Station Road, CW5 5SP, Nantwich
208 reviews
Station Road, CW5 5SP, Nantwich
Follow up appointment
Free15minHenna Brows & Shape
£20.0030minOther Services
Follow up appointment
£20.0030minPre-paid appointment
£30.001h 10minPre paid appointment
4 servicesMedik8 Peel + Dermaplaning
£50.0045minVITARAN Eyes - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE
£320.0035minDermapen - BUY 3 GET ONE FREE
£540.001hPlasma Complex Premium - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE
£720.001h 35min
Dermapen 4.0
10 servicesÜBER PRO PEEL
£70.0030minOption 1£180.0030minCourse of 3£320.0030minCourse of 6DERMAPEN 4
£500.0045minCourse of 3£960.0045minCourse of 6£180.001hOption 3DERMAPEN 4 - FACE + NECK
£220.001h 30minDERMAPEN 4 + ÜBER PRO PEEL
£260.001h 30minDERMAPEN 4 + PRP
£280.001hDERMAPEN 4 + PRF
1 serviceDermapen 4 + Exosomes (face )
£320.0030minDermapen 4 + Exosomes ( eyes )£300.00+40minDermapen 4 + Exosomes (scar)£450.0045minOption 3
Scar Microneedling
£150.00+1hBURN SCARS
Skin Boosters
17 servicesLight Eyes Ultra
£150.0030minMaintenance session£490.0030minCourse of 4£430.0030minCourse of 3£200.0030minOption 4£300.0030minCourse of 2Seventy Hyal 2000
£150.0030minOption 1£300.0045minFace, neck & hands£250.0045minFace & Neck£300.0045minFace, neck & décolletageVitaran 1 - Polynucleotides
£160.0045minVitaran 2 - Polynucleotides
£200.0045minMONACO COCKTAIL 20+
£200.001hMONACO COCKTAIL 30+
£200.001hMILANO COCKTAIL 40+
£200.001hMILANO COCKTAIL 50+
£220.0030minProfhilo - 2 sessions
£420.0030minNeedle Mesotherapy / Mezoterapia igłowa
EN Mesotherapy is an intradermal administration of small doses of medicinal substances in the places that need it. Treatments are performed by an aesthetic practitioner, using appropriately selected preparation. The solutions are ready-made and contain revitalizing and regenerating substances, or platelet-rich plasma derived from a sample of the patient’s own blood. PL Mezoterapia to śródskórne podawanie niewielkich dawek substancji leczniczych w miejsca, które tego potrzebują. Zabiegi wykonuje sie za pomocą odpowiednio dobranego preparatu. **Mezoterapia igłowa** to skuteczny i szybki sposób na poprawę kondycji skóry. Rezultatem zabiegu jest spłycenie zmarszczek, redukcja niedoskonałości oraz intensywna regeneracja. W mezoterapii używa się gotowych roztworów, które zawierają substancje rewitalizujące i regenerujące lub osocze bogato płytkowe z krwi pacjenta. Zabieg można przeprowadzać niemal na całym ciele, jednak największą popularnością cieszy się **mezoterapia igłowa twarzy.** Na efekt zabiegu nie trzeba długo czekać. Zregenerowana skóra szybko odzyskuje jędrność i blask£150.001hEjal40
𝐄𝐉𝐀𝐋𝟒𝟎 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 The new Ejal 40 treatment redefines the concept of mesotherapy: 💉It is completely natural, 💉The WOW effect is visible IMMEDIATELY after the treatment, 💉Like with classic mesotherapy the rejuvenating effects are long-term, 💉We can use it in two ways, as injections in 4 points on the face, or like a classic mesotherapy, 💉The treatment doesn’t take long, it is almost completely painless, 💉The recovery time is very short, the little marks are visible on the face for only couple of days, 💉Ejal 40 is a non-cross-linked, electrochemically stabilized hyaluronic acid. 💉Ejal 40 is injected in 4 points on each side of the face, in some cases, we may add a fifth point in the center of the cheeks. Only 0.2 ml of the product is given to each point. 💉Because that is a very small amount of the product the injections are painless, 💉Ejal 40 tightens, immediately smoothes and lifts the skin. 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙒𝙊𝙐𝙇𝘿 𝘽𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙁𝙄𝙏 𝙁𝙍𝙊𝙈 𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙇40 𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙈𝙀𝙉𝙏? People who have the following: ❗Dehydrated, dry and thin, wrinkly skin, ❗Skin that is often exposed to UV radiation, air conditioning, ❗Skin with stretch marks, discoloration, age spots, or sun spots. ❗Skin that lacks volume and lift. 𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙀𝙅𝘼𝙇40 𝘾𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙁𝙄𝙏 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙎𝙆𝙄𝙉? ✔It quickly reduces and prevents the signs of skin aging, ✔Bio-revitalizes dehydrated and damaged skin, ✔Restores the lost contour of the face, ✔Strengthens the skin’s extracellular matrix, ✔It improves skin elasticity, improves the look of sagging skin, ✔Smoothes fine and deeper wrinkles, ✔It improves skin volume and elasticity.£160.0030minNeauvia HYDRO DELUXE
£200.0045minJalupro Mesotherapy
Jalpuro is specifically designed to renew your skin cells, so not only does it dramatically reduce signs of ageing, but the results look completely natural, and your skin is left looking smooth, hydrated, and glowing. However, as well as a skin booster, it deserve a lot more credit for the amazing results that can be achieved on lines, wrinkles and volume loss. The treatment is extremely versatile, and can help with wrinkles and fine lines, loss of skin tone, acne scarring, sun damage, dark circles and baggy eyes. It can be used on your face, neck, hands, lip lines, arms, inner thighs, and knees. They contain a patented formula of Amino acids and Hyaluronic acid to stimulate the production of Collagen and Elastin, enabling Extra Cellular Matrix regeneration. They are not fillers but they give volume and reduce expression lines and wrinkles , and they can be used as an alternative to tear trough filler. PL Jalupro - to biorewitalizacja skóry wysoko stężonym kwasem hialuronowym oraz kompleksem aminokwasów WSKAZANIA