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Face Lift near you in Little Stoke, England (14)

  • Mobile service

    Beauty & Aesthetics Centre

    3.4 mi 342 Gloucester Road, Bristol, Anglia, BS7 8TJ, Gloucester Road, BS7 8TJ, Bristol

    PRP & PRF

    PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) i I-PRF ( Injectable Platelet Rich Fibryn) to krwiopochodne materialy autologiczne, pozyskiwane z krwi wlasnej pacjenta. Stanowia koncentraty plytkowe majace szereg czynnikow przyspieszajacych angiogeneze czyli powstawanie nowych naczyn krwionosnych i budowe nowych komorek. Osocze bogatoplytkowe jest jedna z najbardziej naturalnych terapii i posiada szerokie zastosowanie w roznych dziedzinach medycyny. Zawarte w nim czynniki wzrostu wspomagaja namnazanie komorek macierzystych i pobudzaja fibroblasty do wytwarzania nowego kolagenu. Zabiegi osoczem doskonale sprawdzaja sie w ramach zabiegow regeneracji , rewitalizacji skory oraz w celu opoznienia procesow starzenia. W podobny sposob jak osocze , bo z krwi pacjenta uzyskuje sie dodatkowy skladnik czyli fibryne , ktora po podaniu do tkanek miekkich powoli laczy sie tworzac naturalna , trojwymiarowa siec . Stanowi ona podstawe procesow naprawczych. Zawieszone we wloknach fibryny plytki krwi powoli uwalniaja czynniki wzrostu. Dzieki temu powolnemu uwalnianiu czynnikow wzrostu, uzyskujemy silniejszy efekt stymulacji i regeneracji. Polaczenie tych dwoch specjalnie spreparowanych materialow ( osocza i fibryny) powoduje zwiekszenie sily dzialania co zapewnia dlugotrwale efekty terapii. Zabieg osoczem bogatoplytkowym i fibryna poprzedzony jest wnikliwa konsultacjai. Po tym zostaje pobrana wywiadem z pacjentem, po ktorym decyduje czy nie ma ku niemu przeciwskazan . Po tym, dochodzi do pobrania krwi pacjenta z zyly w zgieciu lokciowym w pozycji siedzacej lub lezacej dla komfortu pacjenta. Nastepnie odwirowuje krew pacjenta w specjalnej wirowce wg precyzyjnie okreslonego protokolu. po kilku minutach rozpoczyna sie glowny etap zabiegu , czyli podanie pozyskanego osocza i/lib fibryny bogatoplytkowej iniekcyjnie do tkanek miekkich wymagajacych regeneracji. Tuz po zabiegu moga byc widoczne malutkie liczne uwypuklenia przypominajace kropelke wody umieszczona pod skora . Slady te ustepuja stopniowo w ciagu kilku godzin po zabiegu. Najczesciej zabieg nie wymaga dlugiego okresu rekonwalescencji. Efekty biostymulacji skory osoczem i fibryna widoczne sa juz po pierwszym zabiegu w okresie 2-3 tygodni. W celu ich utrzymania zaleca sie serie 2-3 zabiegow co 4 tygodnie. Zabieg fibryna bogatoplytkowa i osoczem bogatoplytkowym jest bezpieczny ze wzgledu na jego autologicznosc . Zrodlem jego pochodzenia jest organizm pacjenta, a wiec jest pewnosc , ze doskonale sie wchlonie i spelni swoje zadanie . Mimo to, jak kazdy zabieg z zakresu medycyny estetycznej wymaga pewnych wykluczen czy chorob u pacjenta. Sa to : -choroby krwi -choroby nowotworowe -stany zapalne skory -ciaza i laktacja -aktywna opryszczka -leczenie antykoagulantami -zazywanie aspiryny -cukrzyca (niewyregulowana) -ostre stany chorob autoimminologicznych Prezentowany opis ma charakter ogolny i nie stanowi informacji medycznej.Podstawa wykonania zabiegu jest zawsze indywidualna konsultacja w celu zapewnienia pacjentowi maksymalnego bezpieczenstwa.
    1h 10min
    2 Sessions
    + 1 more options

    Face + Neck + Decolletage

    LIPOSHAPE Sculpt Aesthetics are delighted to introduce the Liposhape , an all-in-one body contouring and skin tightening platform, which boasts of 4 different technologies. This revolutionary machine can be used for the treatment of cellulite, skin tightening, skin rejuvenation and fat reduction. **Radio Frequency** The Liposhape Pro uses Radio Frequency energy to help retighten skin, break down fatty tissue and finally to improve the appearance of cellulite by applying electromagnetic high frequency waves. The tissue’s resistance to this high frequency current produces heat, which induces a retraction of connective tissues and a stimulation of collagen cells. **Vacuum** Vacuum suction stimulates lymphatic circulation, aiding the removal of waste products and toxins. **Ultrasound Cavitation** Ultrasound Cavitation is just one of the technologies used by the Liposhape Pro. This technology safely and effectively breaks down fat cells by creating a formation of bubbles in between the cells which implode by the action of a low frequency ultrasound. This creates shock waves that selectively damage the membranes of the adipocytes (fat cells) spilling the liquid fat into the lymphatic system and finally to the liver to be metabolised. **LED** The LED light energy of the Liposhape is used to trigger your body’s natural cell processes to accelerate rejuvenation and repair of the skin.

