolves around 3/4 layers of fat. 3 sessions are recommend to completely destroy all the layers of fat. Not suitable for: pregnant/breastfeeding diabetics Autoimmune disorders cancer patients (or who have had cancer in the past 5 years) If brought individually this would amount to £450
    • Large area 5 session package

      This is a package of 5 sessions to be used in a large area. or stubborn fat under the chin. 1 session dissolves around 3/4 layers of fat. 3 sessions are recommend to completely destroy all the layers of fat. Not suitable for: pregnant/breastfeeding diabetics Autoimmune disorders cancer patients (or who have had cancer in the past 5 years) Booking individually would amount to £1250
    • Lemon Bottle small area - chin/face area

    • Lemon bottle large area - stomach/back/arms


  • Vampire Facial - PRP

    3 services
    • Vampire facial - includes micro needling

      The platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is produced after the blood extraction process. When blood is placed in a centrifuge machine, it separates into distinct layers, one of which is a serum containing high concentrations of platelets (a component in the body's natural healing system) and growth factors, known as PRP. Microneedling creates openings for the enhanced penetration of PRP serum, which benefits people who want improvement in acne scars, skin texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks. the collagen production triggered by vampire facials may continue for 2 months after the procedure. As for the results of the facial, they may last for 6 months or more, depending on one's age, condition, and desired results. So when do you have to go back for another vampire facial appointment? Maintenance treatments are suggested every 3 to 12 months. After the vampire facial, we suggest PRP to be left on the face for 24 hours or at least until the morning.
    • PRP Liquid Gold Facial - injections only

      PRP improves overall skin texture, decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the entire face including mouthNd eyes and plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples. PRP can also help smooth both acne, stretch marks and surgical scars. It is injected using a mesotherapy needle (ultra fine the smallestall thinnest needle) all over the face or in specific areas depending on your individual requirements. No down time is required and there is minimal swelling or bruising. If you’ve had Botox it is a similar response where you may be red for an hour or so but then it subsides.
    • Hair rejuvenation PRP

      PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. PRP (platelet rich plasma) is a great natural way to use your own bodies growth factors to stimulate the circulation in the scalp and the hair follicle growth cycle. Your blood is carefully and painlessly extracted and centrifuged (spun at high-speed) to separate it into its components. The valuable, useable part is the golden serum which contains growth factors. When the PRP is infused into the scalp using a tiny needle which allows injection points to infuse the PRP to help strengthen hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new hairs. Plasma Is a cocktailil of hair boosting vitamins and active substances to nourish the scalp and to stimulate follicles lying dormant which need to be reawakened. The procedure is carried out by a series of painless microinjections. Can be used for men and women experiencing hair loss and thinning as well as pre and post hair transplant surgery. Let's Talk about Longevity. How Long Does PRP for Hair Really Last? You'll need to complete a series of four to six treatments to achieve real PRP hair treatment results, and you'll be able to enjoy new hair growth for about 18 to 24 months. Because PRP is not permanent, touch-up treatments are recommended once a year.
      Option 1
      4 sessions paid upfront

  • Threads - Mono Threads for collagen production

    7 services
    • Bespoke Threads

      10 Threads
      30 Threads
      40 Threads
      60 Threads
      20 Threads
    • Smokers Lines

      This treatment is perfect for smokers lines around the mouth. Better than the use of dermal filler. Mono threads are placed into the area to tighten, firm and support. Collagen has decreased and thus the need to replenish it. The collagen production created by the use of mono threads will remodel the skin structure to reduce these lines with a very natural appearance
      1h 30min
    • Nasolabial Fold Filling

    • Turkey Neck Lift

      1h 5min
    • Glabellar Lines (frown lines)

    • Eye Lines (crows feet)

      Mono threads are inserted into the lines around the eyes to stimulate collagen production which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles
    • Jawline & Jowl Mono Threads


