Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
342 Gloucester Road, Bristol, Anglia, BS7 8TJ, Gloucester Road, BS7 8TJ, Bristol
82 reviews
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Beauty & Aesthetics Centre

342 Gloucester Road, Bristol, Anglia, BS7 8TJ, Gloucester Road, BS7 8TJ, Bristol


    Popular Services

    • Shellac Manicure

    • Shellac Pedicure

    • Spa Pedicure & Shellac

      1h 10min

  • Special offer

    10 services
    • Profhilo (1 treatment)

    • Profhilo (2 treatments)

    • Ejal40 (1 treatment)


      **How does Jalupro HMW work?** Jalupro HMW is an injectable solution that has been formulated using a clever combination of amino acids. Technically labelled as a ‘dermal biorevitalizer’, it eradicates skin depressions caused by ageing wrinkles and scars. The science behind Jalupro works by feeding the connective tissue under the skin layers, otherwise known as fibroblasts. Fibroblasts produce collagen and repair skin to ensure it always has elasticity and great looking texture. As skin ages, the fibroblasts function reduces in activity; this can be caused by many factors, including spending too much time in the sun, intense smoking and other reasons. Consequently, wrinkles appear. The amino acids in Jalupro HMW join forces with the existing fibroblasts to help them continue their pre-ageing function. The more abundant the amino acids, the more healthier the skin cells are, resulting in younger appearance. This natural phenomenon is an effective way for skin to look younger again without surgery. **What are the benefits of Jalupro HMW?** Jalupro HMW can be used to fade out scars and improve skin appearance by eliminating depressions specifically: - in the face, neck, decollete, underarms, hands, inner thighs, abdomen area and knees **When can Jalupro HMW be used?** Jalupro can be used as soon as the face area begins to show signs of ageing and photo-ageing. It can be used to correct dry and dehydrated skin. educe stretch marks and is especially ideal before or after any surgery is to take place. **How long will results last for?** Whilst results become more evident over time, the average effects can last for 6 months. Can be used prior to sunbathing and works well in mature aged skin. **JALUPRO - aminokwasowa terapia zastępcza.** Jalupro® HMW To produkt którego zadaniem jest bio-rewitalizacja szczególnych obszarów skory, które są najbardziej narażone na powstawanie głębokich zmarszczek i bruzd, np. skóra szyi i dekoltu. Jalupro® zwalcza oznaki starzenia skóry wspierajace jej procesy metaboliczne i komórkowe. Liczne badania naukowe udowodnły, iż aminokwasy (glicyna, 1-prolina,1-lizyna i1-leucyna) w połqczeniu z kwasem hialuronowym mogą wspierać proces bio-rewitalizacji skóry, co zostało wykorzystane przy tworzeniu produktów z serii JALUPRO classic oraz JALUPRO HMW. Odpowiednio dobrane składni pobudzają aktywność metaboliczną fibroblastów, co powoduje zwiększe nie produkcji nowego kolagenu, zapewniają optymalny stopień nawilżenia tkanek oraz tworzą swoiste rusztowanie w ich obrębie, czyniąc skórę bardziej elastyczną **Korzyści** - skóra z oznakami starzenia i fotostarzenia – głębokie zmarszczki - skóra wysuszona po inwazyjnych terapiach - skora cienka, mało elastyczna - cera potrądzikowa - skóra poszarzała, pozbawiona blasku - rozstępy
    • Lumi Eyes

    • Hair Loss Treatment Dr. Cyj 1ml

      DR CYJ hair filler is known as the world's first hair filler injection that's solely **created for treating hair problems** including hair fall, improving thickness and more. It acts through a revitalisation of the skin cells and the scalp, promotes blood circulation on the surface of the head, improves blood circulation. Dr CYJ Hair Filler – to innowacyjna peptydowa terapia włosów i skóry. Powstrzymuje wypadanie i utratę włosów oraz przyspiesza ich odrost poprzez pobudzenie krążenia i rewitalizację mieszków włosowych. ​ Ponad 10 lat poświęcono na prace nad tym produktem, a ich zwieńczeniem jest nowa opatentowana formuła 7 peptydów i kwasu hialuronowego. Innowacyjność Dr. CYJ Hair Filler, poza składem chemicznym, stanowi również unikalna technologia przedłużonego uwalniania substancji aktywnych – „Sustained Release Technology”. Jest to innowacyjny sposób dostarczania substancji aktywnych do tkanek docelowych – jeszcze przez 2 tygodnie po zabiegu – dzięki czemu ich stężenie oraz działanie na włosy i skórę utrzymuje się tak długo po każdym zabiegu. Już pierwsza sesja hamuje utratę włosów, natomiast kolejne zabiegi wywołują odrastanie nowych, grubszych, co zapewnia ich zagęszczenie. Spektakularne efekty widać już po 2 miesiącach. WSKAZANIA​ Peptydowa terapia włosów przeznaczona jest zarówno dla kobiet jak i mężczyzn, nie tylko w przypadku łysienia androgenowego, ale także spowodowanego stresem, złą dietą, częstym farbowaniem lub też niewłaściwą pielęgnacją włosów i skóry głowy. Zabieg także świetnie wzmacnia włosy przed i po przeszczepie.
    • Nuclefill Eyes

