Why hire a pool service?
Maintaining your pool on a regular basis doesn’t just keep it looking great, but it also ensures proper functioning. A pool service company has the expertise to help you with all the necessary tasks that have to do with owning a swimming pool, not to mention saving you a ton of time! But what does a pool service typically include? Here’s what to expect.
General cleaning
Even with the best pool filtration system, debris is still bound to make its way back into your pool’s clear waters. Leaves from nearby trees, small rocks, and even bugs can end up floating around in your pool—or worse, clogging the filters. However, as luck would have it, pool cleaning companies are here to save the day and guarantee a pristine cleanse.
Chemical balancing
Pools can’t be filled with just any type of water; they need properly balanced pH levels that fall between 7 and 7.6 to keep the water clean and protect the pool’s components. Levels of pH that are too high or too low can damage your pool, so it’s important to take advantage of the chemical balancing treatments that come with a swimming pool service.
Equipment inspection
Regularly performing a safety evaluation of your pool’s equipment can prevent costly damages and even the risk of injury. If there’s anything that isn’t up to par, a pool repair company will be able to quickly assess the situation and perform the appropriate maintenance work to resolve the issue safely and effectively.