  • Threads - Cog Threads for skin lifting

    10 services
    • Combination package

      If you would like to treat more than one area we can create a package unique for you which we will discuss at your appointment
      1h 30min
    • Full face lift & sculpt

      All areas of the face lifted using cog threads plus mono threads in all areas for restructure
    • Lower Face Lift inc jawline cheeks jowls nasos

    • Jowl lift & restructure

      Using cog & mono threads to structurally support jowls by lifting, firming & tightening the skin tissue. The results will not disappoint
    • Jawline Lift / Jawline Volume Restoration

      This is great for lifting and supporting the jowls by structurally remodelling, firming and tightening the skin by replenishing lost collagen. Whilst also restoring volume along the jawline. Using cog threads
      1h 25min
    • Cheek Pop

      Do you want to lift your cheeks? Reposition your cheeks if they are starting to sag? Retighten the skin on your cheeks to combat sagging? Are your nasolabial folds looking heavy due to your cheeks sagging? This is the treatment for you. Cog threads are inserted to lift and reposition the fat pads to achieve a lifted, youthful appearance.
      1h 30min
    • Nose Thread Lift

      If you want to lift the tip of your nose, straighten a wonky nose, create a defined bridge of the nose then this treatment is for you. Cog threads are inserted to create a new contour.
    • Fox Eye Thread Lift

      Do you want to elongate your eyes to give the cat/fox eye appearance? Cog threads are inserted to lift the corners of the eye.
    • Brow Lift

      Cog threads are inserted under the brow to lift the brow and reposition. This is great for people who want to lift hooded eyes.
    • Fox Eye & Brow Lift combined


  • B12 Vitamin Injection

    1 service
    • Vitamin b12 Injection


  • Brow Services - tinting and waxing

    4 services
    • HD Brows

      “Consider HD Brows the full monty of brow treatments (a brow MOT, if you will). Rather than a single hair-removal technique, this treatment does a little bit of everything—from waxing, threading, tweezing and tinting.”
    • Brow lamination - Nikki

      Brow lamination involves the “perming” of your eyebrow hairs to provide a fuller, more even look. Brow lamination is a treatment that has continued to grow in popularity, recreating the trending look of thick, bushy brows. Brow lamination is great for those who love a ‘brushed-up' look but can’t seem to tame their brow hair due to it being too straight or fine. It is also perfect for those who do not want the brushed up look but have naturally sparse, thin brows and would like them to appear fuller. The lamination can be styled to how the client wants them, soft and natural or bush and bold, IS BROW LAMINATION PERMANENT? Generally, brow lamination lasts from four to six weeks. Depending on how well you look after your brows, it can last up to eight weeks. After the four to six-week period, it’s recommended that you get your brows re-laminated in order to maintain the look over a longer period of time. A tint and wax is included in the treatment. You will need to book in for a patch test at least 24 hours before your appointment to ensure product suitability on your skin. This can be found under brow lamination patch test and is free.
    • Brow Wax

    • Patch test brow lamination

      You will need a patch test to check your suitability for brow lamination at least 24 hours before your appointment.

  • Microblading

    1 service
    • Microblading 6 week top up

      For your top up 6 weeks after your initial treatment. Please arrive 30 mins earlier than your appointment time for numbing.
      1h 30min

  • Post Surgical Massage

    2 services
    • One Session

      Lymphatic drainage massage for BBL and Liposuction aftercare.
    • Package of Five

      Lymphatic drainage massage for BBL and Liposuction aftercare.