    • Sunekos 200 (1 session)

    • Sunekos 200 (2 sessions)

    • Toskani TKN HA 3

      TKN HA 3 to gwiazda wsrod produktow do iniekcji, ktory poprawia jakosc skory. -Dla wszystkich obszarow twarzy, szyi, rak oraz dekoltu. -Dla kazdego wieku : w celu prewencji , korekcji oraz poprawy -Dla kazdego rodzaju skory. Od mlodej po dojrzala Zaleca sie stosowanie przed lub po wypelniaczach lub botoxie w celu nawilzenia i przygotowania skory lub do idealnego wykoczenia .

  • Consultation

    1 service
    • Consultation


  • Botox

    12 services
    • 1 Area

      1. How do anti-wrinkle injections work? Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or frozen, as the message does not reach your muscle it does not contract. Without the movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed. The treatments are minimally invasive and virtually pain-free as the injections use an exceptionally fine needle, and the therapy is completed in just a few minutes, letting you continue with your day. 2. What can anti-wrinkle injections correct? Anti-wrinkles injections only work on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement. These are known as dynamic wrinkles and are often called “expression lines.” The most common dynamic wrinkles that Botox can treat are lines on the upper face, such as the “11” between the brows, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions. Frown lines – appear on the forehead above the eyebrows. Crow’s feet – wrinkles around the eyes Bunny lines – fine lines on either side of the nose, seen when you wrinkle your nose. Top lip lines – obvious when you purse your lips 3. Are anti-wrinkle injections instant? The effect of treatment isn’t instantaneous, but takes affect over a few days, you’ll see previous lines and wrinkles have reduced or even disappeared, and new skin creasing is avoided improving the long-term appearance of your skin. 4. Are Anti-wrinkle injections permanent? Botox is temporary and lasts 3-6 months. This time frame is affected by your activity level, metabolism, and degree of current muscular activities. 5. If I stop having the injections will my wrinkles get worse? Botox aims to weaken the muscles. This means that the point that you started at or ideally, see a reduction in muscle movement due to gradual weakening of the muscle through your previous treatments. Botox is a great preventative procedure. 6. What is the difference between Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers? Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal filler treatments becoming more and more are popular, especially with younger people. Both anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments administered by injecting into the patient. When it comes to facial aesthetics generally Botox reduces, and fillers added. Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas. This can be purely aesthetic regarding lips or noes for younger patients. Dermal fillers are also popular for adding volume in areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
    • 2 Areas

      1. How do anti-wrinkle injections work? Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or frozen, as the message does not reach your muscle it does not contract. Without the movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed. The treatments are minimally invasive and virtually pain-free as the injections use an exceptionally fine needle, and the therapy is completed in just a few minutes, letting you continue with your day. 2. What can anti-wrinkle injections correct? Anti-wrinkles injections only work on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement. These are known as dynamic wrinkles and are often called “expression lines.” The most common dynamic wrinkles that Botox can treat are lines on the upper face, such as the “11” between the brows, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions. Frown lines – appear on the forehead above the eyebrows. Crow’s feet – wrinkles around the eyes Bunny lines – fine lines on either side of the nose, seen when you wrinkle your nose. Top lip lines – obvious when you purse your lips 3. Are anti-wrinkle injections instant? The effect of treatment isn’t instantaneous, but takes affect over a few days, you’ll see previous lines and wrinkles have reduced or even disappeared, and new skin creasing is avoided improving the long-term appearance of your skin. 4. Are Anti-wrinkle injections permanent? Botox is temporary and lasts 3-6 months. This time frame is affected by your activity level, metabolism, and degree of current muscular activities. 5. If I stop having the injections will my wrinkles get worse? Botox aims to weaken the muscles. This means that the point that you started at or ideally, see a reduction in muscle movement due to gradual weakening of the muscle through your previous treatments. Botox is a great preventative procedure. 6. What is the difference between Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers? Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal filler treatments becoming more and more are popular, especially with younger people. Both anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments administered by injecting into the patient. When it comes to facial aesthetics generally Botox reduces, and fillers added. Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas. This can be purely aesthetic regarding lips or noes for younger patients. Dermal fillers are also popular for adding volume in areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
    • 3 Areas