DO ZABIEGU: - skóra z oznakami starzenia i fotostarzenia - korekcja średnio głębokich zmarszczek - skóra wysuszona po inwazyjnych terapiach - leczenie blizn potrądzikowych - leczenie rozstępów JALUPRO to preparat do mezoterapii, dzięki którym możemy nie tylko znacznie opóźnić procesy starzenia, ale przede wszystkim głęboko zrewitalizować skórę. Produkt zawiera innowacyjne połączenie kompleksu aminokwasów oraz wysokocząsteczkowego kwasu hialuronowego. Efektem działania tych substancji jest zarówno wypełnienie, jak i głębokie nawilżenie skóry. Aminokwasy zawarte w Jalupro pobudzają fibroblasty, które powodują napięcie i zagęszczenie skóry. Badania naukowe potwierdzają, że połączenie aminokwasów (glicyna, l-prolina, l-lizyna i l-leucyna) z kwasem hialuronowym wspiera proces bio-rewitalizacji. Z kolei leucyna, która jest jednym z głównych składników kolagenu, odbudowuje strukturę skóry nadając jej sprężystość i gęstość. Zabiegi z wykorzystaniem Jalupro intensywnie regenerują skórę, co jest pożądane, zwłaszcza po przebytych terapiach o charakterze inwazyjnym, gdy tkanki mają zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na substancje odżywcze, przyśpieszające regenerację.£150.0040minJalupro Hmw Skin Booster
£180.0040minJalupro Super Hydro
£200.0030minTropocollagen Guna
£400.0030minEye area - 4 sessions£150.00+45minOption 2
Treatment boosters
2 servicesDermaplaning
£20.0015minL.E.D LIGHT
Autologous Treatments
6 servicesPRP - Platelets Rich Plasma
£220.001hOption 1£750.001hCourse of 3PRF - Platelets Rich Fibrin
£250.001hOption 1£1,275.001hCourse of 6£675.001hCourse of 3Plasma Complex Premium
£970.0030minCourse of 3£360.001h 15minOption 2PRP + PRF
£450.001h 25minPRP + Jalupro
PRP therapies effectively mobilise your own stem cells and encourage greater production of collagen and elastin fibres. Therefore improving your overall skin tone, increasing volume and reducing those tell-tale lines and wrinkles. Jalpuro Vampire Facial will involve adding vitamins, amino acids and anti-oxidants to ‘super-charge’ the serum before microneedling it back into the patient’s skin. PL OSOCZE BOGATOPŁYTKOWE +JALUPRO kompleks aminokwasów Kompozycja składników zawartych w JALUPRO® pozwala na niezwykle szybką i efektywną regenerację skóry i uzupełnienie terapii inwazyjnych, które zawsze powodują zapotrzebowanie komórek skóry na składniki odżywcze. Kwas hialuronowy i kompleks aminokwasowy w najbardziej efektywny sposób odżywia fibroblasty i wspomaga fizjologiczną syntezę kolagenu.Dodatkowo preparat łączymy z osoczem bogatopłytkowym które jest koncentratem płytek krwi, otrzymanej z krwi pacjenta podczas odpowiedniej procedury odwirowania i wyizolowania tej frakcji. Po wstrzyknięciu pozyskanego PRP do tkanek rozpoczyna się proces degranulacji ziarnistości w płytkach krwi. Uwalniane są czynniki wzrostu, które mają ogromny potencjał regeneracyjny. Zabieg jest bezpieczny i daje swietne efekty .£300.001h 30minOption 1£550.001h 30minCourse of 2
Hair Restoration
5 servicesExosomes
£1,500.001hI-PRF Hair Restoration Treatment
This is an all-natural non-surgical therapeutic option for patients who suffer from hair loss or thinning. iPRF can enhance the growth of hair follicles by stimulating the stem cells and other cells in the microenvironment of the hair follicle. These special Platelet cells promote healing and accelerates the rate and degree of tissue regeneration, resulting in new hair growth and thickening of existing hair. Treatment include; Mesotherapy Micro needling Led Light Therapy£600.0040minCourse of 3£1,000.0040minCourse of 6£250.001h 45min1 treatmentPRP
£500.0040minCourse of 3£900.0040minOption 2£200.001h 45minOption 3Biotin Hair Growth Injections
Biotin improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This protein is called keratin. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin, brittle nails and hair, as well as hair loss. Biotin can be taken in a tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion and thus intramuscular biotin injection has been helpful in increasing biotin levels faster in many patients. For many people, a Vitamin H deficiency can lead to significant problems with their skin’s inner health and outer appearance. Dry, itchy skin is one of the most common issues, although more serious conditions like acne and psoriasis can also arise. Keep in mind that if you don’t nourish your skin from the inside, resulting hormonal issues can result in serious skin problems on the outside. In most cases, a biotin supplement can correct the issue, improving skin and helping to create a youthful glow. Higher doses of biotin have resulted in significant nail health improvement. Studies have shown that those who take a biotin supplement can thicken their nails by up to 25 percent and decrease the amount of nail splitting and breakage they endure. Benefits of Biotin •Aid in healthy sweat glands •Nerve tissue and bone marrow •Improves acne and eczema •Strengthen hair and nails •Aid in preventing hair loss •Increase metabolism and speed up weight loss •Improves blood glucose£99.0010min5 injections£30.0015minOption 2Led Red Light Therapy
Skin Treatments
6 servicesSkin consultation & treatment
£40.00+1h 30minDermaplaning + Collagen Mask
