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Laser Hair Removal near me in Orlando, FL (84)

Laser Hair Removal in Orlando

Though people are created equally, their body hair, unfortunately, is not. Some of us have dark, coarse hair that seems to spring up in full stock within hours of being tamed by hours of painstaking shaving or weekly waxing appointments, while others have fine, blonde hairs that can pass as bald patches at a fast glance. It’s not fair—but thankfully, things have changed. In Orlando especially, where we want to spend time in swimwear or gym shorts when outdoors in the summer sun, we want smooth, hair-free skin without having to waste so much time on daily or weekly annoyances like shaving and waxing. You deserve a pain-free easy way to remove body hair for long periods—you deserve laser hair removal. What Is Laser Hair Removal? Through the use of pulsing light, laser hair removal actually destroys the hair follicle entirely, which renders your skin fuzz free permanently. The hair follicle's pigment attracts energy from the laser, and the follicle is eliminated. Once the root's destroyed, it can't create additional hair. It's that simple. Where Can You Get Laser Hair Removal? Usually, patients seek laser hair removal in the following areas: Legs, armpits, lips, chin, bikini line, and more, essentially anywhere excluding the eyelid or neighboring area. How Does Laser Hair Removal Work and How Long Does It Take? Laser hair removal works best on dark, coarse, thick hair, because the laser is pulled to the color or pigment in the follicle. Some hair can naturally be more or less resistant to treatment, due to hormonal changes or the activation of additional hair bulbs during the treatment period. However, everyone is different. Some patients may need a greater number of treatments than others. Most end up receiving 6-8 treatments for full hair removal. It is absolutely vital to the treatment’s success that you receive each and every treatment, instead of stopping after the first several. How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost? The price of laser hair removal varies per the area(s) you want treated, but it usually falls in the range of $40-100 per session. Where Can I Get Laser Hair Removal Done in Orlando? Finding a salon that offers laser hair removal is simple. Just return to the listings above to find the right salon for your needs in your area, or download the Booksy app today. Articles Pubic Hair Styles Summer Hair Removal Tips The Best Ways To Remove Pubic Hair