      1. How do anti-wrinkle injections work? Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or frozen, as the message does not reach your muscle it does not contract. Without the movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed. The treatments are minimally invasive and virtually pain-free as the injections use an exceptionally fine needle, and the therapy is completed in just a few minutes, letting you continue with your day. 2. What can anti-wrinkle injections correct? Anti-wrinkles injections only work on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement. These are known as dynamic wrinkles and are often called “expression lines.” The most common dynamic wrinkles that Botox can treat are lines on the upper face, such as the “11” between the brows, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions. Frown lines – appear on the forehead above the eyebrows. Crow’s feet – wrinkles around the eyes Bunny lines – fine lines on either side of the nose, seen when you wrinkle your nose. Top lip lines – obvious when you purse your lips 3. Are anti-wrinkle injections instant? The effect of treatment isn’t instantaneous, but takes affect over a few days, you’ll see previous lines and wrinkles have reduced or even disappeared, and new skin creasing is avoided improving the long-term appearance of your skin. 4. Are Anti-wrinkle injections permanent? Botox is temporary and lasts 3-6 months. This time frame is affected by your activity level, metabolism, and degree of current muscular activities. 5. If I stop having the injections will my wrinkles get worse? Botox aims to weaken the muscles. This means that the point that you started at or ideally, see a reduction in muscle movement due to gradual weakening of the muscle through your previous treatments. Botox is a great preventative procedure. 6. What is the difference between Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers? Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal filler treatments becoming more and more are popular, especially with younger people. Both anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments administered by injecting into the patient. When it comes to facial aesthetics generally Botox reduces, and fillers added. Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas. This can be purely aesthetic regarding lips or noes for younger patients. Dermal fillers are also popular for adding volume in areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
    • Lip Flip

    • Mouth (Downturned Edges)

    • Gummy Smile

    • Nasal (Bunny Lines)

    • Nasal Tip Lifting

    • Top Lip (Smoker's Lines)

      1. How do anti-wrinkle injections work? Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or frozen, as the message does not reach your muscle it does not contract. Without the movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed. The treatments are minimally invasive and virtually pain-free as the injections use an exceptionally fine needle, and the therapy is completed in just a few minutes, letting you continue with your day. 2. What can anti-wrinkle injections correct? Anti-wrinkles injections only work on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement. These are known as dynamic wrinkles and are often called “expression lines.” The most common dynamic wrinkles that Botox can treat are lines on the upper face, such as the “11” between the brows, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions. Frown lines – appear on the forehead above the eyebrows. Crow’s feet – wrinkles around the eyes Bunny lines – fine lines on either side of the nose, seen when you wrinkle your nose. Top lip lines – obvious when you purse your lips 3. Are anti-wrinkle injections instant? The effect of treatment isn’t instantaneous, but takes affect over a few days, you’ll see previous lines and wrinkles have reduced or even disappeared, and new skin creasing is avoided improving the long-term appearance of your skin. 4. Are Anti-wrinkle injections permanent? Botox is temporary and lasts 3-6 months. This time frame is affected by your activity level, metabolism, and degree of current muscular activities. 5. If I stop having the injections will my wrinkles get worse? Botox aims to weaken the muscles. This means that the point that you started at or ideally, see a reduction in muscle movement due to gradual weakening of the muscle through your previous treatments. Botox is a great preventative procedure. 6. What is the difference between Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers? Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal filler treatments becoming more and more are popular, especially with younger people. Both anti-wrinkle injections (Botox) and dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments administered by injecting into the patient. When it comes to facial aesthetics generally Botox reduces, and fillers added. Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas. This can be purely aesthetic regarding lips or noes for younger patients. Dermal fillers are also popular for adding volume in areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
    • Brow Lift

    • Bruxism - Masateer (Jaw)

    • Hyperhydrosis (Underarms, Feet, Palms)