EN Dermaplaning is an exfoliative technique that uses the edge of a scalpel moved at an angle superficially along the surface of the skin to smooth and exfoliate the surface and to remove fine hairs (peach fuzz) As we age, our cell turnover decreases and this affects our skin texture and tone, Dermaplaning gently buffs the top layer of dead skin cells away helps to reveal a brighter and smoother complexion. Dermaplaning also clears the way so skin peels, facials, skin products and serums can get down into the skin where they need to be rather than sitting on the skin’s surface PL **Dermaplaning** jest procedurą kosmetologiczną, która ma na celu złuszczenie skóry. Dodatkową korzyścią jest usunięcie drobnych włosków (meszku) z powierzchni twarzy. Kosmetolog w trakcie zabiegu delikatnie przesuwa ostrze skalpela po skórze, zbierając na nim martwe komórki naskórka i drobne włoski.£40.0030minDermaplaning Personalised Facial
£70.001h 15minDermaplaning + MEDIK8 Peel
EN Dermaplaning is an exfoliative technique that uses the edge of a scalpel moved at an angle superficially along the surface of the skin to smooth and exfoliate the surface and to remove fine hairs (peach fuzz) As we age, our cell turnover decreases and this affects our skin texture and tone, Dermaplaning gently buffs the top layer of dead skin cells away helps to reveal a brighter and smoother complexion. Dermaplaning also clears the way so skin peels, facials, skin products and serums can get down into the skin where they need to be rather than sitting on the skin’s surface PL **Dermaplaning** jest procedurą kosmetologiczną, która ma na celu złuszczenie skóry. Dodatkową korzyścią jest usunięcie drobnych włosków (meszku) z powierzchni twarzy. Kosmetolog w trakcie zabiegu delikatnie przesuwa ostrze skalpela po skórze, zbierając na nim martwe komórki naskórka i drobne włoski.£75.0040minDeep cleansing facial with extractions
£65.001h 25minModern Man Facial
High-tech Skin Treatments
6 services7D HIFU ultrasound III
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) treatment has become one of the most sought-after lifting treatments for face, neck & body without going under the knife. Just one session can tighten and lift the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin tone, providing visible results that will last up to 3 years. HIFU has proven effective on the face, sagging jowls, chins and much more. Treatment time takes between 1 – 3 hours depending on the area we are treating. Plus with no downtime you can be back at your usual routine immediately after. HIFU individually targets brow, jowl and neck lifting, as well as overall skin tightening, rejuvenation and deeper fat cells. The technology is unique in its ability to penetrate the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer, which is deeper than all other non-invasive treatments. The SMAS layer is the same area tightened during conventional surgery, however, unlike surgery, HIFU is more affordable and requires no downtime.£100.001h 5minNeck£150.00+1h 15minBody . Price depending on the size of area of concern£100.001h 25minUpper Face£150.001h 30minLower Face£200.002hFaceRadio Frequency Skin Tightening
£50.0030minJawline£40.0030minEyes£100.0045minFace & Neck£90.00+45minBody parts£90.0045minFace£70.0045minLower face£120.001hFace , Neck & DécolletéHydro Facial
This detoxifying facial is the ultimate dermal rejuvenation treatment for you. Combining hydra-dermabrasion infused with hydrogenated water and antioxidant facial massage. Powerful jet streams smaller than the average pore deep clean, plump and polish your skin removing the daily effects of pollution, impurities and blackheads. The powerful anti-oxidant hydrogen absorbs deep into the dermis. Reducing sebum and increasing hydration, the process stimulates the skins’s natural rejuvenation and repair processes accelerating cell renewal and boosting elasticity while reducing pigmentation and improving skin glow. Skin feels clear, rejuvenated and significantly more radiant.£65.001hHydro Facial Deluxe
The 5 Steps Step 1 Cleansing & Exfoliation - Dead skin cells are removed to reveal healthy new skin- cavitation peel Step 2 Chemical / Enzyme Peel - This gentle peel helps to loosen dirt and debris from pores without irritation Step 3 Extractions - Automated extractions use suction to clean out pores and hydrogen jets delivers essential antioxidants to the skin. Step 4 Hydration - The skin is further hydrated using hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and peptides - ultrasounds Step 5 Led Rejuvenation - Led light is used to stimulate collagen and also reduces redness, leaving your skin glowing.£110.001h 25minNeedle-free Mesotherapy
Reverse and slow down signs of your skin ageing without the use of needles! Needle-free mesotherapy is a beauty treatment dedicated to mature skin with folds, lines, and wrinkles, often chosen by our clients. Its popularity is due to the spectacular effects and non-invasive nature. This treatment is painless; most customers find it pleasant. Needle-free mesotherapy involves hyaluronic acid and vitamins (which are matched to the type and needs of your skin) delivered into your skin. This process involves using equipment that generates electrical impulses, electroporation, and ultrasounds. Our expert moves the head of the device over your skin without invading its continuity. Electrical impulses facilitate the permeation of active ingredients (such as caffeine, hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins, or L-carnitine) into the skin. The skin gets immediately stimulated to produce collagen and elastin. As a result, it becomes firmer, moisturised, lightened and appears more relaxed. A set of treatments slows down signs of ageing, lightens blemishes and discolouration, and reduces wrinkles, folds, and scars. We recommend it as a one-off or in a set of treatments. DOUBLE CLEANS + PEEL + MESOTHERAPY + CREAM£70.0045minMicrodermabrasion