  • Nikki Aesthetics

    7 services
    • Nikki 1ml Lips

    • Nikki 1ml nasolabial folds & marionettes

    • Nikki lemon bottle small area (10ml)

    • Nikki lemon bottle large area (20-30ml)

    • Nikki Anti Wrinkle Model - 2 areas

    • Nikki Antiwrinkle Model - 3 areas

    • Nikki 0.5ml lips


  • Masterclasses

    1 service
    • Liquid Rhinoplasty Masterclass


See Our Work


  • Wi-Fi

  • Accessible for people with disabilities

  • Loyalty Program


Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
Based on 393 reviews
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by Jasmine Caine
Thank you so much, really pleased with the result already only an hour after my treatment. The team were really lovely to meet.
1ml Lips
by Jasmine Caine
Lovely experience, very welcoming. Explained through everything & happily answered any questions that I had! Couldn’t be happier with the results. Mas...sive thank you to Jasmine! Show more
Nikki Hybrid Full Set
by Nikki
Excellent service thanks. Was lovely clean salon. Made me feel so welcome and comfortable. Really great set of eyelashes. Very happy 😊
Tear trough top up
by Jasmine Caine
Another lush experience with Jasmine, could not fault her work, love love love my tear trough filler and everything else she’s done to fix my face 🤣 ...thank you again! 🫶🏽 Show more
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty - 1st Appointment
by Jasmine Caine
Brilliant service, in love with my treatment results !
0.5ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
Loved the vibe here! Friendly and welcoming :)
0.7ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
First time having lip filler, I was nervous but Jasmine made me feel so at ease. She talked me through everything of what to expect and was very profe...ssional. Thank you so much x Show more
3D Russian Lips
by Jasmine Caine
So happy with my lips, thankyou! X
1ml Chin/Cheek/Jaw
by Jasmine Caine
Amazing service as always from Jasmine. Thank you so much I love the results of my chin filler & was so lovely supporting me through the appointment ❤... Show more
3.3ml Face Filler - Effective Package
by Jasmine Caine
Perfect!!! 🥰😍😍
Samantha Hybrid/Russian Infill
by Samantha
I’ve had my lashes done twice now by Sammi, and I love them. She’s is amazing at what she does. JSA is a lovely atmosphere, very warm and very welcom...ing Show more
1ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
Jasmine always makes me feel so comfortable & confident. Lovely lady, so professional and clean. Never have a worry she is always reassuring🩷
Nikki Hybrid Full Set
by Nikki
I’m actually in love with Nicki’s lashes! She’s gentle, professional and actually quite a comfortable person to be around! She puts you at ease and sh...e’s nothing but perfection when it comes too the end result of your lashes. The room was warm and the aroma was cozy and generally smelt clean. Show more
Samantha Hybrid/Russian Infill
by Samantha
I’ve been coming here a few times now and every single time it’s just been perfect perfect perfect 😍. I can safely say that this is now my regular fo...r my lash needs, will highly recommend for girls and even guys who love some 10/10 results ☺️ Show more
1ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
I recently had a 1ml lip filler treatment, and I couldn't be happier with the results! The process was smooth and relatively painless, thanks to the n...umbing cream applied beforehand. Jasmine was very professional and took the time to discuss my desired look, ensuring I felt comfortable throughout. After the treatment, my lips looked fuller and more defined without appearing overdone. I appreciated how the filler added volume while still maintaining my natural lip shape. Highly recommend ❤️ Show more
Nucelofill EYES Skin Booster
by Nikki
Been going to Jasmine for 3 years for all my aesthetics. Shes amazing! Cant recommend enough. So many options and new products too
1ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
Lovely atmosphere never had my lips done before and jasmine and Nikki both walked me through everything to reassure me made me feel so welcome! and I’...m so so pleased with the results!! Thank you again! X Show more
Samantha Hybrid/Russian Infill
by Samantha
Would never go anywhere else for my beauty needs! Jasmine did a wonderful job with my lip filler and Sam also does my lashes beautifully. Nikki does m...y botox which i am also super pleased with, so i would be lost without this gorgeous team of very skilled lovely ladies ❤️💪👌🙏 Show more
Botox top up
by Jasmine Caine
Jasmine is not only technically brilliant , she also has a super aesthetic touch, and achieved just what I wanted!
1ml Lip Enhancement
by Jasmine Caine
I felt so safe and comfortable with jasmine she’s so professional and I absolutely adore my results
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