  • Aesthetics Treatments

    6 services
    • Dermal Fillers | Lip Filler 0.5ml

      What are your lips saying about you? Juvéderm Ultra Smile is a lip enhancement treatment using a smooth filler which offers plumped lips with outline definition. This results in naturally looking beauty with immediate effects that last up to 12 months. Juvéderm Ultra Smile is a new addition to the Juvéderm Ultra range of dermal fillers. The product is dedicated to providing full, soft, natural looking lips and smoothing fine lines around the mouth area. Juvéderm Ultra Smile is gentle, with an added anaesthetic to allow for the most comfortable treatment experience possible. Juvéderm Ultra Smile has a unique formulation that’s designed for immediately noticeable, long lasting results. How does Juvéderm® ULTRA SMILE lip filler achieve its results? Studies have shown that wider, fuller lips and well-defined borders are widely considered to be attractive. In fact, full lips are increasingly being identified with both youth and beauty. Juvéderm Ultra Smile adds fullness, balance, and body to the upper and lower lips. It can also enhance the lips’ contour, definition and overall shape. Over time the lips’ volume depletes, leaving a thinner, flatter appearance. Wrinkles and fine lines compromise their smooth look, and the vermillion borders and Cupid’s bow become less defined. Around the mouth, the area between the upper lip and nose can become flattened, and the corners of the mouth may turn downward, creating a tired, aged appearance. Juvéderm Ultra Smile helps fight the signs of ageing by enhancing the lips’ texture and smoothness and filling the lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips over time. This process creates volume for a fresh, natural, new look. How is Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE Different? Juvéderm Ultra Smile is made specifically for the lips to create natural, smooth, and beautiful results. It is unique among lip fillers as it offers a smooth natural look and feel and includes a local anaesthetic for added comfort and the best possible treatment experience. Lip Enhancement with Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE Research has found that there are certain characteristics of lips that we generally consider beautiful: natural-looking fullness; well-defined borders; and a soft, smooth appearance. Juvéderm Ultra Smile works in several ways to give you the natural, beautiful, long-lasting results you want: - Adding volume and balance to the body of your lips. This is the most common enhancement sought by patients. - Enhancing the border of the lips providing a crisp, well-defined shape and improvement in lip contour and definition. - Addressing your lips’ texture and smoothness resulting in soft, naturally smooth lips. - Filling the fine lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips, and enhancing the area immediately above the lips creating a smoother, fresher overall appearance. Wypełniacz **Juvederm Ultra Smile (2×0,55ml) przeznaczony specjalnie do ust.** Łączy w sobie wszystkie **unikalne zalety serii Juvederm Ultra.** Jest pierwszym gładkim wypełniaczem na bazie kwasu HA ze znieczuleniem. Dzięki swojej jednorodnej, żelowej konsystencji z łatwością przepływa do wypełnianych miejsc, zapewniając uczucie gładkości i naturalności. **Zastosowanie Juvederm Ultra Smile**: - zwiększa objętość ust, nadaje im symetryczny i naturalny wygląd - podkreśla kształt łuku kupidyna i rynienki podnosowej - zmniejsza pionowe zmarszczki ust, tzw spoidła warg - poprawia kształt i obrys ust - wpływa na fakturę ust dodając im gładkości i delikatności - Wypełnienie bruzd i zmarszczek spowodowanych paleniem i zaciskaniem ust - efekt utrzymuje się ok 12 miesięcy. **Skład Juvederm Ultra Smile:** - Usieciowany kwas hialuronowy HA: 24 mg/ml - Lidocaina: 0,3% - Roztwór fosforanu pH: 7,2 q.s.p. 1 g **Juvederm Ultra Smile Jest pierwszym środkiem na bazie kwasu HA do ust,** który zawiera miejscowy środek znieczulający – odczuwalnie lepszy komfort zabiegu i zadowolenia pacjenta! Juvéderm® ULTRA Smile i j ego struktura wewnętrzna jest bardziej jednolita, dlatego **podczas iniekcji łatwo przepływa do wypełnianych miejsc nadając im naturalny wygląd** i odczucie całkowitej gładkości. Umożliwia subtelne i precyzyjne korygowanie, a usta szybko zyskują pożądaną przez pacjenta objętość i świeżość. **Dzięki tym wyjątkowym właściwościom Juvéderm® ULTRA Smile umożliwia odmłodzenie i rewitalizację skóry** przy zachowaniu naturalności wyglądu – bez efektu przerysowania. **Juvederm Ultra jest jedyną rodziną produktów, które w Stanach Zjednoczonych uzyskały certyfikat trwałości rezultatów do roku czasu po zabiegu.**
    • Dermal Fillers | Lip Filler 1ml