Non-invasive micro peel for any skin type! Diamond microdermabrasion is one of the most popular beauty treatments, adored by our customers – including those with sensitive, delicate, and allergy-prone skin. The treatment is carried out using special equipment with a diamond scrubber head. Our expert moves the head over parts of your skin. The exfoliated epidermis is sucked up into a container along with the exfoliating microcrystals. The head size, as well as the depth and intensity of the peel are tailored to match your individual skin condition and needs. The microdermabrasion treatment has a terrific effect on blemished skin. It unclogs pores, slows down the sebum production process, gradually lightens blemishes, reduces acne scarring and boosts skin regeneration. Performed regularly, it can visibly improve the condition of mature skin or skin with first signs of ageing (such as expression wrinkles or loss of skin firmness). We recommend it as a one-off or in a set of treatments (the number of treatments is based on your individual preferences and skin condition).£70.0045min
Anti-wrinkle injections
7 servicesAnti- wrinkle injection
£190.0030min2 areas£120.0030minLIP FLIP£240.0030min3 areas£150.0030minBROW LIFT£140.0030min1 area£50.00+30minOption 6£220.0030minJAWLINE SLIMMING (MASSETERS)£350.0030minHYPERHYDROSIS (SWEAT REDUCTION)£100.0030minGUMMY SMILE£100.0030minDOWNTURNED SMILE£120.0030minBUNNY LINESJaluTox / MicroTox
This is a combination of Hylauronic Acid, Amino Acids and Botox ! Yes Botox can be added to make a fabulous cocktail, this is great for under the eyes, lip lines, forehead and across the neck. PL Coming soon£220.0040minSkin-Tox
Using patented nanotechnology and technique to deliver a specific dilution of botulinum toxin, to areas of the face that cannot be treated with conventional techniques. While still allowing full movement of the muscle this treatment relaxes the skin to give a smooth elated look. Advantages of Skin-Tox treatment: • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles • Relax crow's feet Smooth skin under the eyes and around the mouth • Improves the appearance of skin pores • Gives oilv skin the boot • Improves sweating of the hands and feet • Deals with the signs of ageing on the back of the hands, neck and chest area Treatment area: • Face • Neck • Chest • Hands • Feet£250.0045minBTX ART - Nefertiti Neck Lift
£250.0030minBTX ART 1
£300.0040minBTX ART 2
£350.0040minBTX ART - full face & neck
Dermal Fillers
10 servicesLip Enhancement - STYLAGE VIVACY
£220.001h 15minLip enhancement - REVOLAX
£200.001h 10minLip Enhancement- LUMIFILL FINE
£160.001hNasolabial Folds
£180.00+30minChin Enhancement
£170.00+45minTear Troughs
£210.0045minCheek Enhancement 1 ml
Product : Revolax£300.0045minCheek enhancement 2ml£170.00+45minCheek enhancement 1 mlJawline Contouring 1 ml
£300.0045minJawline Contouring 2 ml£180.00+45minOption 2Smokers lines
£160.0045minMarionette Lines
Facial Contouring Packages
5 servicesDermal filler dissolving
£120.0055min3 ml
£350.001h 20min4 ml
£460.001h 20min5 ml
£580.001h 30min6 ml
£700.001h 30min
Tissue Biostymulators
3 servicesLenisna - Polylactic acid & Hyaluronic acid
£300.0030minLower face£600.001h 15minWhole face£300.00+1h 15minUpper face£300.001h 15minHands£500.00+1h 30minBody - per area£800.001h 30minFace, Neck & Hands£650.001h 30minFace & Neck£800.001h 30minButtocksJuve Look
£250.00+40minGouri - Award Winning 1st Liquid PCL Skin Booster
GOURI polycaprolactone injectable skin rejuvenation and facial lifting implant. A natural and sustainable skin rejuvenation solution. Why choose the GOURI skin rejuvenation and face lifting procedure? It is a unique technology of a biodegradable active polymer that stimulates the formation of natural collagen in the skin, allowing the skin’s natural collagen to regenerate and restore the rate of its synthesis. It is also known as liquid implant sutures. GOURI’s mission is skin rejuvenation and facial lifting. Benefits of GOURI skin rejuvenation and facial lifting: self-distributes throughout the face; significantly fewer injection points; no additional shaping steps are required; after the injection, a gentle massage is enough; compared to hyaluronic injections, the cosmetic effect of this procedure is longer lasting. GOURI skin rejuvenation and facial lifting indications: This procedure is designed to restore facial tissue and volume by medium to deep injection of GOURI into the skin to correct deep facial wrinkles and folds. GOURI’s main facial rejuvenation and skin lifting properties: premium collagen stimulator; fully dissolved polycaprolactone. How is this facial rejuvenation and skin lifting procedure performed? GOURI is injected into the facial skin — 10 injection points in total — and gently massaged in. The effect is achieved across the entire face. This unique technology stimulates fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that produce collagen), which help generate collagen production naturally. This is an essential condition for improving skin quality and texture. A huge advantage of the GOURI facial rejuvenation and skin lifting procedure is that the effect is visible after the first treatment! However, based on clinical studies, specialist doctors recommend a full course of treatments — 3 treatments every 4 weeks — to achieve maximum results. If the patient’s skin is particularly problematic, i.e., deep wrinkles, or loss of elasticity, then it is recommended to repeat this GOURI Facial Rejuvenation and Skin Lifting Technology-based skin rejuvenation treatment 1–2 treatments 3–6 months apart. The innovative skin care plan is individually discussed with a specialist before the procedure. A result that delights! The GOURI skin rejuvenation and facial lifting treatment restores the skin’s natural elasticity, refines the contour of the face, and gives it a new chance to glow again! Thanks to the innovation of this technology, the skin ageing process can be slowed down. It is important to note that it is a natural and sustainable skincare solution.£450.001h1+1 syringe£250.001h 30minOption 2£600.001h 30min1+1+1 syringe