    Vampire Face Lift

    1 Session
    + 1 more options
  • CLG Beauty

    2.2 mi 2 Chakeshill Drive, BS10 6NT, Bristol

    Bio-Firming Facial Whole Face


    Cupping Massage 30mins


    Cupping Massage 1hr

    1h 15min
  • British Cosmetic Clinic - Bristol

    5.0 mi 5-7 Bridewell Street, BS1 2QD, Bristol

    Thread Lift Full Face

    Was £199
    Save up to 10%
    £1,499.00 £1,349.10

    Thread Lift Half Face

    Was £1599
    Save up to 10%
    £999.00 £899.10

    Cinderella Lift

    Save up to 10%
    £2,299.00 £2,069.10
  • Bedminster Sun & Beauty

    6.2 mi 3-5 North Street, Bedminster, Bedminster Sun & Beauty, BS3 1EN, Bristol

    Lash Lift LVL & LED Light Therapy

    Save up to 10%
    £54.00 £48.60
    1h 15min

    Full Face Hot Wax

    Save up to 10%
    £27.00 £24.30

    Lower Face Polynucleotides

    Save up to 5%
    £150.00 £142.50
  • Collistear Hair and Beauty

    4.8 mi Sea Mills Square, Sea Mills, BS9 2EA, Bristol




    Transform and revitalise tired looking eyes with awakening effects. Purely concentrating on the upper and lower eye area. Lifting and toning to reduce the appearance of dark circles, fluid retention, crow’s feet and wrinkles.


    This luxurious treatment is iconic in non surgical facials to delivering dramatic results. Stimulating circulation, eliminating toxins and restoring muscle tone. Your face will be noticeably lifted, beautifully smooth with a perfectly refined skin tone.
    1h 45min
  • The Zest Skin Clinic |Medical Aesthetics

    7.7 mi Deerfield Wickwar Road, BS37 6PA, Wotton under Edge

    Refresh Zest face and lip lift

    2h 30min

    Maximize Zest face and lips lift

    2h 30min

    Consultation, skin analysis and health check

  • Bespo'ke Male Grooming

    5.1 mi 34 Alma Vale Road, BS8 2HS, Bristol

    Collagen Lift - Face/Eye/Jawline/Jowls

    single area Collagen lift treatment using high frequency radio waves which gently warm the skin cells and increase collagen production, elasticity and restore firmness to the skin. An alternative to invasive wrinkle relaxing and filling treatments, this is the newest non surgical facelift treatment on the market and can be combined with microdermabrasion for an even more remarkable effect. **IMPORTANT NOTE** ***Patch test required 24hrs prior to treatment*** ***WE CANNOT PERFORM THE TREATMENT WITHOUT A PATCH TEST RESULT***
    Save up to 10%
    £47.00 £42.30

    Collagen Lift - Full Face, Neck, Jowls/Jawline

    Multiple facial area Collagen lift treatment using high frequency radio waves which gently warm the skin cells and increase collagen production, elasticity and restore firmness to the skin. An alternative to invasive wrinkle relaxing and filling treatments, this is the newest non surgical facelift treatment on the market and can be combined with microdermabrasion for an even more remarkable effect. IMPORTANT NOTE Patch test required 24hrs prior to treatment. WE CANNOT PERFORM THE TREATMENT WITHOUT A PATCH TEST RESULT.
    Save up to 10%
    £75.00 £67.50

    Dry Cut with Sam

    Dry maintenance cut, for 6 weeks or less growth.
    Save up to 10%
    £29.50 £26.55
  • The Glow Clinic Bristol

    7.1 mi The Glow Clinic, Unit 4 Beaufort Mews, Chipping Sodbury, BS37 6DA, Bristol

    Polynucleotides Full Face & Eyes


    Liquid Rhinoplasty (Non-surgical Nose Job)


    Pre Jowl Filler 1ml


    8.0 mi 4-6 Charlton Road, BS31 2JA, Bristol

    COGS - Full Face Lift


    Tint patch test


    Lashlift/Browlam patch test

  • Monika Krygier AESTHETICS CLINIC

    3.6 mi 15 Dibden Road, BS16 6UE, Bristol

    🤴Monaco Coctail - Royal Lifting 🤴🤴🤴

    1h 10min

    PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Face only

    1h 15min

    Face & Neck and Decolette PRP Platelet Rich Plasma

    1h 30min
    Course of 3 treatments every 4 weeks
    + 1 more options
  • Gaia Skin Deep Aesthetics

    4.1 mi 8 Adderly Gate, BS16 7EA, Bristol

    Nasolabial folds | Naso fold Filler

    NASOLABIAL FOLDS Nasolabial folds are lines that run from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. As we age these lines tend to increase and become deeper, which can cause our facial expressions to change and our appearance to look sad. Dermal filler can be used to effectively soften these lines, by filling the creases to reveal a more softened, natural and youthful look.

    Seventy Hyal Face and Neck


    Seventy Hyal Face

  • Maggie's Clinic

    4.2 mi 7 Zetland Road, Little Paradise Beauty, BS6 7AG, Bristol

    Face And Head Massage


    Skin Scan



  • Laura’s beauty Bristol

    5.0 mi 7 riverleaze, BS9 2HL, Bristol

    Tropics Facelift facial

    A luxury facial using tropics products that focuses more on firming, tightening and brightening your skin! This luxury facial includes a double cleanse using heated mitts, exfoliation, face mask, hand and arm massage, facial massage and chest massage, tone, serum, moisturiser and last but not least eye cream!!!

    Patch test

    Patch test for treatments such as lash/brow tint or brow lamination/lashlift. Needs to be done 24hours prior to treatment.

    Brow lamination

    Brow lamination is a semi-pernament perm for the brows. Comes with tint and wax/shape. If you haven’t had this treatment done with me before then please book in a patch test, Thankyou!
    1h 15min
  • Exquisite Laser Clinic & Nail Bar

    6.3 mi 39 Poole Street, BS11 9JT, Bristol

    HIFU – lower face ( cheeks, chin, around lips)


    HIFU – upper + lower face

    2h 30min

    HIFU – upper + lower face + neck

    2h 30min