      What are your lips saying about you? Juvéderm Ultra Smile is a lip enhancement treatment using a smooth filler which offers plumped lips with outline definition. This results in naturally looking beauty with immediate effects that last up to 12 months. Juvéderm Ultra Smile is a new addition to the Juvéderm Ultra range of dermal fillers. The product is dedicated to providing full, soft, natural looking lips and smoothing fine lines around the mouth area. Juvéderm Ultra Smile is gentle, with an added anaesthetic to allow for the most comfortable treatment experience possible. Juvéderm Ultra Smile has a unique formulation that’s designed for immediately noticeable, long lasting results. How does Juvéderm® ULTRA SMILE lip filler achieve its results? Studies have shown that wider, fuller lips and well-defined borders are widely considered to be attractive. In fact, full lips are increasingly being identified with both youth and beauty. Juvéderm Ultra Smile adds fullness, balance, and body to the upper and lower lips. It can also enhance the lips’ contour, definition and overall shape. Over time the lips’ volume depletes, leaving a thinner, flatter appearance. Wrinkles and fine lines compromise their smooth look, and the vermillion borders and Cupid’s bow become less defined. Around the mouth, the area between the upper lip and nose can become flattened, and the corners of the mouth may turn downward, creating a tired, aged appearance. Juvéderm Ultra Smile helps fight the signs of ageing by enhancing the lips’ texture and smoothness and filling the lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips over time. This process creates volume for a fresh, natural, new look. How is Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE Different? Juvéderm Ultra Smile is made specifically for the lips to create natural, smooth, and beautiful results. It is unique among lip fillers as it offers a smooth natural look and feel and includes a local anaesthetic for added comfort and the best possible treatment experience. Lip Enhancement with Juvéderm ULTRA SMILE Research has found that there are certain characteristics of lips that we generally consider beautiful: natural-looking fullness; well-defined borders; and a soft, smooth appearance. Juvéderm Ultra Smile works in several ways to give you the natural, beautiful, long-lasting results you want: - Adding volume and balance to the body of your lips. This is the most common enhancement sought by patients. - Enhancing the border of the lips providing a crisp, well-defined shape and improvement in lip contour and definition. - Addressing your lips’ texture and smoothness resulting in soft, naturally smooth lips. - Filling the fine lines and wrinkles caused by smoking and pursing your lips, and enhancing the area immediately above the lips creating a smoother, fresher overall appearance. Wypełniacz **Juvederm Ultra Smile (2×0,55ml) przeznaczony specjalnie do ust.** Łączy w sobie wszystkie **unikalne zalety serii Juvederm Ultra.** Jest pierwszym gładkim wypełniaczem na bazie kwasu HA ze znieczuleniem. Dzięki swojej jednorodnej, żelowej konsystencji z łatwością przepływa do wypełnianych miejsc, zapewniając uczucie gładkości i naturalności. **Zastosowanie Juvederm Ultra Smile**: - zwiększa objętość ust, nadaje im symetryczny i naturalny wygląd - podkreśla kształt łuku kupidyna i rynienki podnosowej - zmniejsza pionowe zmarszczki ust, tzw spoidła warg - poprawia kształt i obrys ust - wpływa na fakturę ust dodając im gładkości i delikatności - Wypełnienie bruzd i zmarszczek spowodowanych paleniem i zaciskaniem ust - efekt utrzymuje się ok 12 miesięcy. **Skład Juvederm Ultra Smile:** - Usieciowany kwas hialuronowy HA: 24 mg/ml - Lidocaina: 0,3% - Roztwór fosforanu pH: 7,2 q.s.p. 1 g **Juvederm Ultra Smile Jest pierwszym środkiem na bazie kwasu HA do ust,** który zawiera miejscowy środek znieczulający – odczuwalnie lepszy komfort zabiegu i zadowolenia pacjenta! Juvéderm® ULTRA Smile i j ego struktura wewnętrzna jest bardziej jednolita, dlatego **podczas iniekcji łatwo przepływa do wypełnianych miejsc nadając im naturalny wygląd** i odczucie całkowitej gładkości. Umożliwia subtelne i precyzyjne korygowanie, a usta szybko zyskują pożądaną przez pacjenta objętość i świeżość. **Dzięki tym wyjątkowym właściwościom Juvéderm® ULTRA Smile umożliwia odmłodzenie i rewitalizację skóry** przy zachowaniu naturalności wyglądu – bez efektu przerysowania. **Juvederm Ultra jest jedyną rodziną produktów, które w Stanach Zjednoczonych uzyskały certyfikat trwałości rezultatów do roku czasu po zabiegu.**
    • Vampire Face Lift