Chemical Peels
11 servicesBioRePeel
BioRePeel is an innovative, bi-phase TCA peel with a bio stimulating, revitalising and peeling action. Thanks to it's exfoliating and keratolytic action it promotes cell turnover and profound stimulation to counter the effects of skin ageing and acne scarring. It's rich composition sets BioRePeelCl3 apart from its competitors. It is excellent in anti-ageing due to it containing all the essential amino acids and vitamins your skin needs. The FND contains 35% TCA and GABA which is a muscle relaxant and thereby reduces lines/wrinkles. Furthermore the treatment is suitable for young skin during acute stages of acne, blackheads with recent or fresh scarring. The Body contains 50% TCA indicated for the all areas of the body. It promotes cell turnover by removing the outer corneal layer cells with selective action on corneocytes’ junction bonds. It has 14 active ingredients that contribute to a profound stimulation of skin replication and biosynthetic process, essential to counter the effects of skin aging and oxidative damage induced by the UV radiation and pollution. BioRePeelCl3 FND (Face, Neck and Décolleté) contains 35% TCA and can be also used for the intimate zone. BioRePeel Body contains 50% TCA and is ideal for feet, knees, elbows, buttocks and anywhere on the body. Once the TCA is in contact with the skin, it activates the process of denaturation of the proteins of the outermost horny layer and activates the SSRS (Skin Stress Response System) in response to acid stress. The product shows up with a lipophilic blue phase on a hydrophilic yellow phase. The lipophilic phase (BLUE) floats on the hydrophilic one (YELLOW) and prevents the oxidation of the trichloroacetic acid, mechanically separating from the contact with the oxygen, thus stabilizing the formulation. It also performs this action on other acid and dermo functional active ingredients, improving performance and ensuring product safety.£40.0030minEye Reveal Peel
£40.0030minUniversal AHA Peel
£60.0030minSignature Rewind Peel
£70.0030minSignature Even Peel
£70.0030minSignature Clarity Peel
£70.0030minSensitive PHA Peel
£60.0030minMono Glycolic Peel
£60.0030minMono Lactic Peel
£60.0030minMono Mandelic Peel
£60.0030min12 WEEKS TO WOW FACE
✨Combining 6 in salon Professional Medik8 Peel treatments tailored to your skins goals and needs, ✨ plus an at home daily skin care routine to maximise results. ✨plus an after care products to use at home after the peel treatments. ✨As well as receiving an in-depth consultation and bespoke treatment plan. Be prepared to be wowed in 12 weeks.£550.0045min
Radiofrequency Microneedling
1 serviceRadiofrequency Microneedling
A state-of-the-art cosmetic procedure! Due to a broad spectrum of its effectiveness, Radiofrequency Microneedling can be used to treat many skin problems on the face, neck, and décolletage. It’s sometimes referred to as non-surgical lifting because it affects deep skin layers, toning them, eliminating wrinkles as well as lifting the face contour. In aesthetic medicine, it is regarded as one of the most effective methods to lighten scars and discolouration – more efficient and with a shorter recovery time than a laser. The treatment combines two therapies common in cosmetology: classic radiofrequency (RF) and microneedling. Radiofrequency heats up your skin tissue, causing collagen fibres to shrink and boosting their production. Microneedling generates thousands of small pricks on the skin’s surface, thus stimulating its regeneration process. The entire microneedling radiofrequency treatment affects the epidermis as well as deep skin layers. Apart from stimulating the skin to produce collagen and elastin, the treatment also tightens, brightens, and smooths the skin. Right after the procedure, the skin texture is much more pleasant to the touch, and wrinkles and scars are reduced. Microneedling radiofrequency may also be successful in treating hyperhidrosis problems. Applied to the body, it eliminates cellulite and helps eliminate stretch marks. We recommend it to those who expect prompt results without a lengthy recovery. The skin recovers quicker than after a laser treatment, and the effects are visible almost after the first visit. We recommend it as a one-off or in a set of treatments.£150.00+30minScars£150.0030minNeck£150.0035minEyes & Lip Wrinkle Reduction£250.0040minFace£200.00+45minBody£250.0045minDécolletage£200.0045minLower Face£300.001hFace & Neck£350.001h 20minFace ,Neck & Décolletage
Erbium YAG Laser Consultation
1 serviceErbium YAG Laser
£250.00+30minBody£100.00+30minScar£30.0030minPatch test£200.0030minNeck£180.0040minHalf Face£250.0045minFull Face£350.001hFece, Neck & Décolletage
IPL Consultation & Patch Test
1 serviceIPL Consultation & Patch Test
IPL Facial `Veins or Pigment Removal
9 servicesSingle `Lesion
£130.0030minCourse of 3£50.0030minSingle LesionCheeks
£250.0030minCourse of 3£100.0030minCheeksFull Face
£450.001hCourse of 3£160.001hFull FaceFull Face, Neck and Chest
£250.001h 30minFull Face, Neck and Chest£650.001h 30minCourse of 3Chest Only
£160.0045minChest Only£450.0045minCourse of 3Hands
£250.0030minCourse of 3£100.0030minHandsHalf Face
£460.0045minCourse of 3£180.0045minHalf FaceCheeks and Nose
£380.0045minCourse of 3£150.0045minCheeks and NoseFull Face and Neck
£250.001h 15minFull Face and Neck£640.001h 15minCourse of 3
