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Classic massage in Dublin (1)
Mind Body Massage & Beauty
10.8 km Unit 9, Coolmine Industrial Estate, DublinClassic Massage - full body
Classic massage is one of the most popular forms of massage with a very wide range of applications. This form of therapy can be used both for therapeutic purposes - inter alia in diseases of orthopedic or neurological nature, as well as to stimulate, loosen or strengthen muscle tissue. It is used primarily in the treatment of motor organs - it is considered one of the most effective forms of therapy in this area. Classical massage can be holistic, which means that the masseur deals with all parts of the body - from the feet to the neck. It can also focus on a specific part of the body - e.g. the back and neck or legs - depending on the recommendations of the doctor or physiotherapist. Properly made - has a beneficial effect on the body, stimulating tissues, regenerating muscles, or improving blood circulation. How is a classic massage performed? Classical massage should be done by a professional masseur or physiotherapist - a person who knows both techniques and techniques in conducting these procedures both in theory and in practice. Appropriate application of massage techniques - with the right pressure and speed makes the patient feel better, and his pain, motor and other ailments are reduced. The techniques used alternately during a classical massage are: - stroking, - kneading, - grinding, - extrusion, - shaking - patting, - vibration, - passive movements. The masseur uses them in the right sequence, gradually stimulating the tissues and reducing the tension of the muscle parts. The treatment takes about 15-30 minutes to 1.5 hours. What are the indications for classical massage? Classic massage can be used in many diseases and ailments. This procedure is especially recommended when: - orthopedic injuries - for physiotherapy after: - sprains, fractures, sprains and contusions of bones and joints, - torn and upset tendons, - contractures, paresis and paralysis - e.g. after a stroke, - deformities of the spine, - intense sports training and other intense physical exercise. Skillfully performed massage will help reduce pain, relax and improve well-being. Classic massage - contraindications Among the general contraindications to the use of classic massage, you can calculate ailments such as: - menstruation and being pregnant, - hypertension, - increased body temperature - exceeding 39 Celsius degrees, - varicose veins and inflammation of the veins, - skin changes - for example, highly disseminated purulent spots, - the presence of hematomas or the risk of bleeding.€70.001hRelaxing Massage - full body
The purpose of a relaxing massage, according to the name, is to calm the body and put it in a state of relaxation. This is an excellent form of therapy for almost everyone that allows to: - reduce muscle and nerve tension, - relax the mind, - get a feeling of complete relaxation and reduce stress. Therefore relaxing massage is useful both in states of physical fatigue - for example after prolonged sporting effort and mental fatigue - after a hard day at work or experiencing a stressful situation. It is a very gentle treatment, conducted in a calm atmosphere that allows the patient to break away from the problems and fully relax. What effects does a relaxing massage give you? In addition to the relaxation effect, a relaxing massage is beneficial to many aspects of the body's work: - enabling relieve pain - works well, after injuries, and supports, during rehabilitation after accidents, - improve metabolism - accelerating the process of burning unnecessary fat, - improve the blood supply to the body - ensuring the expansion of the capillaries and preventing the formation of venous thrombi, - stimulate the lymphatic system - helping to quickly remove toxins from the body and strengthening our immunity. How is a relaxing massage performed? Relaxing massage can take the form of a holistic massage - covering all parts of the body from the feet to the neck, or concentrating on one or several parts of the body - for example on the neck and back, legs or spine. There are many techniques that are used during this procedure. However, massages, gradually increasing pressure and tension, apply: - stroking - it usually starts and ends with a massage, acting relaxing and expanding, - kneading - improving the blood supply to tissues, - gentle rubbing - allowing to reduce swelling and deposits, - patting the edge of the hand or the whole hand - to stimulate blood circulation. Movements during this type of massage are smooth and slow - thanks to this, the massage gives the patient a chance to enter a state of relaxation. When should you opt for a relaxing massage? This treatment is recommended primarily to people who are struggling with: - insomnia, - chronic fatigue and a sense of lack of energy, - long-term stress, - feeling of muscle tension, - nervous hyperactivity. Properly carried out treatment will cleanse the mind and body and restore harmony and inner peace. Relaxing massage is a safe procedure and there are generally no contraindications to its use. In case of doubt, however, consult a therapist or doctor before starting this form of therapy.€70.001hAromatherapy Massage - full body
Aromatherapy massage is considered one of the most pleasant of all. The combination of relaxation massage techniques with the use of natural essential oils, allows you to achieve the effect of maximum relaxation, while soothing the body and mind for various types of discomfort. Essential oils - for massage dissolved in natural oils, affect both the sense of smell and nerve endings - effectively cope with with a state of stress, pain, tension and positive influence on the condition of the skin. When should you opt for an aromatherapy massage? Aromatherapy is a procedure that almost anyone can safely undergo - it is a safe form of relaxation, allowing to quickly eliminate the feeling of mental and physical fatigue and adding energy. Particularly, the aromatherapy massage is recommended at: - ailments related to menstruation - for example in the alleviation of PMS, - ailments associated with the menopause period, - feeling of constant fatigue and tension - physical and mental, - high level of stress, - problems with falling asleep, - the need to balance energy states, - pain complaints, - feeling of internal unrest, - changing emotional states, - situations of increased physical effort - in intense workouts or exhausting physical work.€70.001h
- Classic massage
- Classic massage in Dublin