      1 Session
      2 Sessions
    • PRP & PRF

      PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) i I-PRF ( Injectable Platelet Rich Fibryn) to krwiopochodne materialy autologiczne, pozyskiwane z krwi wlasnej pacjenta. Stanowia koncentraty plytkowe majace szereg czynnikow przyspieszajacych angiogeneze czyli powstawanie nowych naczyn krwionosnych i budowe nowych komorek. Osocze bogatoplytkowe jest jedna z najbardziej naturalnych terapii i posiada szerokie zastosowanie w roznych dziedzinach medycyny. Zawarte w nim czynniki wzrostu wspomagaja namnazanie komorek macierzystych i pobudzaja fibroblasty do wytwarzania nowego kolagenu. Zabiegi osoczem doskonale sprawdzaja sie w ramach zabiegow regeneracji , rewitalizacji skory oraz w celu opoznienia procesow starzenia. W podobny sposob jak osocze , bo z krwi pacjenta uzyskuje sie dodatkowy skladnik czyli fibryne , ktora po podaniu do tkanek miekkich powoli laczy sie tworzac naturalna , trojwymiarowa siec . Stanowi ona podstawe procesow naprawczych. Zawieszone we wloknach fibryny plytki krwi powoli uwalniaja czynniki wzrostu. Dzieki temu powolnemu uwalnianiu czynnikow wzrostu, uzyskujemy silniejszy efekt stymulacji i regeneracji. Polaczenie tych dwoch specjalnie spreparowanych materialow ( osocza i fibryny) powoduje zwiekszenie sily dzialania co zapewnia dlugotrwale efekty terapii. Zabieg osoczem bogatoplytkowym i fibryna poprzedzony jest wnikliwa konsultacjai. Po tym zostaje pobrana wywiadem z pacjentem, po ktorym decyduje czy nie ma ku niemu przeciwskazan . Po tym, dochodzi do pobrania krwi pacjenta z zyly w zgieciu lokciowym w pozycji siedzacej lub lezacej dla komfortu pacjenta. Nastepnie odwirowuje krew pacjenta w specjalnej wirowce wg precyzyjnie okreslonego protokolu. po kilku minutach rozpoczyna sie glowny etap zabiegu , czyli podanie pozyskanego osocza i/lib fibryny bogatoplytkowej iniekcyjnie do tkanek miekkich wymagajacych regeneracji. Tuz po zabiegu moga byc widoczne malutkie liczne uwypuklenia przypominajace kropelke wody umieszczona pod skora . Slady te ustepuja stopniowo w ciagu kilku godzin po zabiegu. Najczesciej zabieg nie wymaga dlugiego okresu rekonwalescencji. Efekty biostymulacji skory osoczem i fibryna widoczne sa juz po pierwszym zabiegu w okresie 2-3 tygodni. W celu ich utrzymania zaleca sie serie 2-3 zabiegow co 4 tygodnie. Zabieg fibryna bogatoplytkowa i osoczem bogatoplytkowym jest bezpieczny ze wzgledu na jego autologicznosc . Zrodlem jego pochodzenia jest organizm pacjenta, a wiec jest pewnosc , ze doskonale sie wchlonie i spelni swoje zadanie . Mimo to, jak kazdy zabieg z zakresu medycyny estetycznej wymaga pewnych wykluczen czy chorob u pacjenta. Sa to : -choroby krwi -choroby nowotworowe -stany zapalne skory -ciaza i laktacja -aktywna opryszczka -leczenie antykoagulantami -zazywanie aspiryny -cukrzyca (niewyregulowana) -ostre stany chorob autoimminologicznych Prezentowany opis ma charakter ogolny i nie stanowi informacji medycznej.Podstawa wykonania zabiegu jest zawsze indywidualna konsultacja w celu zapewnienia pacjentowi maksymalnego bezpieczenstwa.
      1h 10min
      2 Sessions
      1h 10min
      1 Session
    • PRP Hair Loss

      PRP for Hair Loss (platelet-rich plasma) PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a treatment involving taking a small quantity of blood from a patient, separating out the growth factors and bioactive proteins in the blood (which initiate and speed up tissue repair and regeneration) and injecting this platelet rich plasma into the scalp, to encourage hair growth. Also known as autologous platelet rich plasma this treatment is not yet widely available. While there have not been sufficient validated clinical studies proving the treatment, there is enough evidence indicating that some patients can benefit from PRP for hair loss particularly for androgenetic alopecia for [men]() or [women](). What is PRP for hair loss? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a treatment utilising a biological product prepared from the patient’s own blood. The platelet rich plasma contains growth factors (such as TGF-beta, PDGF-AB, bFGF, IGF, VEGF and EGF) and bioactive proteins (globulin, albumin, fibrinogen), nutrients, vitamins, hormones and electrolytes which speed up tissue repair and regeneration. Through separating the plasma, the cellular components of the blood including the red blood cells and leucocytes are removed and it is these components that inhibit the repair and regeneration process. The treatment increases hair density and reduces hair loss to normal levels. Improvements are seen within 90 days, with hair growth continuing to improve in some patients over 6 months. PRP can be combined with other hair loss treatments including topical or oral minoxidil, oral finasteride, hair transplants, and supplementation with [Viviscal Professional](). Results have been seen in patients with [androgenetic alopecia]() and with [alopecia areata]() and is suitable for men and [women](). What is involved in PRP for hair loss? A small quantity of the patients own blood is collected and then treated in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich-plasma from the red blood cells. We use the Regen system which utilises a unique separator gel which keeps the red cells separated. The plasma is then injected in a grid pattern into the scalp. Treatment takes around one hour. A course of treatment involves 3 sessions of PRP with one set of injections each month, over a 3 month period. Ongoing maintenance treatment every six months is recommended. What are the risks or potential side effects of PRP for hair loss? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is a safe treatment with no risk of infectious disease transmission as it is prepared in closed circuit from the patient’s own blood (autologous product). As PRP is prepared from patient’s own blood, adverse reactions are rare. Patients may experience slight redness and swelling. What aftercare is required for PRP for hair loss? Patients are advised not to wash their hair or scalp for 24 hours following treatment. Most people find the treatment isn’t painful, however if there is some discomfort paracetamol can help. What is the cost of PRP for hair loss? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss costs £160 per session or £400 for a set of 3 sessions. Is there any preparation needed before having PRP for hair loss? Patients are asked not to wash their hair on the day of the treatment.
    • PRF 3 Treatment