IPL Skin Rejuvenation
7 servicesIllumi Facial
£900.001h 15minCourse Of 6£480.001h 15minCourse Of 3£190.001h 15minOption 3Full Face
The treatment causes the skin to heat up and causes very mild, reversible thermal damage to the epidermis. The skin acts to repair this by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases our skin's elasticity and strength, making the skin look softer and smoother. Many people also see a more uniform complexion and pigmentation of the skin.£840.0045minCourse of 6£160.0045minFull FaceFull Face and Neck
The treatment causes the skin to heat up and causes very mild, reversible thermal damage to the epidermis. The skin acts to repair this by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases our skin's elasticity and strength, making the skin look softer and smoother. Many people also see a more uniform complexion and pigmentation of the skin.£200.001hFull Face and Neck£960.001hCourse of 6Full Face, Neck and Chest
The treatment causes the skin to heat up and causes very mild, reversible thermal damage to the epidermis. The skin acts to repair this by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases our skin's elasticity and strength, making the skin look softer and smoother. Many people also see a more uniform complexion and pigmentation of the skin.£250.001h 15minFull Face, Neck and Chest£1,200.001h 15minCourse of 6Neck Only
£600.0030minCourse of 6£120.0030minNeck OnlyChest `Only
The treatment causes the skin to heat up and causes very mild, reversible thermal damage to the epidermis. The skin acts to repair this by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases our skin's elasticity and strength, making the skin look softer and smoother. Many people also see a more uniform complexion and pigmentation of the skin.£150.0045minChest Only£720.0045minCourse of 6Hands
The treatment causes the skin to heat up and causes very mild, reversible thermal damage to the epidermis. The skin acts to repair this by increasing the rate of collagen and elastin production deep within the dermis. This increases our skin's elasticity and strength, making the skin look softer and smoother. Many people also see a more uniform complexion and pigmentation of the skin.£80.0030minHands£400.0030minCourse of 6
IPL Acne Treatment
5 servicesHalf Face
£95.0030minHalf Face£456.0030minCourse of 6Full Face
£150.0045minFull Face£720.0045minCourse of 6Shoulders
£720.0045minCourse of 6£150.0045minShouldersChest
£720.0045minCourse of 6£150.0045minChestFull Back
£250.001hFull Back£1,200.001hCourse of 6
IPL Hair Removal - Face
7 servicesCentre Brow or Earlobes
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£45.0020minCentre Brow or Earlobes£35.0020minMaintenance (after course of 6)£216.0020minCourse of 6Upper Lip
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£264.0015minCourse of 6£55.0015minUpper Lip£45.0015minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Chin or Sides of Face
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£70.0015minChin or sides of Face£336.0015minCourse of 6£60.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Lip & Chin or Jawline & Chin or Neck
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£80.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )£95.0030minLip & Chin or Jawline & Chin or Neck£456.0030minCourse of 6Jaw, Chin & Upper Lip
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£110.0030minJaw, Chin & Upper Lip£95.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )£528.0030minCourse of 6Full Face
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£145.0045minFull Face£696.0045minCourse of 6£115.0045minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Full Face & Front Neck
Melanin (pigment) in the hair absorbs the light and produces heat. This heat damages the hair follicle in such a way as to inhibit regrowth (it damages the stem cells of epidermis in the bulb and bulge). The hairs in the active growth stage will then naturally fall out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks.£792.001hCourse of 6£165.001hFull Face & Neck£135.001hMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )
IPL Hair Removal - Body
15 servicesBikini (Brazilian) or Lower Arm
£624.0030minCourse of 6£130.0030minBikini ( Brazilian ) or Lower Arm£105.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Abdomen or Upper Arm or Low Back
£130.0030minAbdomen or Upper Arm or Low Back£105.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )£625.0030minCourse of 6Bikini ( Full )
£165.0045minBikini ( Full )£792.0045minCourse of 6£135.0045minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Full Arm or Lower Leg
£160.0030minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£180.0045minFull Arm or Lower Leg£864.0045minCourse of 6Upper Leg
£195.0045minUpper Leg£170.0045minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£936.0045minCourse of 6Upper Leg (incl. Bikini)
£1,056.001hCourse of 6£220.001hUpper Leg (incl. Bikini)£190.001hMaintenance (after a course of 6)Full Leg
£275.001h 30minFull Leg£225.001h 30minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£1,320.001h 30minCourse of 6Full Leg (incl. Bikini)
£1,464.001h 45minCourse of 6£250.001h 45minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£305.001h 45minFull Leg (incl. Bikini)Underarm & Bikini (standard)
£672.0045minCourse of 6£140.0045minUnderarm & Bikini (standard)£120.0045minMaintenance (after a course of 6)Underarm & Bikini (Brazilian)
£150.0045minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£792.0045minCourse of 6£165.0045minUnderarm & Bikini (Brazilian)Underarm Bikini (Full)
£210.001hUnderarm Bikini (Full)£1,008.001hCourse of 6£180.001hMaintenance (after a course of 6)Underarm
£75.0015minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )£85.0015minUnderarm£408.0015minCourse of 3Bikini ( Standard ) or Buttocks
£95.0030minBikini ( Standard ) or Buttocks£456.0030minCourse of 6£80.0030minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Hands or Feet
£75.0015minHands or Feet£360.0015minCourse of 6£65.0015minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )Fingers or Nipples or Navel Line or Toes
£55.0015minMaintenance ( after a course of 6 )£65.0015minFingers or Nipples or Navel Line or Toes£312.0015minCourse of 6
IPL Hair Removal Face - MALE
6 servicesEarlobes or Centre Brow
£45.0015minEarlobes or Centre Brow£35.0015minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£216.0015minCourse of 6Upper Cheeks
£55.0015minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£65.0015minUpper Cheeks£312.0015minCourse of 6Front or Back Neck
£95.0015minFront or Back Neck£456.0015minCourse of 6£80.0015minMaintenance (after a course of 6)Front & Back Neck
£105.0030minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£624.0030minCourse of 6£130.0030minFront & Back NeckBeard
£120.0030minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£140.0030minBeard£672.0030minCourse of 6Beard & Front Neck
£792.0045minCourse of 6£165.0045minBeard & Front Neck£150.0045minMaintenance (after a course of 6)
IPL Hair Removal Body - MALE
8 servicesUpper Leg or Full Back (incl. shoulders not arms)
£1,200.0030minCourse of 6£200.0030minMaintenance (after course of 6)£250.001h 30minUpper Leg or Full Back (incl. shoulders not arms)Hands or Feet & Toes
£360.0015minCourse of 6£60.0015minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£75.0015minHands or Feet & ToesUnderarm
£80.0015minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£456.0015minCourse of 6£95.0015minUnderarmButtocks
£110.0030minButtocks£528.0030minCourse of 6£95.0030minMaintenance (after a course of 6)Lower Arm or Chest or Stomach
£140.0030minLower Arm or Chest or Stomach£115.0030minMaintenance (after a course of 6)£672.0030minCourse of 6Whole Arm or Full Back or Shoulders & Upper Arms
£175.001hMaintenance (after a course of 6)£984.001hCourse of 6£205.001hWhole Arm or Full Back or Shoulders & Upper ArmsChest & Stomach or Lower Leg
£190.001hMaintenance (after course of 6)£220.001hChest & Stomach or Lower Leg£1,056.001hCourse of 6Full Leg
£385.001h 30minFull Leg£1,848.001h 30minCourse of 6£330.001h 30minMaintenance (after course of 6)
IV Infusions & Vitamin Shots
6 servicesGluthatione- drip
£150.0045minHigh Dose Vitamin C + B - Complex / drip
Hydro Push C + B has all the effects of Hydro Push C with the added benefits of B Vitamins. B Vitamins can help with fatigue and give a boost of energy, help with poor memory and low mood.£120.0045minHigh Dose Vitamin C + Gluthatione / drip
IV Vitamin Infusion is the administration of IV Fluids with the options of added vitamins. It is used for adding hydration, improving mood, boosting your immune system and anti-aging. It can also help with muscle recovery, nausea and overall wellbeing. HydroPush is our standard IV Rehydration treatment with many benefits. Being well hydrated helps with kidney function, muscle and joint health and skin elasticity. It is recommended that you drink at least 2 litres of water a day and for a lot people they don’t find that easy to do, HydroPush gives you that big boost of hydration right in to your bloodstream to help you feel vibrant and well. It includes a whole host of minerals.£130.0045minHigh Dose Vitamin C / drip
Just can't get enough Vitamin C?? There's only so many oranges you can eat. We can help with IV Vitamin C straight into your body, 100% absorption! 🍋Main Indication: Booster for the immune system and anti-viral and anti-oxidant. 🍋Additional Benefits: Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant. Vitamin C is also thought to raise neurotransmitter levels in the brain. 🍋Volume : 2x10g/20ml to 250 ml saline bag 🍋Duration of infusion: 30-40 minutes. 🍋Combination treatments, adds on: Glutathione 600mg/1200mg.£95.0045minVitamin C + B12 + B- Complex + Gluthatione/ drip
What’s In The Beauty IV Drip Package? * IV Fluid – body fluids (blood) provides oxygen and nutrients to your skin’s surface helping to strengthen the barrier function of the skin. IV fluid will provide the necessary hydration to bring fluid back to your skin preventing and treating chapped, flaky, and/or scaly dry skin. * Vitamin B complex – whether its thiamine (B1) keeping breakouts at bay or pantothenic acid (B5) maintaining moisture, B complex vitamins take care of many of your skin’s needs. Riboflavin (B2) aids cell turnover and collagen maintenance, protecting skin structure and integrity while also speeding up wound healing. Niacin (B3) is a skin-conditioning powerhouse by treating dermatitis, acne, rosacea, eczema, dry and sun-damaged skin, and hyperpigmentation while also targeting fine lines and wrinkles. Even B6 joins in by reducing stress and improving sleep to improve cell regeneration and preventing premature aging. * Vitamin B12 – promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. As a cofactor for DNA synthesis, cobalamin (B12) plays a major role in cell production. This allows the body to reduce skin redness, excessive oil, dryness, inflammation, and acne blemishes as well as strengthening your hair and nails. Not to mention, B12 will help ensure you have enough energy. * Vitamin C – keeps your skin strong by activating your body to make more collagen minimizing both fine lines and wrinkles, helping your skin appear smoother and firmer. This collagen production activation also plays a role in keeping your hair strong and growing. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a very important antioxidant preventing dangerous “free radicals” from damaging you skin including wrinkles and sun spots. * High dose Glutathione – functions as your body’s most powerful antioxidant and detoxifying agent. It’s essential to eliminating toxins, maintaining your youth, and sustaining your wellness. Low glutathione levels have been linked to every major aging process. Unfortunately glutathione your natural projection drops with age making this IV glutathione supplementation that much more important for your body.£169.0050minVitamin B12 Injection