      PRF under eye filler is considered a NATURAL aesthetic treatment because it uses your own stem cells and growth factors. PRF treatment improves under eye pigmentation and skin thickness/firmness/texture while providing very subtle subdermal volume.

  • Dermapen

    2 services
    • Microneedle Mesotherapy

    • BB Glow

      1h 30min

  • Skin Booster

    2 services
    • Toskani AntiAging Hands

    • Filorga NCTF 135 Ha


  • Vitamin Injections

    4 services
    • Pabrinex B&C

    • Pabrinex B&C

    • Vitamin B12

    • Biotin


  • Diode Laser Hair Removal

    16 services
    • Laser Hair Removal | Bikini Brazilian

    • Laser Hair Removal | Bikini Hollywood

    • Laser Hair Removal | Bikini Line

    • Laser Hair Removal | Bottom

    • Laser Hair Removal | Feet


  • Fat Dissolving

    3 services
    • Small Area (Double Chin)

      Cincelar+ 24k Gold Deoxycholic Acid Solution with Vitamin B2 and Carnitine
    • Medium Area (Arms)

      Cincelar+ Optimal concentration (0,6%) of Deoxycholic acid Deoxycholic Acid discrupts and destroys fat cell to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat.
    • Large Area (Stomach, Lower Back, Legs)

      Cincelar+ Deoxycholic Acid Carnitine Vitamin B2

  • Eye Treatments

    6 services
    • Eyebrow Shape

    • Eyebrow Tint

    • Eyelash Tint

    • Eyebrow Shape & Tint

    • Eyebrow & Eyelash Tint


  • Waxing

    8 services
    • Waxing | 1/2 Legs

    • Waxing | Bikini Line

    • Waxing | Chin

    • Waxing | Eyebrow

    • Waxing | Full Arms


  • Facial Treatments

    7 services
    • Diamond Microdermabrasion

    • Diamond Microdermabrasion + Chemical Skin Peels

    • Chemical Skin Peel

    • Manual Facial Cleansing

    • Sothys

      \*Face,neck,decollate\* Anti\_aging Nourishing Anti\_wrinkle Moisturising Anti\_acne Revitalising Anti\_redness

  • Gel Nails

    6 services
    • Gel Nails | Full Set (with extensions)

      Gel nails can be used to create artificial nail extensions, but can also be used like [nail polish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_polish "Nail polish"). They are [hardened using ultraviolet light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV_curing "UV curing") or led light. They last longer than regular nail polish and do not chip. They have a high-[gloss](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloss_(optics) "Gloss (optics)") finish and last for two to three weeks or more. Gel nails are strong. Nail tips are attached to the natural nail to extend its length.
    • Gel Nails | Full Set (on natural nails)

    • Gel Nails | Infills

    • Gel Nails | Gel Soak Off

    • Gel Nails | Single Nail Repair


  • Manicures & Pedicures

    8 services
    • Spa Manicure

    • Shellac Manicure

    • Spa Pedicure

      1h 10min
    • Shellac Pedicure

    • Spa Pedicure & Shellac

      1h 10min

  • Lipo Shape

    3 services
    • Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves

    • Face + Neck + Decolletage

      LIPOSHAPE Sculpt Aesthetics are delighted to introduce the Liposhape , an all-in-one body contouring and skin tightening platform, which boasts of 4 different technologies. This revolutionary machine can be used for the treatment of cellulite, skin tightening, skin rejuvenation and fat reduction. **Radio Frequency** The Liposhape Pro uses Radio Frequency energy to help retighten skin, break down fatty tissue and finally to improve the appearance of cellulite by applying electromagnetic high frequency waves. The tissue’s resistance to this high frequency current produces heat, which induces a retraction of connective tissues and a stimulation of collagen cells. **Vacuum** Vacuum suction stimulates lymphatic circulation, aiding the removal of waste products and toxins. **Ultrasound Cavitation** Ultrasound Cavitation is just one of the technologies used by the Liposhape Pro. This technology safely and effectively breaks down fat cells by creating a formation of bubbles in between the cells which implode by the action of a low frequency ultrasound. This creates shock waves that selectively damage the membranes of the adipocytes (fat cells) spilling the liquid fat into the lymphatic system and finally to the liver to be metabolised. **LED** The LED light energy of the Liposhape is used to trigger your body’s natural cell processes to accelerate rejuvenation and repair of the skin.
    • Lymphatic Massage


  • Massage

    1 service
    • Massage | Face + Neck + Decollete


  • Men's Waxing

    4 services
    • Men's Back and Shoulders Waxing

    • Men's Abdomen Waxing

    • Men's Back Waxing

    • Men's Chest Waxing


  • Piercing

    1 service
    • Both Ears Piercing Caflon


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  • Wi-Fi

  • Credit cards accepted


Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
Based on 82 reviews
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Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves
by Joanna
Great service, amazing results and very friendly athmosphere! Can't ask for more during my treatment with Joanna.🥰 I recommend Liposhape as really wo...rks! Show more
Shellac Manicure
by Joanna
Another fantastic experience during my Shellac appointment. Nails are beautiful, I couldn't be happier with the results. I highly recommend this salon... for anyone looking for a great service and a welcoming environment. Show more
Replied: Jul 3, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you very much 🌺♥️
Botox 3 Areas
by Joanna
Joanna is so helpful and knowledgeable. She’s a lovely person and did a great job! Thank you!
Replied: Jun 27, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you So so much 🌺
Botox 3 Areas
by Joanna
Great service, thank you
Replied: Jun 22, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you so much ☺️🌸
Eyebrow Shape
by Joanna
Replied: Jun 10, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank You ♥️
Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves
by Joanna
Another fantastic appointment with Joanna, Lipo firm is a really great treatment. Will be coming back soon. Thank you x
Replied: May 17, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you Amber 💥🌺
Ejal40 (1 treatment)
by Joanna
Very professional and knowledgeable, helped me to choose the right treatment. Very supportive through the whole procedure .
Replied: Apr 20, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 🌹🥰
Shellac Manicure Eyebrow Shape
by Joanna
Jak zawsze pieknie!!
Replied: Apr 18, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Dziękuję Asienko 💥👌
Spa Pedicure & Shellac
by Joanna
Amazing service as always. Beautiful nails, perfectly done.
Replied: Mar 22, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you very much 🙉♥️🌺
Laser Hair Removal | Full Face/Underarms
by Joanna
Amazing service. I was very nervous but I was made to feel safe and I would recommend anytime without hesitation!!! Thank you!
Replied: Feb 29, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you very much 🙉🌺
Waxing | Underarms
by Joanna
Beautiful work , did my daughter armpits , did amazing work 😁
Replied: Feb 17, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 🩷
BB Glow
by Joanna
I've just had BB Glow treatment and am very happy with the results. Ive booked another visit already. Thank you Joanna.
Replied: Jan 12, 2024
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 🥰💛
Gel Nails | Gel Soak Off Gel Nails | Full Set (on natural nails)
by Joanna
Very professional & knowledgable. I’ll be back! ☺️
Replied: Dec 18, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you very much 🙏🏻😍
Shellac Manicure
by Joanna
Amazing service as always!! Beautiful nails, great friendly and professional service xx
Gel Nails | Gel Soak Off
by Joanna
My nails were all very bad and Joanna put them so cute and healthy. Thank you 🙏🏼
Replied: Dec 4, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you so much Francisca 🩷
Gel Nails | Infills
by Joanna
Joanna is so lovely and does my nails beautifully every time! My last set lasted almost 5 weeks, with no chips and without them growing out, looked as... if they had just been done 🥰 Show more
Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves
by Joanna
Great service, Joanna is lovely! Really noticing some changes :) Thanks so much!
Replied: Nov 9, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 🌺🌺
Gel Nails | Full Set (on natural nails) Consultation
by Joanna
Absolutely amazing and professional service!! Great atmosphere, Joanna is a very warm and knowledgeable person. I highly recommend this place! 👌
Replied: Nov 4, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you very muchu 🥰
Back / Stomach / Hips / Buttock / Thighs / Calves
by Joanna
Incredible service and treatments. Joanna is lovely and great at what she does! Thank you :)
Replied: Oct 27, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 😀🤩
Gel Nails | Infills
by Joanna
I highly recommend professional service, I am always satisfied with the work performed by Joanna
Replied: Oct 23, 2023
Beauty & Aesthetics Centre
Thank you 🙏🏻🌺
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