B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin. It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper functioning of your nervous system. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. A B12 shot can help with the symptoms associated with low levels of B12 in the body. It can help some people with mood, weight loss, tiredness and fatigue.£40.0010min
PDO Threads
1 servicePDO MONO
Body Sculpting & Contouring
3 servicesLipo Cavitation with Infrared
£300.0030min6 sessions£60.001hOption 2Lipo Laser
£300.0035minCourse Of 10£20.0035minExtra session7D HIFU ultrasound III - body contouring
£200.001h 15min
Lipolysis Injection/ Fat Reduction
1 serviceLipolysis Injection/ Fat Reduction
£50.0025minChin£70.0030minChin & jaw line£149.00+1hOther areas
Eyes & Brows
10 servicesPatch test
-5minEyebrow Shape*
£12.0015minEyebrow Shape & Tint*
* Patch test required 48 hours prior to treatment. If 6 months or more have passed since your last tinting procedure at Vanilla’s a new patch test will be needed.£20.0020minEyelash & Eyebrow Tint*
£25.0025minEyelashes Tint*
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Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
Based on 208 reviews
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Lip Filler
Always feel comfortable to visit Wiola ,the best result ever ,so kind and patient person with lots of knowledge. I trust that she is doing good job so...
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Feb 8, 2025
Awww thank you so much Laura ❤️
Follow up appointment
Jeśli szukasz osoby z pasją, wiedzą i doświadczeniem, to Wiola jest strzałem w dziesiątkę! Zdecydowanie wrócę i polecam każdemu, kto ceni sobie profes...
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Jan 31, 2025
O jak miło 🥰 Dziękuję kochana !
Lip Filler
Wiola was super professional, friendly, welcoming and calm. She listened to me, spent time discussing my options and gave advice. I’m extremely happy ...
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Jan 30, 2025
Awww thank you Lucy !
Lipolysis Injection/ Fat Reduction
Wiola is very knowledgeable, made me feel reassured and comfortable. Thank you x
Jan 27, 2025
Thank you ☺️
Follow up appointment
Attended last week with a skin complaint. Never been to anywhere like this before, so was a little nervous. Lovely clean premises, I was immediately p...
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Jan 25, 2025
You are very welcome Debbie ! Thank you for leaving such a lovely feedback, very appreciated 🙂
Milano / Monaco Cocktail
Wiola is amazing. I have never been before or had this facial and she put me at ease right away. She definitely knows her profession and was also help...
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Jan 17, 2025
Thank you Susan for such a lovely feedback. I’m glad you happy 🙂
Very good
Jan 17, 2025
Thank you ☺️
So professional and knowledgeable, best experience I’ve had with a practioner. Wiola made me feel extremely comfortable and the clinic is absolutely b...
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Jan 11, 2025
Thank you Lauren for such a lovely feedback 🤍😘
Vitamin B12 Injection
I was pleased with a very professional service
Jan 4, 2025
Thank you Nigel !
7D HIFU ultrasound III
As always Wiola is professional and knowledgeable in the skin care treatments that she provides. Wiola makes you feel comfortable and keeps you inform...
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Jan 4, 2025
Thank you Maxine 🙂
Anti- wrinkle injection
PRF - Platelets Rich Fibrin
So, yes It’s me pre and after 3 x Prf eye treatment.
Do I have to say anything? I don’t think so 😍 Wiola is amazing aesthetic girl, so kind, knowled...
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Sep 22, 2024
Thank you Izabela !
Lip filler - Stylage M
I've been to Wiola a few times now for a few different "tweaks" and treatments, and she has been so lovely and personable every time. She talks you th...
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Aug 28, 2024
Oh thank you Morgan for such a lovely feedback, very appreciated ❤️
Anti- wrinkle injection
Wiola is so knowledgeable and professional! She makes you feel at ease and is so friendly. Stunning place too!
Aug 10, 2024
Thank you Sarah ❤️
Wiola is an outstanding aesthetic practitioner with extensive knowledge in her field. She consistently offers the most suitable treatments tailored to...
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Seventy Hyal 2000
Wiola is not only one of the best aesthetics but she is also a lovely woman. Always recommend +++
Jul 2, 2024
Awwww Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Deep cleansing facial with extractions
Great experience!
Jun 24, 2024
Thank you ☺️
BrowXenna- innovative eyebrows colouring
Love the henna brows. Wiola created a lovely shape for me and I now have even brows 😅
Jun 22, 2024
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- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Medicine in Nantwich, England